01 April 2021


...except that, actually, it won't...insert alt text here
"The new measures will also prohibit indoor gatherings with people outside your household and outdoor gatherings will be limited to five people."
If these new KungFlu variants turn out to be what they're predicting... then not stopping airline flights from China in 2020 will turn out to be the historical medical equivalent of Neville Chamberlain BFF'ing Hitler

The real gold, as usual, is in the comments...
"If we could just sew our proof of vaccination into the shape of a yellow star and sew this onto our jackets, it’d make our overseer’s jobs more comfortable."
Here's the thing... it could be that the virus has actually mutated into something more serious. That was, in fact, the pattern with the 1918 Spanish Flu

As per Gina Kolata's excellent book "Flu"... it was relatively benign at the onset... then came roaring back with an apocalyptic vengeance that fall. 

But I have to say... the government has fucked this up so badly, so far... that they have no credibility at all... with me anyway.