05 February 2009

It's about time...

...somebody decided to peel back all that apology-encrusted political correctness...
If the veil is merely an accoutrement of certain cultures, we have every right to expect our authorities to declare that we are not one of those cultures, and we can oblige its removal at certain times — at an electoral poll, in a driver’s-licence photo, in a courtroom and in other contexts where the wearing of a mask would be regarded as unacceptable.

RELATED: Mayor Miller's office has yet to identify...

...which gun club the shooters belonged to...
Billed as a sports bar and West Indian restaurant, Whispers, this night at least, functioned as an after-hours cage for an aimless and hostile crowd. The club is sprawling and attractive; the dance hall at one end is huge. There was music and you could get a beer; indeed, about 13 minutes before he was killed, Mr. Lewis was seen on the tape having one.

Yet in all the tape the jurors saw, no one was dancing. No one seemed to be having fun. Small knots of chippy young men prowled from room to room and back again. Young women in summer clothes often followed.

There were countless near-fights and shoving matches.