Kevin Nicholas Gidden, 23, was fatally wounded in a drive-by shooting last week.The new standard... "fatal wounding." Sort of like that "redemptive, unifying" divorce.
Or Hillary making us all "stronger, together."
Speaking of the media's preferred candidate...
“I know there are some who will say that any discussion of this topic could be fear-mongering, but I don’t think so.” Clinton warned that, "it would only take a few minutes of instability from Trump launching the United States into a full scale nuclear war."Wake up, folks... and smell the manipulation.
RELATED: Maybe it is that obvious
According to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll, which asked "who do you think the media, including major newspapers and TV stations, would like to see elected president: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?" the answer was clear: of the 1,000 adults surveyed, 75.9 percent answered Clinton, while just 7.9 percent picked Trump.There it is.