31 January 2008

Dear Lloyd

I've gotta confess... I don't have huge expectations of CTV National News. I think I know... in a general sort of way... where you guys lean on most issues. Tonight, however, you managed to surprise me again.I'm talking about the story where you claimed that "some people" are calling the guy who took his diaper-clad babies out into a -50 degree storm, well... calling him "the victim" in this thing.Now...

Abu Laith al-Libi gets his fondest wish...

Rest in Pieces... you freakin' sociopath... -- DUBAI -- An al-Qaeda commander in Afghanistan, described by Western intelligence officials as one of Osama bin Laden's top six lieutenants, has been killed, a mouthpiece for the organization said on Thursday.Mr. Libi was "martyred along with a group of his brothers on the territory of Islamic Pakistan", said a statement from the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Fajr...

Hypocrite.... H... Y...P... O...

Premier McSlippery tries, yet again, to work his "rhetorical judo" on a politically-correct and pussywhipped populace... Ontario's Liberal government won't prevent Canada's largest school board from establishing a controversial new black-focused school – a position critics say flies in the face of...

Fountain of Youth

You wanna 'stay young'... get off your ass...Researchers also report that people can start later in life — one man took up running at 62 and ran his first marathon, a year later, in 3 hours 25 minutes.It’s a testament to how adaptable the human body is, researchers said, that people can start serious training at an older age and become highly competitive.Speaking of which... time for a little chainsaw...

Introducing Darth Taser

If you're the sort of person who's been losing sleep over the ease and comfort of Taliban prisoners... perhaps you'd better skip this one...Introducing the TASER XREP – the eXtended Range Electronic Projectile. XREP is a self-contained, wireless projectile that fires from a standard 12-gauge shotgun....

30 January 2008

Wednesday CTV Moonbat moment

See, Lloyd... if that were actually true... they wouldn't be dead, would they? -- "He really loved and cared for them." -- **********RELATED: CBC joins the 'peecee' party...According to Pravda-West, the story has now... contrary to previous accounts... evolved to state that the father was so incapacitated by the cold... he couldn't speak for eight hours..."Because of his injuries, Christopher...

How low will they go?

The Globe and the Fiberals are so desperate... they try cooking up yet another manufactured crisis...A Liberal MP says Prime Minister Stephen Harper should apologize to Greek Canadians for suggesting in the Commons Wednesday that opposition MPs are convinced of a government scandal because those involved are Greek.You know what, Steffi?You... and your "save the Taliban prisoner" pals... and the rest...

Innocuous G and M headline...

Soft-pedals horrific, inexcusable behaviour... that has killed one baby and left another missing.“Our belief at this point is that they probably left the house together, the girls with the father, and unfortunately they didn't make it to the neighbour's house as he did.”Sgt. Kaeding said the body of the three-year-old girl was found, clad only in a diaper and T-shirt, between her home and a neighbour's...

What's flat, black & glows in the dark?

I'll give you a hint... it ain't gonna be Tel-Aviv..."We are moving towards the summit of our nuclear path. The political issue of our nuclear programme - which was our biggest political challenge since the revolution - is about to end in favour of the Iranian nation." "Your mighty palaces will fall through the grace of God...

Shades of Mark Steyn

This story goes a ways towards confirming a central thesis of 'America Alone'...Other maternity units have turned expectant mothers away because they could not cope with unprecedented increases in the local birth rate.When Labour came to power, the NHS spent around £1bn a year on maternity services, with one baby in eight delivered to a foreign-born mother.Ten years on, spending has risen to £1.6bn,...

The night the lights went out...

In Toronto...“It's not about segregation, it's about self-determination.”Now, call me crazy... but I'm pretty sure... that's not how Martin Luther King would see it.**********RELATED: Uh, guys... isn't that an elephant..."How is it that Faith-Based schools are so unthinkable that an election was lost...

29 January 2008

Apparently, you can never...

Have nearly enough lockstep socialist claptrap...“Is Mr. Harper saying that the British, the Dutch and the Americans are imperilling their national security by releasing information about their detainees to their public,” Mr. Layton asked.Mr. Harper replied... “I guess what it means is that Canada makes its own policies.”Ooooh... that's gonna leave a mar...

We've heard from the crazies...

How about we give equal time to the secular Muslim Canadian Congress?“Islamic banking is nothing more than an attempt by Islamists, with backing from Middle Eastern financial institutions and their Western partners, to scare Muslim Canadians into believing that they should pay more to the banks and demand less in return, as an act of religiosity,” said MCC president Farzana Hassan in an open letter...

Loopy "Lucy" and friends...

And their passion for socialist street-theatre...All in all, it looks more like a fun afternoon's "work" for some Vancouver street urchins, with lots of booze involved. Richard Warman is the odd man out: he's not a street kid just having fun with his fellow nose-pierced left-coasters; he's a lawyer, who has found a way of turning this sort of thing into a money-making career.This guy sure doesn't...

My own personal Chalk River

Here at the Halls we're having a bit of an infrastructure problem. Like a lot of our neighbours, we heat with wood, but the Halls have been built so tightly, we need a constant supply of fresh air to keep the fire going... and to carry away any by-products of combustion that might escape the stove.Unfortunately, last week... we found out about a recall on a part for our air-exchanger. After contacting...

A powerful thirst

-- ADRIAN, MICH. -- A Michigan man was charged with drunken driving after drinking two bottles of wine, cutting through a snowstorm on his lawn mower and riding down the centre of the street to reach a liquor store, authorities sai...

28 January 2008

Soft on terror, abroad & at home

The next time you hear about some unfortunate wretch killed by a scum-sucking criminal... ask yourself... "Why are Steffi and the Pussycats blocking passage of the Conservative 'get tough on crime' bills?"Federal Liberal Leader Stephane Dion says he won't press the Liberal-dominated Senate to push tough new gun laws through Canada's Upper House.Bill C-10 calls for much tougher minimum sentences for...

Calling all doughy old lefties...

Let there be lightweights...The Salvation Army Gateway shelter will soon be glowing with lights using pedal power from old exercise bikes.Sort of a hamster wheel for hippies... I love it.The WeloBike project launches Feb. 12 at the Jarvis St. shelter and volunteers are needed to come in and pedal away for at least 30 minutes at a stretch.Hey... how about an initiative that pays squeegie-kids to generate...

Genocide 101

When the Toronto District School Board sets up its new Afro-centric schools... will they be dancing around current events? -- NAIROBI, Kenya -- Ethnically driven violence intensified in Kenya on Sunday, and police officials said at least 19 people, including 11 children, were burned to death in a house by a mob.I guess I just never understood what the problem was... with the way things were set...

Immaculate Perception

"I made this sandwich 10 years ago. When I took a bite out of it, I saw a face looking up at me - it was Virgin Mary staring back at me. I was in total shock."I bet.Sorta like your family and friends... when you started yipping about a grilled cheese miracle.Then again... maybe crazy is the new normal.eBay spokesman Hani Durzy said the company had decided to allow the auction to continue."There's...

27 January 2008

While Al Gore fiddles...

His nonsensical ditty of climactic armageddon... bio-diversity burns...Official estimates say there are about three million Ankole cattle in Uganda and smaller populations in bordering nations. An unknown — though by all accounts large — percentage of them are in the process of being turned into something else.And it ain't gonna take thousands of years either.After one cross with a Holstein, the...

Apparently "Lucy" Warman's boyfriend...

Knows a thing or two about hate-speech..."I hear Stormfront runs a whites-only dating service, however. You might want to check that out."And while I knew Vitamin K was a ladies man... I had no idea he was also a warrior."I told her I was a pretty good shot, but no thanks, honey."I'm with BCF here, Warren... don't be a tease, let's have the whole story.And don't forget to dish about how you got to...

Stephane Dion...

Serves up his "Unhappy Meal"... "Would you like democracy with that?"Shoal Lake Chief Marcel Head, who is chairman of an interim executive committee for the riding association, says they just want the democratic process to be allowed.“We're being dictated as to what we can do, who to support, who to vote for and that's not right.”**********RELATED: Oh, those rascally Liberals...They're just all...

26 January 2008

CTV's moonbat moment of the week

The CTV Ottawa affiliate CJOH... started off their piece on supporting U.S. army deserters in Canada... "A small group of freedom fighters..."I almost fell outta my chair.First of all, there is no... as there was for the Vietnam War... draft in effect in the United States. This is an all volunteer army.All these people went out of their way to qualify to enlist in the American military. Maybe they...

A vicious serial killer dies...

Some people mourn... sane people breathe a sigh of relief...Throughout his life Habash supported the use of violence against Israel. One of the most deadly PFLP attacks was the gunning down of 27 people at Israel's Lod airport in May 1972. Forty-seven people were killed when a Swissair jet was bombed in 197...

C'mon... what leftwing media bias?

Check out this headline from the Canadian Press... -- "B.C. prison locked down after inmates set fires over privacy concerns" -- Betcha you couldn't guess... in a million years... what this is actually about..."Dave Lefebvre, a spokesman for the medium-security facility, says inmates were unhappy after last week's media reports about a woman being stopped at the gate when her toddler's stroller...

The sound of silence

Tired of getting their asses kicked every time they tried fighting actual soldiers... the jihadis have fallen back on a favorite tactic... kidnapping unarmed women. -- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (AP) -- Gunmen kidnapped a burqa-clad American aid worker and her driver in southern Afghanistan's largest city early Saturday, the latest in a series of kidnappings of foreigners in the troubled country.Cyd...

Ezra sends a love note..

To Kinsella and friends...Kinsella and Warman are lawyers by profession, but they try to avoid real lawsuits -- better to win by the mere threat of one. Compare their high school braggadocio towards little bloggers, with this rather meek demand letter sent to the Post in response to a column I had written about him. It was properly ignored; Warman didn't dare sue a monied defendant with real lawyers,...

Yes, my Islamic brothers...

Please come in... but could you leave your machine-guns and bulldozers by the door? -- Egypt -- "These provocations cause us concern and our Palestinian brothers should note that the Egyptian decision to host them and ease their suffering should not result in threats to the lives of our sons in the Egyptian forces," he said.Yeah, sure... that gracious invitation.Sorta like the German decision...


-- The sequel. -- Who says size doesn't matter? **********RELATED: And the Academy Award...For the Best Special Effects goes to..."They had closed the curtains in the rooms to create the impression that Hamas leaders were also suffering as a result of the power stoppage," one journalist told The Jerusalem Post. "It was obvious that the whole thing was staged."(h/t S...

Mayor David Miller...

Calls on Harper government to enact total ban... on senseless murders...Shawn Mclean, the shy, mentally challenged young man who was shot Tuesday night, passed away this evening, becoming Toronto’s fourth homicide victim of this year.Loudly proclaiming that "murder has only one purpose"... Toronto's mayor explained that no one will be safe... until legislation prohibiting the taking of other people's...

25 January 2008

Then I saw her face...

Now I'm a believer...Sunny says, get off your ass.Stop making babies unless you can provide 100% of what they need. Don’t “buy” stuff on credit that you can’t afford to pay off. Get an education (the more “disadvantaged” you are, the easier it is to find someone to pay for it). Fido didn’t bust his...

No good deed...

Goes unpunished..."Police brutality!" people began to yell. "Take some pictures!"Some attendees rushed outside and recorded the action on video or cellphone cameras.Of course... there are usually two sides to every story.Police said the incident was sparked when they tried to get the man out of the intersection, where he was almost hit by a bus.**********UPDATE: Thank goodness for the compassionate...

Fool me once, shame on you

Fool me twice... shame on me...But in 1978 - even in Copenhagen, one didn’t see these Muslim immigrants. The Danish population embraced visitors, celebrated the exotic, went out of its way to protect each of its citizens. It was proud of its new brand of socialist liberalism - one in development since the conservatives had lost power in 1929 - a system where no worker had to struggle to survive, where...

What's all the fuss about?

You just have to think of them as... long-distance fireworks..."I did not hear Mr Holmes describe the 4,100 rockets which have been launched at Israeli cities aimed at the killing of Israeli babies and children, innocents, as a humanitarian crisis," Israeli Ambassador Dan Gillerman told reporters.**********RELATED: And, of course...Police said the attackers entered a study hall in Kfar Etzion and...

24 January 2008

Another media manufactured crisis

Sorry guys, it's all pink light and no heat... what Commie Bob Rae thinks... matters less than nothing to me.**********RELATED: A little trip down memory laneThe picture of Canadian special forces in this SRC (CBC) article, which was also on their homepage, was taken in the fall of 2001 when the Liberal party was in power under Jean Chretien, long before Canada had any more than a few dozen JTF-2...

You don't have to be Isaac Asimov...

To see the possible adverse consequences here...A team of U.S. scientists is reporting that it has constructed the genome of a living organism for the first time. Its proponents envision making micro-organisms that gobble up pollution, produce hard-to-make drugs, pump out clean energy, or, at the whimsical end, flowers designed to bloom on your birthday.Or a bacteria that eats plastic... or human...

Hey. Dalton...

Tell me more about how you're fixing the health care system...Jean Keegan spent one whole day last week sitting in a city medical clinic for 40 pills.Keegan, 88, said there were other ways she could have spent her day but without a family physician and in need of prescriptions - which help her deal with an undiagnosed pain in her right side - she had no other choice.My personal record down at Belleville...

Mark Steyn presents...

The Fog of Warren..."The Ottawa Citizen and Southam News wish to apologize for our apology to Mark Steyn, published Oct. 22. In correcting the incorrect statements about Mr. Steyn published Oct. 15, we incorrectly published the incorrect correction. We accept and regret that our original regrets were unacceptable and we apologize to Mr. Steyn for any distress caused by our previous apology...

Wearing out their welcome

"The Palestinians left us with nothing. It's true, they are dear to us, but today, they were like locusts."Well, guys... that's actually the least of your problems.Try to imagine the blowback if one of those crazy Hamas shitheads launches some of their mobile missiles from Egyptian territory.You think Israel is just gonna say, "Hey... don't worry about it... we understand."**********UPDATE: Alrighty......


"If they thought locking themselves in the garage with the car running would help them win a gold medal, I’m sure they would do it." "Our job, obviously, is to prevent that."RANDY WILBER, a physiologist for the United States Olympic Committee, on athletes’ reaction to pollution in Beiji...

I've got an idea

Indentured slavery went out over a hundred years ago... how about the community ponies up and pays this guy a living wage?Members of the GTA Sikh community are rallying to save their lead priest from being sent home to India after eight years as their main spiritual adviser.Gurdeep Singh, 38, was refused landed immigrant status last year and community members fear he may be scooped up and sent packing...

23 January 2008

The Price of Freedom

It has been said many times before... freedom isn't free. -- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- A Canadian soldier died when a bomb exploded under his armoured vehicle Wednesday, as the military struggles to regain control of a notorious district southwest of Kandahar city.It's important to remember that the citizens of Afghanistan are paying the price of bloody jihad as well.A roadside bomb killed five...

BREAKING: Clinton stuns nation

"It is with a great sense of relief that I say to all of you today, 'Screw it. I'm in.'"In a show of respect, Clinton then completed his introduction of Hillary Clinton, calling her a "wonderful wife and worthy political adversary," and warmly shook her hand as she approached the podium. A clearly shocked Mrs. Clinton got halfway through her speech about the nation's obligation to its children before...

Afghanistanly with Manley

Well... thank goodness we've cleared all that up..."So you got that? This is a disaster for Dion, except when it’s bad news for Harper. It’s more of the same, except where it’s a call for change. There aren’t any real solutions, though it’s just what the troops have been demanding...

That Chinese economic dream...

Is starting to look like a Dickensian nightmare...One of the main reasons for the outages is that there is not enough coal in the country. Coal-fired power plants provided about 83 percent of China's electricity output in 2007.Chinese state media are reporting a nationwide power shortfall of 70 gigawatts, which is equivalent to the entire generating capacity of Britai...

Musharraf insists nukes are safe

Pervez... it might've been a little more reassuring... if you hadn't chose to start your speech with that tidbit...Mr Musharraf said that he was "not concerned" about political turmoil at home following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto last month, and insisted his country was stable."I can assure you that nothing will happen in Pakistan," he said. "We are not a banana republic."Uh-huh... somebody...

22 January 2008

David Miller and Dalton McGuinty...

Are huge proponents of prohibiting already illegal acts... but how about we just look at keeping convicted murderers in prison? -- Toronto -- A paroled murderer who stabbed a man during a crackhouse binge has been sentenced to eight years in prison.Kevin Humphrey, 43, was on parole from a life sentence when he stabbed Richard Kent multiple times with a folding knife and then slit his throat...

Surprise, surprise, surprise

Shawn Brant is back in the news...A 16-year-old legal battle involving a well-known native dissident, a small parcel of land and the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte landed in Belleville's Superior Court of Justice Monday.Three weeks has been set aside to hear a complex $750,000 civil lawsuit brought against Shawn Michael Brant, his father Ronald Leslie Brant and Andrew Clifford (Cliff) Miracle by the...

Hey, Jacko

Are these the kind of people you're gonna negotiate with?And guess what... these are ostensibly the good guys... -- KABUL -- An Afghan court on Tuesday sentenced a 23-year-old journalism student to death for distributing a paper he printed off the Internet that three judges said violated the tenets of Islam, an official said.The three-judge panel sentenced Sayad Parwez Kambaksh to death for distributing...

It's not just about us...

They cry... "It's about putting bandaids on the booboos of all Canadians..."Although this blow-back heat comes as the direct result of our specific complaints, such attacks on the very principles of the provincial and federal Commissions to whom we submitted our case threatens the interests of us all.Thanks anyway, guys... I'm good with that whole "free speech in an actual democracy" thing.**********RELATED:...

21 January 2008

The caring, compassionate...

Religion of Blown to Pieces...The bomber walked into a funeral tent for a local tribal leader and blew himself up among mourners, who included Salahuddin provincial government officials and members of a local U.S.-backed anti-al Qaeda Awakening Council."There was a big explosion. The tent was filled with the body parts of mourners. No one can be identified," said one survivor, Ahmed Abdullah, a Salahuddin...

That Northern Nookie...

Really is a walk on the wild side...New research suggests that the rate of some sexually transmitted diseases is increasing much faster in the Arctic than in southern Canada.The paper says rates of gonorrhea and chlamydia infection are about eight times higher in the three territories than the province...

A McSlippery slope

From the people who brought you, -- "I won't cut your taxes... but I won't raise them either." -- The Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario study, authored by Trent University professor Harry Kitchen, recommends the 400 series highways, the Queen Elizabeth Way, the Don Valley Parkway, the Gardiner Expressway and both the Red Hill Creek and Lincoln Alexander Parkways should have...

The Interview: Ezra Levant

You won't wanna miss this one... tonight at 8 EST on TVO...Free speech or hate speech: former Western Standard publisher Ezra Levant on his fight with the Alberta Human Rights Commission over the magazine's publication of the Danish Mohammed cartoons.You can warm up with these.**********LAST WORD: Look who just woke up...After the international MSM picked it up... the Globe and Mail couldn't continue...

What the @#*%*!!!

Good sweet [fill in your deity here]... the inmates ARE running the asylum...Barb Hill, director of policy development for the John Howard Society, said maintaining special diets during incarceration is critical.“We’re a multicultural society. Just like there are lots of people on the outside who come from different religious and ethnic groups, the same happens in prison and we have to respect their...

See, what I don't get is...

Dalton McSlippery hasn't had too much trouble finding 100 million dollars to appease the homegrown terrorists holding Caledonia hostage... but he can't deal with a healthcare system that appears to be imploding...The Ontario government rejected a proposal to fund two neurotrauma beds at a Toronto hospital, as droves of critically ill patients with brain hemorrhages were being sent to the United States...

In Africa, one man's ethnic cleansing...

Is the next guy's re-election platform...The Sudanese authorities have given a senior government position to a man accused of co-ordinating the Janjaweed Arab militia in Darfur.The Janjaweed has been accused of trying to 'cleanse' Darfur of black Africans.His appointment as a ministerial adviser will be seen as another set-back in the faltering peace process in Darfur, and is likely to increase rebel...

A sneak peek

Let the speculation begin. -- OTTAWA -- John Manley's report on Canada's future role in Afghanistan will likely recommend that troops stay in Afghanistan until 2011 while also criticizing the federal government agency responsible for delivering aid to the war-torn nation, CTV News reported last night.The widely anticipated report from the former Liberal foreign affairs minister is also expected...

20 January 2008

Whatever happened to actual news?

I'm just so tired of this mindless moonbat propaganda..."It is the same in Canada. The MSM quickly, but with a pious face, announces the death of every Canadian soldier.""However, when Canadian soldiers were in Bosnia, the MSM was silent about any casualties... I guess because it was ok for soldiers wearing blue helmets to get hurt in the name of the UN because they were not shooting their guns, but...

Apparently Field Marshall Dion...

Has decided... instead of invading Pakistan... he's gonna go with Plan B... -- KITCHENER, Ont. -- Federal Liberal caucus chairman Anthony Rota says "we haven't picked a time to overthrow the government," but the official Opposition is ready for an election campaign, if and when the time is right to defeat the minority Conservatives after Parliament resumes next week.OVERTHROW!?!I'm guessin' more...

The Pals start lobbin' missiles...

At the U.N. building... maybe these guys will feel a little differently...The United Nations condemned the Israeli measures, saying they are leading to a humanitarian crisis among Gaza's 1.5 million residents.Hey, guess what, Mohammed? You don't get to change the rules of the game... after you deal the cards.Israel says it will ease the closure when the rocket attacks stop. But Hamas is defiant....

I'm a little late to the party, here...

But, wow... I mean... holy freakin' pissin' away my tax dollars while conducting an inquisition..."Guess that's what happens with a Drama queen foolishly takes on an accused anti-semitic computer techie, eh -- don't tug on "Ubermensch's" cape next time, Richie boy."I'm gonna go out on a limb here... and guess they don't teach this particular tactic at most law schools.**********UPDATE: Kathy Shaidle...