There's a reason you don't bring an UNCOMMUNICATIVE, UNMEDICATED, MENTALLY ILL MAN WITH A KNIFE to a gunfight...
I'm tired of all this media-propagated argle-bargle about "Police Death Squads" in Canada... particularly from folk who hail from, shall we say, less democratic regions of the world.
You want to know what actually happened?
The responding officers tased this guy, then hit him with rubber projectiles from an ARWEN... and when he still kept coming, they went lethal. And, no... they did not "shoot him five times in the back" as family members claim. Why does the CBC eat this shit up?
Here's a thought • the next time your schizophrenic family member picks up a weapon • don't call 911.
Call a social worker. Or your Imam.
Lastly, Poopy-Face... you might wanna run those protest signs past a native English speaker.