10 June 2018


Obviously, the New Democratic Party is all about...
"the children"...insert alt text here
"I feel like he shouldn’t be allowed to handle knives, or sharp objects of any kind for that matter."
#todaysNDP #NDP #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease
nb. - Andrea's poor little boy is 25 years old.


RELATED: It's past time for "Ford Tough"...insert alt text here
In a clear sign that the incoming PC government in Ontario will stand up for Canadian principles, Premier-Designate Doug Ford says that the anti-Semitic Al Quds Day will not be allowed.

"In the past, Al Quds Day has featured calls for genocide against Israel, horrendous anti-Semitic statements, and direct calls for violence. It’s a radical extremist event that has no place in a civilized nation."
Straight talk from the guy who didn't give Omar Khadr 10 million taxpayer dollars.