Already, insurance rates in Brampton are the highest in the GTA. I discovered this when I moved to the city and had to buy car insurance. An insurance agent told me this was because of the high rates of crashes and fraudulent claims in Brampton.Hmmm... that's quite a striking statement. Will the Globe & Mail be checking their "white privilege" anytime soon?
RELATED: The proverbial pot boileth over
Two-thirds of voters in the Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough have voted against recognizing the Ahuntsic Cultural Centre as an official place of worship in a referendum Sunday.I don't get it. If you truly believe your new countrymen & neighbours despise you... why on
"The outcome was negative for us and simply we're not going to accept it," said the centre's spokesman Rachid Hajir. "Whatever is behind this is purely and simply Islamophobia."
Do the smart thing and get back to on that big silver bird to the comforting motherly embrace of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Gaza...
LAST WORD: Wild, wild west of GTA