03 February 2009

You want transgressive?

Try running a bus ad that says “Allah doesn’t exist” or “Mohammed doesn’t exist”. The ad agency would reject it. The city council would reject it. The human rights commissions would get involved.

There would probably be street protests, similar to the pro-Hamas hate marches we’ve seen in recent weeks, with masked hoodlums waving Hezbollah flags (literally, party of God).
There isn't a week that passes without some dumbstick troll dropping by and attempting to attack "my religion".

Which is actually pretty funny... because I'm an atheist. But hey, don't let that stop you fellas... it makes as much sense as most of the other nonsense you throw my way.

The point here, though... is that these ads are provoking a discussion that we would not otherwise have.

And that, my friends, is always a good thing.
