-- "From the start of the pandemic, political elites have been repeatedly caught exempting themselves from the restrictive rules they impose on the lives of those over whom they rule. COVID rules are now so convoluted that liberals are able to defend their leaders’ actions while not even pretending to make sense from a scientific or rational perspective." --
WAIT... WHAT? -- "It was known by the FDA and others that no previous coronavirus vaccines ever passed animal trials." --
IF IT ONLY SAVES ONE LIFE: -- "A lack of face-to-face doctor visits in Britain since the beginning of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic is likely to result in 10,000 unnecessary deaths from cancer, a report from the University College London has found." --
MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH: -- "About 172 staff members at Windsor, Ont., hospitals have been suspended without pay for not getting their COVID-19 shots by the deadlines set out by their employers." --