They will come.**********RELATED: Polar Bear Extinction - the real st...
30 November 2007
The Right Stuff
The Dutch government extends Afghanistan commitment until 2010. -- THE HAGUE -- The Netherlands is extending its military mission in the Afghan province of Uruzgan to August 2010. After that, the mission will be wound down, with the last man to leave by 1 December 2010.Much like Steffi and Taliban Jack, the Dutch opposition has decided to have it's own little tea party.The Socialist Party (SP),...
Do as I say... not as I do
Adventures in terraforming with the former head of the Y2Kyoto Party. -- MONTREAL -- Paul Martin's attempt to turn his countryside retreat into a six-hole golf course has landed the former prime minister in an environmental sand trap.Mr. Martin, who envisions teeing off with friends on his estate's own fairways, has run afoul of municipal authorities in the town of Lac Brome for improperly cutting...
We interrupt today's Taser hysteria...
For a word from Ontario's deputy chief coroner..."I am absolutely convinced tasers will save lives instead of taking lives. And I hope some day, if I am in the position, please taser me before you shoot me."Now back to our regularly scheduled, overwhelmingly leftwing media feeding frenzy...Repeat after me: Schreiber. Taser. Taser. Schreiber.**********RELATED: Enough with the Taser horseshitBring...
Pretty much a moot point
Sorry, Doc... there's just no putting the tech genie back in the bottle...Donald L. Shifrin, a pediatrician based in Seattle and the spokesman for the academy, said tech toys cannot replace imaginative play, where children create rich narratives and interact with peers or parents.“Are we creating media use as a default for play?” Dr. Shifrin asked. “When kids want to play, will they ask, ‘Where’s...
Branding gone bad
Yet another demonstration of the "Law of Unintended Consequences"...Seriously, just look at this thing -- It looks like it should have a Honda Civic in one hand and a dozen screaming children in the other. Every time I look at that picture, this is what I see -- He likes the heads best because they're crunc...
29 November 2007
Just a minute...
Let me check my notes...In 1993, Bear Head Industries Ltd., a Schreiber company, made a $10,000 donation to which political par...
Sarkozy says "NO" to thugocracy
"I reject any form of other-worldly naivety that wants to see a victim of society in anyone who breaks the law, a social problem in any riot." "The response to the riots isn't yet more money on the backs of the taxpayers." "The response to the riots is to arrest the rioters."**********RELATED: Here's a thought..."Maybe the response to the murders isn't to build more basketball courts. The response...
Steffi and the Fiberals, to absolutely no one's surprise, get played... yet again.Karlheinz Schreiber says he will not testify before a parliamentary committee until after his extradition matter is dealt with.In an opening statement before the Commons ethics committee, Mr. Schreiber said he is “unwilling at this time to testify” until he knows how long the stay on his extradition will be.Yessirree,...
Saudi Arabia my ass
The U.S. Energy Department said Thursday it was prepared to make oil supplies from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve available to refineries to help offset the disruption in Canadian oil imports caused by an explosion and fire at a vital Enbridge Inc. pipeline in Minnesota.Canada is the biggest supplier of foreign crude to the United States, accounting for almost one-fifth of its over 10 million bpd...
We've all heard him moaning...
About having trouble "setting priorities"... so you should ask yourself... while Steffi and the mainstream media lose their minds over 5 taser deaths in a year... what's getting lost in all that noise?Three years ago a major national study found prescription errors, surgical complications, infections and other medical mistakes were killing as many as 24,000 Canadians annually. Lead the country?I wouldn't...
Ok, Karl... let's see what you've got
Let the games begin...“Canadian justice,” Mr. Schreiber called out, holding his shackled hands into the air, as police officers escorted him from an unmarked police car.Well... we're off to a promising start.And what of the man who would be Court Jester?Mr. Schreiber could be found in contempt of Parliament if he refuses to speak at the committee. However, Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion said that the...
Help me out here, Doc
Are you really saying Stephen Harper is responsible for the recent explosive rise in HIV-AIDS infections? -- CP -- Dr. Julio Montaner, president-elect of the International AIDS Society and director of the B.C. Centre of Excellence for HIV/AIDS... suggested the problem persists because of a failing of political leadership — a shortcoming he believes is also responsible for a lack of effective...
28 November 2007
Yammer all you want...
About the "futility" of mandatory minimum sentences... but the fact is... the longer these sociopaths are locked away... the less time they have, to put a bullet in somebody's brain."In 2006 alone, more than 70% of all people charged with murder were on some sort of judicial release." "There's a gun culture in which young people have to prove themselves and gang members feel they have to prove themselves...
27 November 2007
No guts... no glory
Sometimes you just gotta have faith... and a strong stomach..."It sort of tasted like toilet bowl cleaner," said Dana Shires, one of the researchers. "I guzzled it and I vomited," Cade said.Eventually, however, the use of the sports beverage spread to the Gators, who enjoyed a winning record and were known as a "second-half team" by outlasting opponen...
The 'Punch Yourself in the Face'...
School of Politics...Gotta love the irony here... as the Fiberals and Dippers are forced to go with Plan B...Mr. Walsh said there are two ways that Mr. Schreiber can be in Ottawa on Thursday. The first possibility is to get the co-operation of Mr. Nicholson, who can amend the “surrender order” that was signed in 2004 by former justice minister Irwin Cotler.Secondly, Mr. Walsh said the House can use...
A little counter-sniper fire...
Wouldn't be amiss here either.VILLIERS-LE-BEL, France — Police will step up security in north Paris suburbs to prevent a third night of unrest, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said on Tuesday, promising a firm line against rioters who attack police."Those who fire on the police and who beat a police officer nearly to death, are criminals and must be treated like criminals," said Mr. Fillon.**********UPDATE:...
Despite all the politically correct...
Hippie rhetoric... dumbing down... will never, ever be the right answer...Initially city officials considered basing the whole grade on a peer-group comparison. But Kati Haycock, director of the Education Trust, a Washington research group, warned them off, saying that would send the message that there were different standards for children of different backgrounds.“We argued as strongly as we could...
And while we're on...
Live and don't learn...Not often does a politician get to fix a mistake. Stephane Dion has been given a singularly unique opportunity. Seven months ago, Dion was uncomfortable with May's comments, and said that he thought the comment should have been withdrawn.C'mon, Steffi... how often does someone float a big, lumbering softball like this, right across the plate...Now Stephane Dion can state that...
A Tale of Two Cities
"Today, Interior Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie offered her condolences to the young woman’s relatives and friends. The latter have not gone on a rampage." "They have not torched train carriages nor have they arsoned train stations.""The French authorities do not fear they will turn to violence in the coming nights, either. One wonders why." "Is there no 'anger that needs to be expressed'?"Technorati...
Here's why...
We need to start cracking down on crime in Canada...Richard Steele, who served jail time after cops tapped his phone in the Jane Creba murder probe, was arrested early yesterday in Hamilton after police allegedly found a gun in the car he was travelling in.Lawyer Selwyn Pieters last night confirmed his client Steele, 20, is in custody and facing numerous gun-related charges.In 2006, Steele was charged...
At least they didn't try to say...
That Rusty and Jerome were transsexuals...Monday, in an internal memo, the CBC communications group invited staff to “say goodbye to Rusty and Jerome in style,” at a midafternoon ceremony at the Graham Spry Theatre, where milk and cookies were served while classic episodes of Friendly Giant ran on a continuous loop.“While you may have bid farewell to Friendly when you left your childhood behind, this...
Number 1... with a bullet
Following a weekend of bloodshed, with four, possibly five homicides in just three days, Toronto's murder count is nearly on par with that of the entire Year of the Gun.The most recent blood was shed from 18-year-old Delane Daley, shot dead just before 8 p.m. yesterday on Driftwood Ave. near Jane and Finch. **********UPDATE: Live and don't learnIt was just three months ago that Delane Daley was riddled...
26 November 2007
Sammy, long time bro... wassup?
“Soon, if God allows, the lion sheik Osama bin Laden, may God protect him, will give a message to the European nations.”I'm feeling a little left out.**********RELATED: Another night of rioting Sammy... France says they're kinda busy... could you maybe call back next week?A crowd of youths set police barricades on fire and threw stones and Molotov cocktails at officers, who retaliated with tear gas...
I post about a McGuinty Cabinet Minister

And guess who comes sniffin' round my door?Hey Dalton... you wanna call off the dogs?Actually, Big D, on second thought... I've seen your minions in action... no worries, we're cool.**********RELATED: You wanna see chutzpah?Take a look at the brazen torque on the Liberal press release..."New Aboriginal...
No sense, no pain

Fresh off his disastrous "No gun, No Funeral" debacle... newly demoted ex-Attorney General Michael "Sisyphus" Bryant has now been condemned by the Emperor McSlippery, to ceaselessly roll the insurmountable rock of aboriginal demands to the top of the Caledonian mountain.And you don't have to be a student...
Too many rules says Chretien
And what's up, with that... "making people accountable"... for their actions?"I know some cabinet ministers are complaining today that they are not getting the type of people in their office because of these restricting rules. You know, we should have the best people we can get to do these jobs and these rules are keeping a lot of good people away from the Hill," said Mr. Chretien in an interview...
Break out the old grievances...
And top up the molotov cocktails... it's the official start of CAR-B-Q season. -- VILLIERS-LE-BEL, France -- Groups of youths assaulted a police station, torched cars and vandalized stores in a weekend rampage that injured 21 police officers in this rundown Paris suburb.Sunday's night's clashes came hours after the motorcycle crashed into the patrol car. A 15-year-old and 16-year-old were killed...
End User License Agreement
Who knows if this stuff is enforceable? The case law is all over the place. What if you’re under-age? Drunk? Using someone else’s computer — do you agree on your parents’ behalf when you install software at their place over the holidays?Frankly, it’s all bullshit. The way the system should work is, you buy something, you own it....
25 November 2007
A trip to the zoo
My prediction here, is that Steffi will grow to rue the day he first uttered the name... Karlheinz Schreiber...Author William Kaplan, an expert on the Brian Mulroney-Karlheinz Schreiber affair, predicts upcoming hearings by a parliamentary committee will be a "gong show.""He's not going to tell anybody anything until the minister of justice informs the government of Germany that Karlheinz Schreiber,...
More Catholic than the Pope
Finally... a simple voice of reason emerges from the screechy fanatical storm."For example, if I show up at a hospital emergency room with my wife, what should be my behaviour?" "Well, the answer is simple." If I want a female doctor to tend to my wife, I'll ask for that with a smile. If the answer is yes, I'll keep my smile. And if the answer is no, I will still keep my smile," he said."Why? Because...
F16's 1 - Wagon Train 0
"Rollin', rollin', rollin'... Though the streams are swollen... Keep them dogies rollin'... Rawhide!" -- Paktia, Afghanistan -- Afghan officials say NATO-led forces killed at least 65 Taliban rebels Saturday night in airstrikes near the country's eastern border with Pakistan.The Afghan interior ministry said Sunday that the Taliban rebels were smuggling weapons on horses and two cars in the province...
A nuke plant in Syria...
Would have been pretty scary stuff... but what if it was worse than that?On the basis of an analysis of the same satellite photos, which have been published in the media and on Web sites and are accessible to everyone, he believes that the structure that was attacked and destroyed was not a nuclear reactor."In my estimation this was something very nasty and vicious, and even more dangerous than a...
Left still cherrypicking their martyrs
While the usual suspects mount an anti-cop protest at Queens Park... this man's death just slips under the leftbot radar...An autopsy has determined that an elderly Edmonton man was beaten to death in what police are calling a cowardly attack.William Kapach, 65, was found lying on an inner-city sidewalk Saturday morning in a pool of blood. He was taken off life-support on Thursday.I guess actual victims...
24 November 2007
Tag, you're it... I mean... dead

I just love how everybody and their uncle is freaking out about tasers... but just ignoring the ongoing war in their own backyard.Toronto homicide detectives are investigating three murders that took place around the city within hours of each other Friday, each with outstanding suspects.And the first...
What... no more murder?

Hamas stupefied by suggestion... of non-violent solution. -- GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- Hamas said Saturday it was shocked by the Arab states' decision to attend a Mideast peace conference in the U.S. on Monday and it underlined its opposition to talks by warning that it could soon launch a more lethal...
Calling Taliban Jack
Say Jack... about that Afghan prisoner abuse thing... we could always try the Taliban solution. -- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- Taliban militants beheaded seven policemen yesterday after overrunning their checkpoints in southern Afghanistan, officials said.An Australian soldier and three civilians were killed in a separate clash.And people say I'm not flexible.Of course, Jack still hasn't got back...
Less talk, more rock
You can jet around the global lecture circuit... earning big bucks for spewing tons of hot, sainted gases... or you can get your hands dirty actually making a difference...About a year ago, Mr. Mosley started and began purchasing, refurbishing and reselling used or broken iPods. Mr. Mosley, who is apparently comfortable around a soldering iron, started the company by posting an...
Gangbangers for God
It just seems there's no appeasing Afghanistan's bloodthirsty deity... -- KABUL -- A suicide bomb on the outskirts of the Afghan capital Kabul on Saturday killed six schoolchildren and wounded three Italians working on an aid project building a bridge, an Interior Ministry spokesman said."It was a suicide bomber ... six schoolchildren coming out from school were killed," said Interior Ministry...
23 November 2007
Remember lead water pipes?
It's looking more and more like fluoridation may be another man-made disaster...Nearly a half-century after water fluoridation became widespread, a small but growing number of medical officials and environmentalists are again raising concerns over the practice.Recent research is suggesting that fluoride may be connected to a number of serious conditions, including the development in teenage boys of...
Karl's calculating can of worms...
Don't say you weren't warned, boys... this snake knows every trick in the book. -- OTTAWA -- Karlheinz Schreiber appears to be negotiating some time out of the slammer to prepare for a grilling before a Commons committee next week.But Mr. Schreiber shouldn't be allowed to “negotiate the terms under which he will testify,” says New Democrat MP Pat Martin, who sits on the Commons ethics committee.“He's...
David Miller's Dodge City
Oops, they did it again... the bullets are flyin' in Toronto the Good.A man has died from his injuries after an east-end shootout that may have involved as many as six people.Witnesses told police two groups of people opened fire on each other on the street near Birchmount Road and Sheppard Avenue at about 1:20 p.m. on Friday.Latest reports are not identifying the victim... but say it was a 19 year-old...
Latest breathtaking Liberal brainwave

We've got to stop that scary, hidden Stephen Harper... before he cuts everybody's taxes... yet again..."We're going to go before the budget," one Quebec Liberal said. "The budget will be full of candy for everybody. He's going to have money for seniors, for youth, for everybody." "If you [wait and]...
Potty training the loony left
After nine days of crippling national transportation strikes France appeared to be returning to normal Friday amid negotiations between labor unions and government officials. From Paris, Lisa Bryant reports that while the walkout has snarled traffic, angered commuters and cost the country millions of dollars there appears to be one winner: French President Nicolas Sark...
Just a heads up here, Mark...
A self-proclaimed socially progressive person... might not actually want to base his "life philosophy" on the musings of Groucho Marx...Mr. Warner said he hasn't ripped up his Conservative membership, but hinted that it's not likely he will be staying. "My philosophy in life is not to want to belong to any club that wouldn't have me as a member." "It's just the way I approach life."Well Mark, you...
The double-edged sword
Privacy and personal freedoms are essential entitlements... for law abiding, non-sociopathic citizens. -- WIESBADEN, Germany -- German police are unable to decipher the encryption used in the Internet telephone software Skype to monitor calls by suspected criminals and terrorists, Germany's top police officer said on Thursday.Let's get real, folks... you really wanna give Osama and company a free...
22 November 2007
Law-Law Land

"Willie" Pickton gets the full court press...“Have the strength of knowing that you are in the best position of anyone in the world to make the determination on the evidence that you have here,” Adrian Brooks said, wrapping up a three-and-a-half-day final summation.“You have the strength of the evidence,...
If this is a priority for the Dion liberals...

I'd hate to see the stuff at the bottom of their list. -- OTTAWA -- Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion has written to the governor of Montana asking him to commute the death sentence of a convicted murderer from Canada.Ronald Allen Smith was convicted of killing two Montana Indians in 1982.Justice Minister...
Just one more reason...
To yank all taxpayer funding... from the Roman Catholic school system...Halton's Catholic board has pulled The Golden Compass fantasy book – soon to be a Hollywood blockbuster starring Nicole Kidman – off school library shelves because of a complaint."(The complaint) came out of interviews that Philip Pullman had done, where he stated that he is an atheist and that he supports that," said Scott Millard,...
China takes pity...
On the United States Navy...The Chinese government has given no explanation for why it suddenly refused and then later allowed a United States naval carrier group to dock in Hong Kong as scheduled. China made an abrupt about-face, Thursday. Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said Beijing would allow the ships into Hong Kong after all."We have already decided to allow the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft...
One toke over the line
-- Q -- What's flat, black and glows in the dark?-- A -- Well, if nobody puts the brakes on Madman Ahmadinejad... that'd be Tehran...And, it seems, Iranians in high places are starting to get it.The attack would be difficult to imagine without at least tacit support from Ayatollah Khamenei.In a hard-hitting editorial on Wednesday, the Tehran paper said the president's treatment of his critics...
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