31 October 2009

Well, as long as we've got...

...all those extra tax dollars just lyin' around...Premier Dalton McGuinty is defending an untendered, $81-million contract for an energy centre built to power a casino in Windsor.Windsor, huh... that sounds so familiar...Finance Minister Dwight Duncan, who represents the riding of Windsor-Tecumseh, has come under fire in recent weeks for the soaring cost of the energy centre, which he admits came...

What would Dalton do?

"In Liberal Ontario, giving inmates priority over their guards should be no surprise," said the Progressive Conservative MPP."Another example of a screwed-up Liberal justice system where masturbating Peeping Toms have charges dropped and a law-abiding storekeeper is charged after chasing and catching a thief."**********RELATED: More McSlippery slope...Even the fuzzy-bunny Red Star is fed up.After...

Pin the tail

Canada's vaccine manufacturer did not inform federal health officials until Thursday that the number of H1N1 doses available to Canadians next week would shrink by much more than half – prompting provinces to suspend the rollout of the vaccine to the general public for at least a couple of weeks.Maybe somebody should ask Dalton if he still plans on innoculating Paul Bernardo & friends.**********RELATED:...

30 October 2009

It's time to admit the ugly truth

The Fiberal's "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry" is an abject failure... so when do we get our two billion dollars back?According to Statistics Canada, gun homicides are up 24% since 2002, despite the existence of the registry. And according to the Canadian Institute for Legislative Action and the Canadian Shooting Sports Association, 92% of gun crimes in Canada are committed with illegal handgun...

"I'm from the Government... I'm here..."

"...to save (some of) you"...Inmates at Ontario jails and correctional centres will be vaccinated for the swine flu Monday, while the guards protecting them have been told their clinics have been cancelled, the Sun has learned. To add insult to injury, he said, the guards will be part of the security...

And for a change...

...a pretty swift response by Canadian authorities...Windsor police apprehended the son of a suspected Muslim extremist killed this week in Detroit by U.S. agents, and within hours Canadian border agents expelled him from the country.“We have him now,” FBI Special Agent Sandra Berchtold said Thursday.Mujahid...

So, anyway, it looks as if we have...

...some variant of flu here at "the halls"... Mrs N is on the mend after four days of moderate discomfort and Neophyte & myself are experiencing slight fever today. Is it swine? Well, who knows?We'll keep the boy home from school, but other than that, it's business as usual.**********UPDATE: Friday morning fever I actually have an appointment for diagnostic imaging this morning and... given...

29 October 2009

That Liberal M.P. who falsely accused...

...her own constituents of publicly burning crosses like the KKK... what's she been up to lately, anyway?**********RELATED: Dipper MP says Canadian General......being too hard on poor Afghanis."It's saying we don't know how to solve this problem, we don't know how to fight this war."Yeah... that's where we should get our military strategy... from the ND...

Well, Michael...

...it certainly appears as if somebody's "time is up"...But only by going through the data tables, which break down the result by voter intention, can one become truly boggled by the revelation that not even Liberal supporters are all that keen on the guy: Only 55 percent would keep him on as leader -- 26 percent would ditch him for the nearest available alternative in a flash. That's 26 percent of...

Good Morning, Hastings County

Richard Schabas, Medical Officer of Health for Ontario's Hastings and Prince Edward Counties Health Unit, said that unless he gets another shipment within the next few days, he won't be able to run clinics on the weekend. “It all depends on the flow of vaccine,” he said. “Ontario's getting a million doses a week. That's not a lot of vaccine.”**********UPDATE: Yeah... I'm shockedThe Centers for Disease...

It's about "time"...

...hard, unrelenting, uninterrupted time... for the perpetrators... -- OTTAWA -- Multiple murderers and serial killers could face consecutive life sentences without any hope for parole under a Conservative plan to end “volume discounts” for the most heinous criminals.Justice Minister Rob Nicholson announced new legislation Wednesday that would give judges the discretion to hand down “consecutive...

28 October 2009

In other R.O.P. news

Wackjob terrorist draws down on FBI... gets express ticket for the A-Train... -- Detroit -- The leader of a Detroit mosque who allegedly espoused violence and separatism was shot and killed Wednesday in an FBI gun battle at a Dearborn warehouse.Luqman Ameen Abdullah, imam of the Masjid Al-Haqq mosque...

Another Canadian soldier falls

Justin Garrett Boyes was leading a foot patrol of Afghan National police through a district heavily populated by Taliban on WEDNESDAY morning when the ground exploded beneath him.Lieutenant Boyes, a 26-year-old father who had just arrived for his second tour of duty in Kandahar 10 days ago, did not...

Looks like the flu...

...is only part of the problem...The best way to drink hand sanitizer is straight, like whisky, and down it “like a shot,” explains Tyler, a Grade 10 student who lives in Toronto. Undiluted, the alcohol-based liquid tastes a little like “vodka and bug spray,” he adds.This kind of situation creates a problem for schools. The liquid, jokingly called “booze ooze” on parenting blogs, is one of the best...

Okay, somebody's gotta pony up here

I mean... it's not like we're talkin' 11 different secret herbs and spices here..."Because what I want to know is if Canada's Health Minister will get the same flu jab as the rest of us or, as in Germany, whether Canada's people will get one vaccination and Canada's Establishment will get another."**********RELATED:...

Of course, a day without martyrdom...

...is like a day without sunshine...At least 91 people have been killed after a huge car bomb ripped through a busy market in Peshawar, Pakistan.The attack, which injured at least 200 others, was the deadliest to hit Pakistan this year. The market mostly sells products for women, and most of the dead were women and children.You've gotta wonder if the iron fist of Pervez Musharraf isn't looking just...

You know what's worse...

...than dying in a pool of your own vomit? -- Try dying in a pool of somebody else's...The staff change came in a messy internal scene, according to Liberal insiders. Mr. Davey and Ms. Fairbrother saw reports on TV, and Ms. Fairbrother denied to reporters that anything was happening – but Mr. Ignatieff confirmed it to them later last night.Mr. Davey had known about efforts to recruit Mr. Donolo...

27 October 2009

Gaza Strip Rules?

Looks like Canada has their own "Green Helmet Guy"...The protester in question, Jeh Custer, was interviewed on the CBC at 5:15 PM EST. Blood was smeared on his face. He and his fellow interviewees took pains to describe how Custer's face was smashed into a wall, and dragged across it, smearing blood everywhere. Yes, indeed, it must have been a forceful impact if his face was still bloody three hours...

As Canadian as...

...wait just a freakin' minute...A Canadian citizen living in Chicago has been charged in an assassination conspiracy targeting employees at the Danish newspaper that published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in 2005.Tahawar Hussain Rana, a 48-year-old Canadian citizen originally from Pakistan, was taken into custody Oct. 18, as more than 100 FBI agents raided his Chicago home, immigration consultancy,...

Who decides...

...who gets priority access to flu vaccinations? -- TORONTO -- A grief-stricken father whose otherwise healthy teenage son died suddenly from the swine flu struggled to make sense of the tragedy Tuesday and urged other parents to keep a close eye on their ill children.Paul Frustaglio said it took barely more than a day for the H1N1 flu virus to kill Evan - his "best friend" - who turned 13 last...

From the people who brought you...

...those epic "happy endings" in Rwanda and Darfur. -- UNITED NATIONS -- Red-faced United Nations officials on Monday admitted to a major security lapse after a UN guard helped Kentucky Fried Chicken's "Colonel Sanders" gain access to restricted areas."It should not have happened, that I will stress, and very strongly," said Michele Montas, spokeswoman for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. "There...

Live and don't learn...

...that's us... -- OTTAWA -- "It is now clear that it is a Tamil Tiger owned and operated ship," said Gunaratna, who heads Singapore's International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research. The Sri Lankan native has authored several books on the country's civil war that ended in May, with government troops finally defeating the LTTE."Certainly, not all ships that are transporting...

Yeah, Dawg... believe it or not...

...there actually are a few differences between them and us..."The Taliban are obviously manipulating children and using them as cannon fodder," said Major Robert Dunn of Ottawa, who oversees operations in southern and western Kandahar."There is one place west of Kandahar City where they shoot at us every day through a shield of children. They actually stack them up, with 8-year-olds at the front...

26 October 2009

So... what's the latest moonbattery...

...in the Land of the Rising Crackhead?But, of course.**********RELATED: Yeah, thanks anywayI think I'm goin' with these guys instead...The Conservative government has introduced a number of bills to lengthen prison sentences for people convicted of crimes. In June, the government introduced legislation to repeal the "faint hope clause" that allows people convicted of first- and second-degree murder...

Oh, man, you know how...

...you happen across a really bad accident... but, as hard as you try, you just can't look away?Well... don't look now.**********RELATED: Speaking of accidents...I wonder if the Liberal spin machine has any torque left... you know... after all that wailing away on Rahim Jaffar...A Brampton Liberal MPP is facing charges following a weekend hit-and-run. Dr. Kuldip Kular, the MPP for Bramalea-Gore-Malton,...

And, somewhere...

...in the Ottawa area tonight... Stephane Dion sleeps like a baby...Dion received 28% of the popular vote last fall as his party lost to Stephen Harper's Conservatives. The Ipsos Reid poll suggests that, last week, the Liberals would have done even worse, with just 25% of support among all Canadian...

25 October 2009

No such thing as a bad boy...

...in Dalton McGuinty's fuzzy-bunny socialist paradise...At the end of September, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty admitted to "dropping the ball" for the Crown's failure to notify St. Catharines mother Patricia Marshall and her two daughters that a criminal harassment charge was being withdrawn against their Peeping Tom neighbour, identified as the aforementioned James Cedar.Of course... that's not...

That sure is one bloodthirsty...

..."Religion of Peace"...Two powerful car bombs exploded in downtown Baghdad Sunday, killing at least 106 people in a powerful blow to the heart of the fragile city's government, Iraqi medical officials and authorities said.The truth is, though... why should anybody be surprised... there will be an inevitable escalation of this type of thing as President McDreamy belly-crawls towards appeasement...Even...

And... however slowly...

...the karmic wheel turns... -- TORONTO -- A second man is charged in the August murder of a Scarborough man.Police arrested MacGyver Edwards, 18, of Toronto, on Friday and was charged with first-degree murder.Tristan Lall, 25, who is banned for life by court from possessing firearms, was charged with first-degree murder about a week after the slaying.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Wait, why not...

24 October 2009

Remember when you were a kid...

...and you'd just murder someone for disrespecting your ride? -- TORONTO -- Christopher Skinner may have died because his hand touched the suspects' vehicle.The 27-year-old man was beaten up by at least two men who were in the black SUV before the driver got back into the vehicle and purposely drove over the victim.Gallant said Skinner would have survived the beating. He also said there's no...

No word just yet, on which...

...GTA gun club Justin and Omar belonged to...Peel Police allege not only did 21-year-old Justin Bellinger of Toronto fail to obey his laughable bail conditions for firearm and drug charges but he and alleged accomplice Mustafa Omar, 23, committed these murders at a farmhouse at 8678 Chinguacousy Rd. in Brampton. Crime reporter Chris Doucette recalls being out at the scene, saying it was something...

"It's okay, Hakimullah..."

"...you can sleep in my cave tonight"...Pakistani officials say the military has captured the hometown of Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud. Also in the northwest Saturday, officials say a suspected U.S. missile strike has killed at least 14 people in the Bajaur tribal region.Hmmm... Mehsud, Mehsud... that name sounds so familia...

23 October 2009

Barack in Wonderland

Once AGAIN......the triumph of hope over experience. -- WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The United States still hopes Iran will respond positively next week to a U.N.-backed deal on nuclear fuel supply, but won't wait forever for a response, the U.S. State Department said on Friday.Hours after Tehran ignored...

The only country...

...willing to acknowledge reality... and make the right call... is, once again, Israel...Iran has failed to accept a UN-drafted plan for it to cut a stockpile of nuclear fuel that the West fears could be used for weapons, instead calling for responses to its own proposal.The deal, proposed by the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA), has already been approved by the other parties: the United...

Your money... his friends

How do the McSlippery Liberals deal with a mind-blowing, record-setting deficit? -- TORONTO -- Pinned under a $25-billion deficit, the Dalton McGuinty government has secretly hired cost-cutting consultants to go over the public drug plan for seniors and welfare recipients, Sun Media has learned.The contract with McKinsey and Co. was so under wraps that health ministry officials initially denied...

22 October 2009

He keeps on screwing things up...

..."Hah-vuhd" isn't gonna want him back either.********RELATED: More Lie-beral hocus-pocusGeorge Smitherman, surprisingly... sets the record straight. And anyway, putting aside the latest tsunami of "liberal faux outrage"... who are the real beneficiaries here..."As Conservatives and the opposition argue in Ottawa over whether the government has politicized the high-profile Recreational Infrastructure...

Wrath of Allah, huh?

That sure doesn't sound like a good thing to me. -- TORONTO -- In referring to those Muslims who would seek allies outside the Muslim community to bring about legislation that would ban face coverings, the imam said: “You will see a lot of them going to the kuffar, taking them as friends and allies. The wrath of Allah is upon them. If they were true believers they would never take them as allies.”At...

Remember how Premier McSlippery...

...promised he wasn't gonna raise your taxes? Well, the joke's on you... again. -- TORONTO -- Conservative leader Tim Hudak said, Thursday, that the $24.7-billion deficit Ontario now faces represents a shameful performance by the Premier and Finance Minister Dwight Duncan.Hudak added that the Finance Ministers economic statement effectively adds another $13,500 in debt for every single household...

I guess it's all about...

..."hope and change", huh?The philosophy of harm reduction rests on the belief that addicts can't help themselves. Yet the language of addiction has been banished, so as not to make them feel bad. There are no junkies any more, or drug abusers, or even drugs. That addled, toothless guy with the sores and needle tracks is now known as a “substance user.”**********COMPARE & CONTRAST: Smell the...

Pink Shift

Because, if there's one thing we know about the Liberal Party... it's that they're all about the ladies... -- OTTAWA -- Immigration Minister Judy Sgro is defending the government's policy of admitting foreign exotic dancers to work in Canada, saying the strip club business is "a strong industry"...

21 October 2009

Ezra Levant has bigger balls...

...than ANY ten Members of Parliament put together..."Of course, I really don't give a damn about international opinion of Canada. I don't care if some French NGO hates us or loves us." "What I care about is my God-given freedom as a Canadian, and that Lynch has illegally taken it away. The fact that it takes a liberal French NGO to notice is merely adding insult to injury.""Now that the exquisitely...

Help me out here, Mr. Mayor...

Exactly how many of Toronto's 44 homicides... were committed by members of a GTA gun club? -- TORONTO -- The city’s latest murder victim has been identified. Andre Daley, 29, was gunned down outside a Scarborough restaurant on Sunday morning.When emergency crews arrived, they allegedly found three men suffering from what appeared to be gunshot wounds outside.Daley’s death marks Toronto’s 44th...

So yesterday, Ontario Liberals...

...hinted at a belt-tightening budget, further squeezing the education and healthcare systems... geez, I wonder where the money went...Ontario government ministries spent almost $390 million on consultants in 2007-08 -- on top of the funds that went to contractors through its agencies, boards and commissions like eHealth Ontario. Miller said the FOI numbers do not include other government bodies that...

20 October 2009

Meet the Data Liberation Front

If your Gmail or Blogger account was suddenly toast... how upset would you be?Own your data.The export format for Blogger is Atom, a standard for syndication of Blog feeds. This Atom document contains all of the posts, comments, labels, and even Blogger-specific settings. Exporting a blog for a backup...

From the people who brought you...

...dangerous & irrational mass protests on the Gardiner Expressway...The Tamil Canadians believe the migrants will make refugee claims. Mr. Anandasangaree said he flew to Vancouver to ensure the men have lawyers and are treated properly. “If they've willing to risk so much getting here, they deserve a hearing. They deserve our compassion.”No pal... not if they're not willing to respect Canadian...

Waging Holy War

The first thing we do... is maim and kill a whole bunch of people..."There were gunshots at first and then two explosions one after the other. One was just outside the gate of the girls' cafeteria and the other one targeted the head of the department for Sharia studies."Once again... the capricious & unknowable "Will of Allah...

Can the McDreamy administration...

...afford to go with hugs... and not slugs? -- WASHINGTON D.C. -- The United States would find it difficult not to join an Israeli air strike in the event that Jerusalem decides to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, a former top-ranking U.S. Air Force officer told participants at a conference this weekend organized by a Washington think tank. He also criticized the U.S. government and military...

19 October 2009

Or... and I'm just spitballin' here...

...we could redirect scarce, dwindling medical resources to productive, upstanding citizens who actually care whether they live or die...Health authorities should consider handing out “safer crack kits” and providing supervised inhalation rooms for crack smokers to reduce the spread of HIV among crack cocaine users, a new study suggests.Just something to think about the next time you're stuck sitting...

Yeah... let's work everybody up...

...into a frothing rage about the logos on some dummied up prop cheques... it's not like there's any real malfeasance out there... -- MONTREAL -- Corbeil entered pleas to fraud and influence peddling during an appearance Wednesday morning at the Montreal courthouse. A third charge of conspiracy was stayed.Corbeil says he will reveal who profited from the scam, suggesting more names will come out...

18 October 2009

Once again, Mayor's office...

...frantically turning itself inside out... to discover which gun club shooters belonged to. -- TORONTO -- Four people are in hospital – one with life-threatening injuries – after a drive-by shooting outside a west-end restaurant.It happened around 3am at First Choice Restaurant on Keele St., near Sheppard Ave. W.Police say one or more suspects drove up in a van and opened fire, hitting four people,...

If she could just get over that...

...prissy little wallflower thing... or, why I read Kathy Shaidle daily...We do not need more people outsourcing their outrage, and indulging in fruitless exercises such as encouraging politicians to think they have power over us, by politely petitioning them to pretty please give us our rights back. We need more people to start speaking out, writing whatever they want, and risk their jobs and "reputations"...

If you build it... they will come

Just something to think about, Toronto... the next time you have to cough up your increasingly outrageous municipal taxes...City caseworkers first came forward here in March, complaining their welfare clients were netting hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in food allowances for medical conditions they obviously didn't have.And Toronto's "dirty little secret" is costing us a fortune.According...

17 October 2009

Reality show, my hairy arse

Somebody really oughta take all these puffed-up Hollywood narcissists to a place where reality isn't meticulously scripted and interlaced with skin-care commercials... and rub their face in some smelly, mouldering truth...He doesn't understand why attendants come in every day. Doesn't understand why we locked the medications away. Doesn't understand why we took the car away. And most heartbreakingly,...

Everybody's a winner...

...well, except for the infidel sons of dogs...The winners of a quiz organised by Somali Islamists have been given weapons and ammunition as prizes. Prizes included AK-47 assault rifles, hand grenades and an anti-tank mine. he winning team, from the city's Farjano district, reportedly won a rifle, two grenades, a landmine and office supplies worth $1,000 (£613).But the runners-up did not go home...

Pay me now... or pay me later

Pakistan decides it's time to double down...Between 10,000 and 15,000 hardcore Taliban fighters are believed to be operating in the area, hoping to ambush some of the 30,000 soldiers deployed for the operation.South Waziristan is an area of around 6,620 square kilometres consisting of plain fields, jagged mountains and dense forests.And this will, by no means, be a walk in the park... apparently the...

Now be honest

Is there anything that can't be solved with Google, razor blades and a head full of worms...A man who performed an amateur circumcision on his four-year-old son on the floor of the family kitchen has been found guilty of criminal negligence.Justice Marion Allan said D.J.W. ought to have known better, partly because a circumcision he earlier performed on himself led to bleeding, sutures and infection.“The...

16 October 2009

Welcome Back Khadr

In the end, Mr. Khadr did get his consular visits. He had John buying him books and even new glasses. He got a business-class ticket "home" - though Canada was hardly his home, merely his place of birth.There isn't a hint of a breath of a suggestion that any Canadian, whether from CSIS or the RCMP, handled Abdullah Khadr with anything other than kid glove...

A crime, er... cause of opportunity

Whatever criticism anyone might have had of Stephane (Green Shifter) Dion... no one ever accused him of being insincere... -- MONTREAL -- There have been 94 sitting days in the House of Commons so far this year. Over that time Michael Ignatieff has raised the issue of the environment in question period only twice.Spaced almost six months apart, each occasion coincided with a bilateral meeting...

Those Bloodthirsty Deities

Once again... the capricious & unknowable "Will of Allah"...There was no immediate claim of responsibility but suspicion fell on the Taliban, which has been blamed for two weeks of attacks that have killed more than 150 people across the country and appear aimed at forcing the government to abandon a planned offensive into the militants' stronghold along the Afghan border. The blast killed 11...

In other taxpayer funded...

...felonious "Chicks with Dicks" news...The prison guard at a B. C. penitentiary says he tried to be professional and respectful when he frisk-searched an inmate. But the transgendered male prisoner was on the road to becoming female, and the guard soon found himself under investigation for alleged sexual assault, accused of inappropriately touching the man's surgically augmented breasts.The incident...

15 October 2009

If you go out in the woods, er...

...Cherry Beach today..."It didn't have eyebrows, last time we saw it, and it was coloured a much brighter shade of green," she said, "but even without DNA tests, I'm pretty confident it's the same policy.""That's a little disappointing, because we were really hoping to find some that we hadn't seen before...

I dunno, call me wacky...

...but maybe we oughta be "thinking smaller"...“Despite the instinctive appeal of distributing laptops to schoolchildren, there is precious little evidence that making computers available to children improves educational outcomes,” wrote Timothy Ogden, editor of Philanthropy in Action, a web journal for donors.He argues that schoolchildren in developing countries would benefit more from cheap, simple...

Maybe it was supposed to be the...

..."Nobel Appeasement Prize"...The presidential notice alters a key provision of the 1999 Defense Authorization Act that required that the president notify Congress whether a transfer of missile and space technology to China would harm the U.S. space-launch industry or help China's missile programs.Yessirree... the McDreamy Democrats are all about the peace...Senators diverted $2.6 billion in funds...