So on Jan. 10, 1999, Chase, with help from then-fledgling HBO, introduced them to Tony Soprano, a beefy, baggy-eyed anti-hero afflicted with a lot of the same midlife psychological neuroses as Chase himse...
31 March 2007
Islam is a one way street
The Islamic world does not regard itself as a "big tent" type of religion.Anyone who is not a Muslim is unequivocally an infidel... but even being a Muslim is no guarantee of safety. As we see in Iraq, different sects of Islam murder each other in appalling numbers on a daily basis.Apparently there is no equal precept in Islam to, "If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you." It is, instead, "their...
Bagging the bad guys
Killing is their business... and business is good. -- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- NATO forces are zeroing in on the Taliban command structure in southern Afghanistan, killing or capturing more than 10 insurgent leaders and key people in March alone.The tactic is disrupting the insurgents, affecting their ability to fight, plant roadside bombs and organize suicide bombers in Kandahar and Helmand provinces.RELATED:...
Fighting Homegrown Terror

Is a good and necessary thing.**********THE DOCUMENT: What it says..."The rise of radical Native American organizations, such as the Mohawk Warrior Society, can be viewed as insurgencies with specific and limited aims."********** -- OTTAWA -- Radical natives are listed in the Canadian army's counterinsurgency...
30 March 2007
France: It ain't all stinky cheese...
And insufferably haughty waiters...They've got a few other irons in the fire. -- The conservative candidate, Nicolas Sarkozy, wants to create a ministry of “immigration and national identity” that would require newcomers to embrace the secular values of the republican state. -- The Socialist candidate, Ségolène Royal, wants every French citizen to memorize “La Marseillaise” and keep a French flag...

That's gonna leave a mark.Some answers to the question... If a federal election were held tomorrow, which one of the following parties would you vote for?A month's worth of humiliation from Angus-Reid.**********RELATED: Of course, taxpayers get burned tooFormer prime minister Paul Martin, a millionaire...
This Brave New Nuclear World...
Isn't bad news for everybody.Japan began deploying its first advanced Patriot missile defense system Friday near Tokyo, part of an effort to accelerate missile defense capabilities following North Korea's missile and nuclear tests last year.So if you're always on the lookout for hot stockmarket tips -- and judging from my email inbox, who isn't? -- make sure you load up on Lockheed.Defense contractor...
Another good reason...
To start seriously kicking Iranian ass... -- BAGHDAD -- Shi'ite militiamen, who melted away from Baghdad when U.S. and Iraqi troops began their security crackdown seven weeks ago, are rolling back into the city with fresh Iranian training, Iraqi and other officials said."This is a special group, used for special operations, not controlled by Muqtada al-Sadr. This is a secret army," said the Iraqi,...
Libs still stalling crime bills...

While civil society burns to the ground.TORONTO — Six teenagers are charged with first-degree murder in the brutal killing of a 17-year-old boy last summer in Toronto.Omar Wellington was swarmed in a park northeast of the downtown core, then stripped, beaten and repeatedly stabbed.The attack took place...
Second Sailor jumps ship

While many Brits are known for their stereotypical tendency towards "understatement", the Iranian regime obviously does not subscribe to the theory that "less is more." A second member of the Royal Navy crew captured in the Gulf has apologised for "trespassing" in Iranian waters, in a broadcast on Iranian...
29 March 2007
Hostage crisis in Iran...
Should have been avoidable.After several similar incidents previously occurred to other NATO vessels, it seems that force protection should have been adjusted to deal with this type of possible confrontation.Australian vessels have had several tense incidents with Iranian gunboats in the area.On December 6, 2004, crew from HMAS Adelaide were sent to check a cargo ship run aground at the mouth of the...
It's a dirty job...
But somebody's gotta do it...Durex has launched its first UK recruitment drive for thousands of condom testers....
Captive female sailor...
Calling for Brit withdrawal in Iraq?A second letter allegedly written by a UK sailor in Iranian custody has been broadcast on Iranian state television.In the letter, the sailor calls for the withdrawal of British forces from Iraq, according to an al-Hurra report in Arabic, saying that "the time has come" for a UK withdrawal. **********RELATED: Who is Faye Turney?Well, in her own words..."I love the...
Ontario: Looking for a doctor...
Looks like you're out of luck...Nearly 3,000 doctors in Ontario received their licences in 2006 - a record for certificates issued in a single year by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.Of the 2,961 licences issued, 63 per cent went to doctors from outside of Ontario.According to the college's annual report, entitled "Small Triumphs, Big Challenges," 42 per cent of certificates of registration...
Somebody's got the balls...
To say it.It is never a waste of time to drop in on Kathy Shaidle.Dear Muslim Terrorist Plotter / Planner / Funder / Enabler / Apologist, You do not know me. But I am on the lookout for you. You are my enemy. And I am yours.I am John Doe.Vote Kathy... for Prime Minister of Britain.Technorati Tags: war on terror, courage, honour, duty, political correctn...
Tony Blair needs to take notes
You know you're in serious trouble, when, in comparison, even the French start to look tough... Riots at a train station in the French capital, Paris, have become an issue in the upcoming presidential election. About 100 youths clashed with police at the Gare du Nord station after a dispute over a train fare.Rioters smashed windows and attacked vending machines and shops, after objecting to the treatment...
Iran to UK -- Nyah, nyah...
We fooled you...Iranian state television reported Leading Seaman Turney would not be released "for the time being".The head of Iran's supreme national security council, Ali Larijani, was quoted as saying: "It was announced that a woman in the group would be freed, but this development was met with an incorrect attitude." The Iranians may have been encouraged in this further bout of international mischief...
28 March 2007
Female "swabbie" scuttles career

Well, at least she didn't convert to Islam.I think.Even if the Royal Navy is willing to accept this behaviour as being coerced by the Iranians, this woman will never be respected, or, I'm guessing, even spoken to by any other member of the British military forces... for the rest of her life.Leading...
How is Iraqi mass psychosis...
The fault of the American government? The real problem in Iraq is culturally induced insanity. -- BAGHDAD -- Shiite militants and police enraged by massive truck bombings in Tal Afar on Tuesday went on a revenge spree against Sunni residents in the northwestern town Wednesday, killing as many as 60 people, officials said.The hospital official, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to security...
I love these kids...
Don't make me kill them...**********UPDATE: Children released unharmed -- MANILA -- A man who took a busload of children and teachers hostage from his day care center in Manila Wednesday freed them after a 10-hour standoff that he used to denounce corruption and demand better lives for poor children. Ducat and an unidentified second gunman taped a handwritten sheet of paper to the windshield,...
27 March 2007
Relax Mahmoud, we're just practicing...
To squash you like a grape.**********UPDATE: Iran just shit its drawers Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki discounted the possibility of an escalation in the crisis, suggesting the British vessels may have made a mistake.“This is a violation that just happened. It could be natural. They did not resist,” he said.Manouchehr Mottaki had a bad dream last night about being chased all the way...
No whore like...
Sounds like Slick Willie isn't the only slippery chameleon in this family. -- “Some days she sounds like a total hawk, and other days she’s saying, ‘I’m against the war and it’s been mismanaged,’ ” said Jonathan Tasini, who ran against Mrs. Clinton for the Senate Democratic nomination last year on an antiwar platform.Technorati Tags: Hillary Clinton, Democratic Party, selling your s...
The Party of Prohibition
-- "I'm from the government... I'm here to save you." -- Join us as Kate from Small Dead Animals tears Liberal Attorney General Michael Bryant a new asshole."This means that the law continues, which means no more pit bulls in Ontario," contends Michael Bryant. "No pit bulls sold, bred or imported into the province of Ontario.Of course, that's not the whole story...An Ontario Superior Court Justice...
"We'll shut down the whole town"
Say Mohawks. Yeah, yeah... "We're all shocked", reply law-abiding Ontarians.Since Thursday, Mohawk protesters have occupied a quarry near Deseronto owned by Thurlow Aggregates. The demonstrators have said they will stay until the quarry's licence is revoked and, if it isn't, the protest will expand to the town and surrounding roads.Thank you very much, Mr. McGuinty.BIG PICTURE: Who's in charge here?RELATED:...
Chinese buying out Chrysler?
Well, if they can take over MG Rover, it's probably not beyond the realm of possibility... -- Nanjing Automobile has unveiled the first MG cars to be built in China. It bought the bankrupt UK firm MG Rover for £53m ($104m) in 2005.Nanjing Auto acquired MG Rover's assembly lines and engine technology. It plans to set up an assembly line in Oklahoma next year to supply the US market.Technorati Tags:...
Dalton McGuinty was betting...
You wouldn't find out.Ontario government officials initially became aware of questions about retailers winning a disproportionate share of jackpots six months before the scandal at its lottery corporation became public last October."OLG has turned a blind eye to crime for many years," Mr. Marin said at a news conference. His probe concluded that about $15-million in lottery winnings was paid to "internal...
26 March 2007
Quebec: Too many analysts...
Spoil the broth...Let's face it... this particular contest wasn't about anyone's lofty statements of vision or purpose. -- It was Mr. Dumont's campaign against "reasonable accommodation" that garnered the most attention, and dominated the headlines throughout the five-week campaign. The question of whether sugar shacks should bake beans without pork to satisfy Muslim and Jewish customers generated...
Italian Prime Minister...
Facing defeat on Afghanistan vote.The Italians, much like the French, don't have an particularly illustrious record of military achievement recently. They have a chance to polish that particular apple, but it looks as though the vote will be a squeaker. Romano Prodi's fragile government faces another nail-biting vote on the Italian peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan.It is barely a month since Mr...
C'mon Drew... don't be shy
Just spit it out... -- So did they use this incredible technology to go do something useful, like find bin Laden? Fuck no. They used it to get some killer animal snuff porn just for me.You're well aware of the douchebags at PETA, the People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals. You know who's not for the ethical treatment of animals? ANIMALS. They fucking want each other dead. Technorati Tags:...
Just got raped at the gas pump?
Well, you can thank an Iranian.I guess this is sort of a tutorial on supply and demand -- operating on the premise that there's an increased probability that someone, somewhere... might be tempted to turn Tehran into the world's biggest ashtray.Oil prices rose to their highest level this year on Monday amid fears that tensions over Iran’s detention of 15 British naval personnel and Tehran’s nuclear...
Career Day... Waziristan style
I've heard of aggressive recruiting at school job fairs, but this one takes the cake...A Pakistani policeman and an Islamic militant leader have been killed in a shoot-out at a private school in the north-western town of Tank, police say.Another militant was said to have been arrested, while a third was wounded in the clash at the Oxford Public School.Police say firing broke out after the militant...
25 March 2007
Does saying, "It's a rumour..."
Get you off the hook?Now I'd be the last person in this country to defend celebrity life partner and uber-pinko Member of Parliament Olivia Chow from the slings and arrows of outrageous bloggers... but isn't self-celebrated lawyer and new media consultant Jason Cherniak pushing the envelope of civility and indeed legality, with his unsourced, so-called rumour?Says Cherniak...The rumour around TO (Let...
Where religion and security collide
I've gotta say, I have a tad more sympathy for a religious sect with a proven history of... pacifism.Of course, that isn't really the point. -- HUNTSVILLE, Mo., March 24 (AP) -- The grocer, the butcher, a cabinet maker and several other members of this town’s Mennonite community are planning to move to Arkansas over a Missouri requirement that all drivers be photographed if they want a license.The...
Those uncivilised Albertans
CALGARY — Four bouncers at a Calgary bar were stabbed and one was hit by a vehicle as they tried to break up multiple fights outside the establishment at closing time.Calgary police say two of the bouncers at Jimmy Dean's Bar had to undergo surgery for their wounds.The third had minor wounds and the fourth bouncer was protected from injury by a stab-resistant vest.We've just gotta do something about...
Spring Offensive, my ass
They're getting pretty good at sneak attacks that kill and dismember innocent bystanders, but every time these death-donkeys go head to head against actual soldiers... they get their asses handed to them. You'd think maybe somebody would notice that. -- KABUL, March 25 (Reuters) -- Afghan and NATO troops killed 12 suspected Islamist insurgents overnight when they tried to attack a military base...
Iranian quid pro quo...
May blow up in their faces.As Iran demonstrated so clearly when it seized the American Embassy back in November of 1979, the Iranian regime has absolutely no respect for the rule of law. The seizure of British sailors this week was obviously retaliation for Iranian operatives previously captured and held by American forces in Iraq.Up to 50 Iranian "spies" have been captured and imprisoned by British...
24 March 2007
Would you give up toilet paper...
For Al Gore?Mix one part eco-freak, with one part shameless self-promotion... -- Isabella Beavan, age 2, staggered around the neo-Modern furniture — the Eames chairs, the brown velvet couch, the Lucite lamps and the steel cafe table upon which dinner was set — her silhouette greatly amplified by her organic cotton diapers in their enormous boiled-wool, snap-front cover.A visitor avoided the bathroom...
Mohawk blockade up again...
In Deseronto.So here we go again. Another illegal aboriginal occupation of private property.Where is Dalton McGuinty on this one? -- DESERONTO -- Painted school buses and a simmering wood fire now mark the entrance to Thurlow Aggregates on Deseronto Road.The interior of the property is now a campground for about 50 aboriginal protesters, who worked through the night Thursday to prepare the site...
More CTV bias

It would almost be laughable... if their anti-Harper bias wasn't such a constant, overriding theme at CTV. I just watched CJOH, the Ottawa CTV affiliate and saw David Akin emphasize how "mean" the Prime Minister was to Stephane Dion this week. It's two grown men in a rough and tumble business... and...
23 March 2007
New York, New York
The recent tragic fire in the Bronx, is shining a light on a previously hidden social issue in the African immigrant community... the prevalence of polygamous marriage. -- The city’s mourning for the dead — a woman and nine children in two families from Mali — has been followed by a hushed double take at the domestic arrangements described by relatives: Moussa Magassa, the Mali-born American citizen...
Iran wants to get up on the porch...

And play with the big dogs. -- BASRA, Iraq -- Iranian forces seized 15 British Royal Navy personnel who had searched a merchant ship on Friday, Britain said, triggering a diplomatic crisis at a time of heightened tensions over Tehran's nuclear ambitions.They got away with this type of stunt once...
Lloyd Robertson bleeds from eyes...

On national television.Taken between March 20 and 21 following Monday's budget address, the Strategic Counsel survey for CTV News and The Globe and Mail asked: How would Canadians vote today? * 39 per cent said they would vote for a Conservative candidate. * 31 per cent chose Liberal.According...
22 March 2007
Ya feelin lucky, punk?

He knew he was in for the fight of his life. He had tried all his best moves... but his opponent was bigger, dirtier and seemingly oblivious to brute force.But this time... it was personal.Personal hygie...
Promises, promises
Remember, "I won't raise your taxes" and "shutting down all the coal-fired generating plants?"I wouldn't let Dalton McGuinty walk my dog.Conservative Leader John Tory lambasted the budget as a spending "buffet" that will leave the province "limping along when it could be running.""Dalton McGuinty has increased spending by $22.4 billion since he was elected. That's $4,500 for every household in Ontario,...
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