31 October 2016

Deplorable Rebel Alliance...

...feeling a universal disturbance in the force..."...as if millions of clone voices suddenly cried out in terror..."You know... like Darth Braz. ********** BREAKING:CNN deep-sixes Donna BrazileCNN says it is “completely uncomfortable” with hacked emails showing former contributor and interim DNC...

Maybe they were really, really busy?

Nuseiba Hasan was 26 when she was last seen by her family in the fall of 2006. She wasn’t reported missing until early last year. Police say they will be searching a property at 1207 Concession 8 West, Flamborough that was previously owned by the Hasan family.********** RELATED: Remember, if you see something... ...say something...A government file has been opened to investigate Democratic Institutions...

30 October 2016

Whip it out... get a ruler

Apparently Anthony Weiner's whole life has been a "dick measuring" contest... you really think he's gonna defend the person who "stole" his wife?This sociopath, after getting a shot at personal & political redemption... throws it away, yet again, to play digital footsie with a 15 year old girl. Ironically,...

The silence of the BLMs

"Toronto Police Constable David Hopkinson described it as a 'car to car shooting'. The only description he was able to give of the suspect vehicle was that of 'silver.'"********** UPDATE: Who is Simeon Harty? Well, Alex... I'll take homicidal scumbags for $500...In December 2014, Toronto Police also arrested a Simeon Harty, whose age was given as 21, after investigating a human trafficking case....

29 October 2016


Lord of the, well... you know..."Not a lawyer here, but I've seen no Constitutional requirement that the President have a security clearance before being voted into office." "If HRC is denied clearance, then when sworn in, she can grant clearance to herself, as well as pardon herself. The President...

28 October 2016


Hoist by her own RETARD...WASHINGTON — Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server were discovered after the F.B.I. seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin, a top aide to Mrs....

Apparently the "left hand" does know...

...what the "right hand" is doing..."Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) is offering a one-time grant of $200,000 for two organizations to provide services to Black students facing suspension or expulsion hearings."********** RELATED: Dear President Obama... ...I don't think the word "justice" means what you think it means...The president has now commuted 872 prison sentences, more than the past 11 presidents...

Read 'em and weep

"The Top 100 Most Damaging Wikileaks" ********** BREAKING: FBI Director Comey does screamin' 180...The FBI has reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server while secretary of state after discovering new emails, in a stunning turn of events just days before the presidential election.Read the Comey letter. Looks like even CNN is prepared to underbus the Hildebeast. ********** LAST...

I guess it's a little uncomfortable...

...climbing stairs... with George Soros hand up your ass...Just hours after Associate Justice Antonin Scalia was reported dead on Feb. 13, 2016, the president of the Soros-founded Open Society Foundations also emailed Podesta. “Remember our discussion of Wallace Jefferson, [former] Chief Justice in Texas?” Chris Stone asked cryptically. Podesta replied: “Yup.”********** FROM THE COMMENTS: Hey......

27 October 2016

Lovin' the analogy

"This site is about women and guns, not about cats. But in a way, it’s about the cornered cat in all of us. It’s about the determination to get away from an attacker if you need to. It’s about making the decision to say, “'Not me. Not mine. Not today.'"But, heck... that's just histrionics, right? How bad can things really be? ********** UPDATE: Unspecified 20-something male gunned down... ...must...

And Al Gore wept

Americans are more scared of clowns than they are of climate change. According to a poll conducted by Chapman University, 42 per cent of Americans are afraid of clowns, whereas only 32 per cent are afraid of climate change. They’re also more scared of terrorist attacks (41 per cent), gun rights infringement (38 per cent), family members dying (38 per cent), economic collapse (37 per cent), Obamacare...

26 October 2016

I predict Historians will not treat...

... FBI Director James Comey very kindly..."The most damning evidence against Clinton may never have been actually destroyed. It was simply left untouched by the FBI."The Dems themselves are walking on eggshells...“We don’t know what’s in the emails, so we are nervous about this,” political consultant Mandy Grunwald wrote to Merrill and Schake at 6:09 p.m. that night. “Might get a big laugh tonight...

Who's actually gettin' screwed here?

Just something to think about while you're writing out that obscenely excessive municipal tax cheque...Currently, city workers can claim as much Viagra or Cialis as they like — and taxpayers foot the bill through city-funded health coverage. “We don’t have that for glasses, we don’t have that for dentistry, we don’t have that for many things,” Audit Committee Chairman Stephen Holyday said. “Maybe...

25 October 2016

Quick, Huma... get the bondo...

...before somebody spots the gears and wires!!!Let the games begin..."Could be some odd blemish in her makeup … or it could be one of the souls she’s swallowed over the years trying to break free? Hard to know for sure."Help... I've fallen and I can't get servomotor respon...


Rum, sodomy and the European Union..."When the elite of a society becomes completely disengaged from reality, all hell can break loose." "France. 1789-1794. Check it out."In three, two... ********** RELATED: What else is he lying about?And it isn't just Obama who's playing fast & loose with...

And yet they always seem...

...to miss that turn and end up on a slab..."He came from a good family and had solid support,” lawyer Fariborz Davoudi said. “He had everything going for him to get his life back in order." Davoudi recently represented Omer when he was charged with more than 60 counts of car theft in Toronto and York...

24 October 2016

Instead of wasting the Court's time...

...how about a little restorative justice?Let's put him in a cell with Russell Williams and toss in a broken pool cue... and, bonus round, the one still drawing breath in the morning gets to do it all over again with Paul Bernardo. ********** UPDATE: Rafferty appeal dismissed ********** RELATED:...

Never a guillotine around...

...when you really, really need one...Electric vehicles are more expensive than conventional ones and have limited range, which decreases in cold weather. Who buys them? Rich people. In Ontario, the Wynne government is giving public subsidies of up to $14,000 for electric vehicles, plus $1,000 for...

23 October 2016

What "Glass Ceiling?"

Every time these pitbulls bark... the rest of us just roll over and bare our collective throat..."Despite Gerber’s claims in her post that only the boys had a variety of professions, it turns out the Little People collection does include female firefighters, dentists, and mailwomen." "But now it will...

"Before you scoff at mass, shared illusions..."

..."as being unlikely, keep in mind that everyone with a different religion than yours is experiencing exactly that. Mass shared illusions are our most common experience." I don’t believe in Santa Claus. I don’t believe in ghosts. I don’t believe in a traditional god. I don’t believe in luck. And I don’t see Donald Trump as dangerous.********** RELATED: Another story you won't see on CNNHillary...

Sounds a lot like Hillary...

...is actually Putin's new best friend...CNN Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Starr reported that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s statement about the time it takes to launch nuclear weapons is “extremely classified.”Seems like there's a lot of that "strange bedfellows" shit goin' around...“The Iranian regime is a terrorist regime,” said Shabnam Assadollahi, an Ottawa writer and human...

22 October 2016

Joe Biden, reportedly, is bragging...

...that he will kick Vladimir Putin's ass...Russia has offered to monitor the Election Day in at least three states, saying that it would be willing to send someone “for a short period of time, when convenient” to observe the voting process. Texas and Oklahoma predictably turned Russia down. Louisiana’s...

No Irish need apply

Wake up and smell the racial healing...From:fromanm@citi.com To: bobama@ameritech.net Date: 2008-10-06 20:38 Subject: Diversity Barack -- Following up on your conversations with John over the weekend, attached are two documents: -- A list of African American, Latino and Asian American candidates, divided between Cabinet/Deputy and Under/Assistant/Deputy Assistant Sectetary levels, as well as...

21 October 2016

Why the dead tree media...

...are walking the doomed path of the dinosaurs..."No information on suspects was immediately provided for either incident. Police said there was currently nothing to suggest the two shootings are linked."Two shootings, Jimmy Olsen? What about the other three? And instead of putting up the metaphorical...

Ontario Liberal Party says OHIP premiums...

...will now include a "Mack Daddy" surcharge...The World Health Organisation will change the standard to suggest that a person who is unable to find a suitable sexual partner or is lacking a sexual relationship to have children - will now be equally classified as disabled. WHO says the change will...

Sounds like a plan...

...so when exactly, will we be shutting down all those remote aboriginal communities?"The provincial government now is pushing to close places like Little Bay Islands altogether rather than service them, offering Locke and his neighbors at least $250,000 (US$189,000) each to leave — and spurring a bitter, three-year fight over whether to cash out or endure."Just aski...

20 October 2016

Never mind the Clintons...

I have been informed that the article I originally linked to was actually a spoof... this one's on me for not checking further. In it's place I offer up this. It's becoming harder & harder to separate the lunatic left's excesses from fiction... for example...Like many other celebrities watching...

The media double standard

The MSM loses it's collective mind, yet again... is alt-journalism the answer?"I am very troubled by a lot of the stories that have been reported," about blacks being discouraged from voting, Gore said. "Whenever you have allegations of those kind, that is a matter the entire country ought to take seriously."Funny......

Ontario Liberals giddy with relief

Holy crap, says Kathleen Wynne... they fell for it... AGAIN...Auto insurance rates are rising in Ontario, moving the Liberal government even further away from a self-imposed target of an average 15-per-cent reduction. The Liberals promised in 2013 to cut auto insurance premiums an average of 15 per cent by August 2015.How bad is it?Drivers living in Toronto and the 905 are paying the highest auto...

19 October 2016

What did Kerry offer Quito...

...to turn off Assange's tap...Ecuador, the nation that has granted political asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the country's London embassy, said late Tuesday it had cut off his Internet access because of WikiLeaks' recent dumps of hacked e-mails surrounding Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Assange said Monday that that he had lost Internet access on Saturday after...

Oh, c'mon you pissants... this is the bigs

Who knew we weren't allowed to empty our shitter in your "deplorable" little town..."This was an honest mistake and we apologize to the Lawrenceville community for any harm we MAY have caused. We were unaware of any possible violations and have already taken corrective action with the charter bus company...

18 October 2016

Vote for the Mad Queen....

...I dare you...All things considered, I had a great week. I didn’t realize I was having enough impact to get on the Clinton enemies list. I don’t think I’m supposed to be happy about any of this, but that’s not how I’m wired. Mmm, critics. Delicious :-) P.S. The one and only speaking gig I had on my calendar for the coming year cancelled yesterday because they decided to “go in a different direction.”********** RELATED:...

And Winston Churchill wept

Just as with women, body hair removal is a personal decision so if you’re a guy and like your legs to feel super soft and shiny then keep on keeping on.And in the USA, a war is being waged..."The lesson made it seem like masculinity was an unacceptable human trait."In other social engineering news..."Positioning themselves as the boyish alternative to the American Girl juggernaut, these boy toys are...

17 October 2016

Ask Kathleen Wynne

I'm from the government... I'm here to save you...Both these bottles contain identical quantities of regular Canadian Club whisky manufactured at the Hiram Walker distillery in Windsor, Ont. And yet, a Californian shopping at her local BevMo! pays less than half the money handed over by a Windsorite who literally drives past the distillery on their way home from the liquor store.The Liberals have...

Do as I very publicly say...

...not as I hypocritically do...In 2015, during a game against the Chicago Bears, social justice warrior and millionaire athlete Colin Kaepernick was fined $11,025 by the NFL for using a racial slur against... wait for it... a black player.In other news, Kaepernick's birth mother Heidi Russo has also taken to social media to voice her disappointment with his disrespecting the national anthem. ********** RELATED:...

Scratch a Democrat... find a...

..self-hating Quisling...• "Better if a guy named Sayeed Farouk was reporting that a guy named Christopher Hayes was the shooter.” • I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods would probably disagree..."If Benghazi were that hot, and...

16 October 2016

Where there's smoke...

...there's Democrats...The Democrat-media complex carpet bombed Donald Trump with several alleged groping stories this week from several women. The media clearly did not fact check these stories.Of course, the stories about Hillary, like the Wikileaks emails, are largely, mysteriously swept aside by...

The "Cold Shot" Chronicles

How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice! ********** RELATED: Maybe there's a lesson here...It's possible not everybody likes being hugged..."If he saw an old lady with her groceries, he would help her. He was a kind guy. Very loving. He hugs everyone."Police have not yet said...

15 October 2016

If Scientists can put a man on the moon...

...Why can't they do something about those poor people on Gilligan's Island?********** RELATED: The Nation of WTF?"The albinoids stayed in the Caucus mountains and caves for 2,000 years. There they became savage, moral-less shameless and psychopathic."Oh... my... gawd... imbecile just doesn't cover...

It's just like the movies

If you own the top cop... there's no such thing as crime..."FBI Director James Comey presides over an FBI in revolt over his leadership," says former U.S. attorney Joseph diGenova. "The people inside the bureau believe the director is a dirty cop." "They believe that he threw the Hillary Clinton...

14 October 2016

I guess it's true...

...the one who smelt it... dealt it...A new leaked email exchange by Wikileaks shows that the Hillary campaign was pushing the Muslim Obama narrative back in 2008. Hillary thought that Obama growing up around Muslims in an Islamic country was a negative fact? Wow. I guess when you are running for president, liberal tolerance only goes so far.Make sure you check out Hillary's numerous bullet points...

13 October 2016

Yes, Virginia... there is such a thing...

...as "locker room talk"...On Tuesday, Toronto restaurant La Carnita posted a picture of food on Instagram under the caption: “What if Donald said, ‘grab her by the taco.'”The unfortunate reality is that this isn't a Trump thing... it's a guy thing. There's no denying it's rude and crude... but that's...

12 October 2016

Jesus take the wheel, er... chainsaw

So yesterday, I almost got my horoscope irreparably altered by Mother Nature. Let me explain. I'm a little short on firewood this year, so I was down front, felling a large and obviously dead maple tree. It was located in a brushy, swampy area, one of three large trees in close proximity to each...

What would Canada be like...

...if we applied the same standard of discipline to politicians...OTTAWA – A court martial will be held in Ottawa today for Maj.-Gen. Michael Rouleau, Canada’s top special forces soldier after he accidentally fired his weapon in Iraq. He is charged under the National Defence Act with one count of...

Frankly, what blows my mind...

...is that people are much more concerned about what Trump said... than what Hildebeast's husband did... The alternative to a Trump victory is the restoration to the White House of a credibly accused rapist and serial abuser, accompanied by the woman who has gleefully trashed his victims for 40 years.********** RELATED:...

11 October 2016

Well... to be fair...

...they were probably pretty high when they said it...TORONTO — Ontario’s Liberal government defended allowing medical marijuana users to vaporize anywhere by saying they had consulted “very broadly” — but emails show those consultations involved the input of just two people.Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong were not available for comme...

B(e)rning (Wo)man

Friday, Wikileaks released their first batch of Podesta’s emails, which included excerpts from Clinton’s Wall Street transcripts that reaffirmed why Clinton refused to release them in full.Need a taste? Let's see the Hildebeast "Abraham Lincoln" this...On Apr 19, 2015, at 4:20 PM, John Podesta wrote: I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time...

Hillary Clinton's long history...

...of destroying women's lives...In an interview Clinton said that her client had passed a polygraph lie test, and she added, with a laugh, “which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.”The facts here are that Hillary Clinton's client violently raped a 12 year-old girl. Despite the fact that Shelton’s...

10 October 2016

Debate II - coulda, shoulda, woulda

When Hillary started in about Trump's words objectifying women, he should have simply replied, "Mrs Clinton, I said some objectionable things 11 years ago and again, I'm sorry for that... but let's not forget I'm not the President who stuck a cigar in an college-age intern's v@gina a mere twenty feet away from the Oval Office while supposedly conducting the nation's business." He got this far by...

09 October 2016

PMO desperate to distract media...

...oh, thank gawd... the Prime Minister just took off his shirt again..."The 184 revocation decisions of the first 10 months of the Trudeau government nearly match the total number of decisions over a 27-year period between 1988 and the last month of the Harper government in October 2015."No, no......

Dear Daniel...

You gut a man like a farm animal... I suppose you have to rationalise it somehow...“If I was white would it still be my fault?”The upside here is, you're gonna have a good, long time to work out all those deeper philosophical issues. This is not, as it were, Mr Adjetey-Nelson's first rodeo..."His most violent previous offences are alleged to have occurred in May of this year when police believe he...

08 October 2016

Hillary Horrified

Fears for the nation being overseen by a sexual predator... and, incredibly, she's not talking about THIS GUY..."At one point, the President inserted a cigar into Ms. Lewinsky's vagina, then put the cigar in his mouth and said: 'It tastes good'."It gets better...According to Ms. Lewinsky, the President explained that they had to end their intimate relationship. Earlier in his marriage, he told her,...

07 October 2016

One question right here, Nic...

That "Community Consultation Process" say anything about what happens when your unstoppable "social justice" bathroom rejiggering... meets, for example... those immovable Islamic theocratic dictates that forbid unrelated men and women from simply being in physical, fully-clothed proximity to one another?...