10 February 2009

I think I know where Nadya...

...should be getting child support...
California's Medical Board is investigating why the doctor provided the treatment to an unemployed single mother of six who lives with her parents.
This doctor, even disregarding the all too apparent mental (not to mention marital & financial) deficits of his "client"... broke existing laws to make this happen.

Now, obviously... that's not gonna happen. Some intervention, however, is immediately required here.
Angela Suleman says she has struggled to pay her bills as she cares for Nadya's six older children.

A reporter who went to the three-bedroom home described it as cramped and filthy.
You wouldn't leave these kids in a destitute, filthy, cramped environment with anyone else.

Time to call in Childrens Aid.


RELATED: That sounds so familiar...
Appearing on The Rush Limbaugh Show last week, I got a little muddled over two adjoining newspaper clippings—one on the stimulus, the other on those octuplets in California—and for a brief moment the two stories converged.

Everyone’s hammering that mom — she’s divorced, unemployed, living in a small house with parents who have a million bucks’ worth of debt, and she’s already got six kids. So she has in vitro fertilization to have eight more. But isn’t that exactly what the Feds have done?

Last fall, they gave birth to an $850 billion bailout they couldn’t afford and didn’t have enough time to keep an eye on, and now four months later they’re going to do it all over again, but this time they want trillionuplets. Barney and Nancy represent the in vitro fertilization of the federal budget.

And it’s the taxpayers who’ll get stuck with the diapers.
(via mark peters)


LAST WORD: Once again... the taxpayer dime
-- LOS ANGELES -- The Southern California mother of octuplets receives $490 a month in food stamps and three of her first six children are disabled and receiving federal assistance, her publicist confirmed Monday evening.

Spokesman Michael Furtney said Nadya Suleman did not want to disclose the nature of the disabilities, or the type or sum of the payments.

Angela Suleman said she and Nadya's father pleaded with her first fertility doctor not to treat their daughter again. She said her daughter went to another doctor.