15 January 2008

CDC reporting...

New transmission vector... for flesh-eating bacteria...
A new, highly drug-resistant strain of the “flesh-eating” MRSA bacteria is being spread among gay men in San Francisco and Boston, researchers reported on Monday.

The new strain seems to have “spread rapidly” in gay populations in San Francisco and Boston, the researchers wrote, and “has the potential for rapid, nationwide dissemination” among gay men.
Wow, a recent resurgence in HIV/AIDS cases... and now this. Looks like there may be a downside to promiscuous, drug-fuelled sexual behaviour after all.

Who could have predicted that, huh?
"A separate part of the study found that gay men in San Francisco were about 13 times more likely to be infected than other people in the city."

"Nearly 19,000 people died in the United States from MRSA infections in 2005, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported."

RELATED: The good news here, is...

Nobody's trying to blame it on the PM.
"Help me out here, Doc. Are you really saying Stephen Harper is responsible for the recent explosive rise in HIV-AIDS infections?"