28 February 2009

Self-celebrated Liberal party operative...

...entering final phase of "Operation Bigger Dick Than You"..."Finally, as far as the LPC goes, if I(sic) asked for my advice - and I am all the time - I will say that CIC has utterly marginalized itself."From your lips to Iggy's ear... you obnoxious bully. RELATED:   "The calliope crashed to the ground"Meanwhile, apparently the crew on the now ditched Israel junket included Dr. Dawg,...

Hope, Change and...

...Crawford, Texas...The Obama administration, like the Bush administration before it, claimed national security would be compromised if a lawsuit brought by the Oregon chapter of the charity, Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation, were allowed to proceed.Now, civil libertarians hope the case will become the...

Don't look at me...

...I didn't vote for him... -- AMHERSTBURG -- Premier Dalton McGuinty is keeping a tight lid on just how deep Ontario will sink into red ink, despite alarming predictions that the deficit could climb as high as $18 billion over two years.McGuinty vowed his government will "do our part" to stimulate the economy.Yeah... that's exactly what we're afraid of.And yes... it could be wors...

Getting tough on crime

-- "Do you support the Conservative government's legislation to toughen anti-gang laws?" -- And somewhere... an angel weeps.**********RELATED: And... right on cue...Toronto police are investigating an overnight shooting near Kennedy Road and Lawrence Avenue East that has claimed the life of a...

Say Iggy, maybe puffins...

...aren't that great at hiding their excrement after all..."We are very disappointed by the outcome of the court's decision. And we are outraged that we are forced, because of a legal agreement negotiated by the previous Liberal government, to return this dangerous individual to Canada.""The agreement made under the previous Liberal government was not required by law and is very unusual; however they...

27 February 2009

The third time around...

...is the charm.[*]RELATED: "Blogging bigot, Dr. Dawg...""...is on one of his tears against the evil Jooooos. He's uset that Carleton and the University of Ottawa have banned disturbing posters which blatantly accuse the IDF of targeting Gaza school children. (These were to be a feature of Hate Israel...

Just another day...

...in paradise...There has been yet another shooting on Toronto streets, although thankfully the outcome wasn't as serious as Thursday night's homicide. A man said to be about 28 years old was shot twice in the leg in an apartment building at 615 The East Mall Friday afternoo...

The Farmer Bob Rifle Registry

It's time to drive a stake through this "Two Billion Dollar" Monster's heart...This is a non-partisan issue and I hope Bill C-301 will be supported by all federal parties. There are MPs in all parties who firmly believe hunters, farmers and sport shooters have been forced to comply with an onerous and costly registration process that makes no sense.I would encourage all hunters, sport shooters and...

Socialist Campfire Songbook

"When the moon is in the seventh house... and Barbara Hall aligns with Mars"..."John Fulton has co-sponsored the annual St Catharines Aids walk for years. Does that sound like some foaming Steynian homophobe?""Well, a fat lot of good it did him come the day the Ontario "human rights" enforcers showed up to ruin his life."(via ffof)**********LATEST "CHICKS WITH DICKS" UPDATE:"'I will be a homeless...

What's flat, black and glows in the dark?

Here's a hint... it ain't gonna be Tel-Aviv...Binyamin Netanyahu has just become prime minister of Israel. He is determined to take action before - not after - Iran achieves its nuclear potential. This creates a volatile, hair-trigger situation that could explode at any moment. Hence, the endgame is now vastly closer than it was in mid-January, when many believed Israel might take action during the...

26 February 2009

Rebranding "British" Columbia

For me personally... it's a tossup between "Moonbattia" and "Oz"..."The consonant-vowel pattern is readily manageable by speakers of language with clustered consonants, such as English, but also easily accessible for languages, such as Japanese, that do not have consonant clusters." "It also does not have "r" and "l" (I think linguists call these "liquids") which are not easily moved from one language...

Okay Dawg... wind up the squirrels...

...'cos I just wanna hear how this is gonna be a bad thing for Canada.**********FROM THE COMMENTS: Don't bogart that joint..."Zorpheus says... Under this new law, is Neo guilty of First Degree Murder? Well on the surface I would have to say yes?"Geez, Zorph... is that what they're teaching at "imaginary...

See, Peace Moonbeam...

...the thing is... I heard they already tried asking him... "pretty please"...Some experts fear the move by the International Criminal Court could unleash a new wave of violence in Darfur, destroying a fragile peace process that has just begun to make some early progres...

Chalk up another victory...

...for Toronto's infamous "code of silence"...It was one of the most brazen, shocking execution-style murders this city has ever seen. And now it looks like both suspects are about to walk free.**********UPDATE: Who's actually to blame here?Cuff's lawyer, John Struthers, praised the Crown's "courage" for withdrawing the charges."They were having difficulty with the witnesses ... There is fear and...

25 February 2009

Paging Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Uh, Mahmoud, buddy... Lesson #1... Israel doesn't bluff.Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Othman rejected an IAEA report last week about particles of man-made uranium found at the al-Kibar facility. Syria maintains the uranium, which can be used in a nuclear reactor, came from the Israeli weapons used to destroy the site. The IAEA said that was "not likely."And, by the way... the word you wanna be focusing...

You think I'm dark...

...get a load of Niall Ferguson...“There will be blood, in the sense that a crisis of this magnitude is bound to increase political as well as economic conflict. It is bound to destabilize some countries." "It will cause civil wars to break out, that have been dormant. It will topple governments that were moderate and bring in governments that are extreme.""These things are pretty predictable." "The...

Swatting "Bugz"

Here's an urban survival tip... if the guy standing next to you at the bus stop has a "street name"... you might wanna take a few steps to the side."Peter Joel Bowen, known as "Bugz," died in hospital shortly after the Sunday night ambush that began in the lobby of his Driftwood Ave. complex."Don't take my word for it. Just ask "Scruffles"... or "Tactix"... or "Stackz".Oh yeah... it also helps if......

Oh c'mon Hillary... Iggy said what!?!?

...that man is such a kidder...I mean, seriously... don't you remember the last time they tried to pull this shit?**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Clicking on Blogging Tories to this post (or Stephen Taylor's, I clicked both), got me locked out of the University of Western wireless internet system for 'malicious...

24 February 2009

Here comes the science...

Talkin' DNA and Suicide...But when the rat moms were neglectful, the promoter gene was silenced. Result: fewer receptors, and a hair-trigger response to stress. These neglected rats grew up to be fearful, neurotic messes because this gene had a silencer sitting on it.Ever since that study, the obvious question has hung in the air: Are people like rats? Do childhood experiences re-set the genome, turning...

Remember when you were a kid...

...and people would bust a cap on babies at public celebrations? -- NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- An infant and at least five other people were shot Tuesday along a parade route packed with Mardi Gras revelers, police said. Two suspects were in custody and the victims were recovering.Yeah... me neither.**********UPDATE:...

President McDreamy goes to Defcon 2

Oh my gawd... he's pullin' out the big gun.**********FROM THE COMMENTS: Who's on deck... Celine Dion?And...I think you forget that Clooney played a CIA agent in Syrianna, a soldier in Three Kings, and a colonel in Peacemaker, of course his advice is important. He is far more knowledgeable than most...

Well, heck... maybe Gawd does...

...play dice with the universe... -- VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- A rocket carrying a NASA global warming satellite splashed into the ocean near Antarctica early today after a failed launch.The Taurus XL rocket carrying the Orbiting Carbon Observatory blasted off just before 2 a.m., from California's Vandenberg Air Force Base. But minutes later, the fairing on the rocket failed to separate,...

Craig Munro isn't aboriginal...

...he just plays one in prison...Thursday's hearing will take place at his minimum-security prison, Kwikwexwelhp Healing Village, which puts aboriginal spirituality at the centre of its rehabilitation program. Munro is not aboriginal but has converted to native teachings.The hearing will be conducted in a circle formation and will begin with a smudging ceremony. "Mr. Munro has requested an elder-assisted...

23 February 2009

Premier McSlippery and his gang...

...sure talk a good game... just don't ask them to actually do anything...Their reign of terror began with taunts about her nice clothes -- outfits she'd bought herself after long hours at her part-time job. Then it was derogatory names because she dared to excel at their vocational school and shunned...

TTC contemplating getting rid of...

...all too suggestive "Red" Rocket slogan...A brazen daylight shooting aboard a TTC bus Monday afternoon sent passengers stampeding off the bus and left one person in hospital with injuries to his hip.The shooting took place on a bus near St. Clair and Oakwood Avenues shortly after 1 p.m. Monday, says Toronto police Const. Wendy Drummon...

C'mon... give yourself a shake

This is fuzzy-bunny politically-correct Canuckistan. You can turn babies into popsicles and still be a victim... if you have the right "cultural credentials".The only surprise here is that this guy was ever tried in the first place.**********RELATED: CUPE... and all their friends"Here we have a situation where a once-proud union has sunk so low as to have a small group put forward a motion that...

Remember all those guys...

...who were stalling the Conservative's "Tough on Crime" bill? Well... it looks like they've been put on notice...Liberals may still dominate the Senate, but the appointment of 18 senators has Conservatives predicting an end to the gridlock that has stalled their agenda.Just as importantly... it looks like more of them are bothering to show up for work...If nothing else, the appointments appear to...

Further to Agenda-quiddick

"We know Kinsella hates it when people mention his involvement in Adscam. He threatened to sue the National Post’s Andrew Coyne over it. He threatened to sue the Globe’s Normal Spector over it. He once called Justice Gomery’s inquiry a “pile of judicial garbage” – classy, coming from a lawyer." "But for some reason Kinsella never did the one thing you’d expect someone to do who actually believed that...

Lead-painted baby toys...

...melamine in baby formula... I've gotta confess, I remain less than impressed with that Chinese "economic miracle"... -- BEIJING, China (CNN) -- At least 70 people in one Chinese province have suffered food poisoning in recent days after eating pig organs contaminated by a banned food additive, state-run media reported Monday.Clenbuterol can prevent pigs from accumulating fat but is harmful...

22 February 2009

So I'm sitting here...

...waiting for the 11 o'clock news, which has been pre-empted by the Oscars... and after listening to just minutes of this uber-saccharine, mutual admiration society... composed mostly of otherwise unemployable multi-millionaire dilettantes... I have an uncontrollable urge to throw up.No wonder so many of these "hollow shells" end up killing themselves with alcohol and drugs.Who really enjoys watching...

Must be the weekend

A man was clinging to life Sunday night after being shot, possibly numerous times, in a violence-plagued neighbourhood in the northwestern part of Toronto.Toronto Police officers responded to a gun call at 245 Driftwood Ave. — northeast of Jane St. and Finch Ave. W. — around 7:10 p.m. and found the victim with life-threatening injuries.The young man, believed to be about 19, was whisked away to the...

Muslim Brotherhood launches...

..."Operation Shoot Myself in the Face"... -- CAIRO -- An attacker threw a grenade into a famed bazaar in medieval Cairo on Sunday, killing a Frenchwoman and wounding at least 17 others — most of them foreign tourists, officials said.Don't worry, though... this was an inclusive multi-cultural deal...The wounded included three Saudis, 10 French, a German and three Egyptians, said Health Minister...

Lovely Lotus Land...

...where taking someone's life... can get you grounded...A Burnaby, B.C., man convicted of manslaughter in the 2005 death of a popular Afghan singer will not face any jail time.Ahmad Froogh, 22, was handed a two-year conditional sentence on Friday that will be served in his parents’ home. He was also...

In these tough economic times...

We have to be prepared to make some sacrifices...Even before the economic crash last fall, government figures show the CBC had already rung up another $59 million in red ink for the year ending Aug. 31, 2008 -- on top of its usual handout that was 8% higher last year than 2007.Stephen Taylor has the...

Yeah... that's what i thought

Should the National Battlefields Commission have bowed to the threat of violence and cancelled plans for a 250th anniversary re-enactment of the battle on the Plains of Abraham?Yup... threaten people with violence... AND YOU WIN!!!There's a message we wanna be sending out to the general populace.**********RELATED:...

21 February 2009

The Minister of Business Class

I bet all those folks losing their asses back in Windsor, will be thrilled to hear the news... Opposition politicians accuse International Trade Minister Sandra Pupatello of living the high life on taxpayers' money, something they say she used to condemn when she was in opposition.The Conservatives say Pupatello ran up a $128,000 travel bill in just one year, even though in the past she had severely...

Dear Dumbass Steve Paikin

I bet you wish you were as smart as me... yours truly, Warren. [*]<<<<<<<<<<  UPDATE: Jonathan Kay weighs in..."Now, it turns out there's another reason to respect Paikin: He stands up to windbag bullies who attempt to censor his show — even windbag bullies who work for Michael Ignatieff and try to pull strings with higher-up in the Ontario government."LAST...

Come for "the deals"...

...stay for the penetrating cranial trauma...When officers arrived on the scene they found the victim lying on the floor in the XSITE Cell Phones store on the lower level and he was suffering from a life-threatening gunshot wound. The dead man has now been identified Kit Chun Cheong, also known as Daniel, a Toronto resident.No arrests were made and the shooter remains on the loose.The gunman is described...

Hope and Change and...

...gulag...what gulag??? -- BEIJING -- Co-operation between the US and China on global issues such as the economy and climate change was "imperative", said Mrs Clinton in Beijing.She said that these would take precedence over points of friction between the two governments, such as human rights and Tibet. "Our pressing on those issues (human rights, Taiwan and Tibet) can't interfere with the global...

Montcalm and Wolfe

Sovereigntist politicians feigned victory smiles when the event was cancelled. But they were actually disappointed by their adversaries' hasty decampment. History has taught them that their fortunes are directly proportional to the duration of the indignation they can stir up among their compatriots. This time, it was all over almost as quickly as the 1759 battle itsel...

20 February 2009

I'm not the Prime Minister...

...I just play one in New York & Las Vegas...New York City residents could have been forgiven for thinking that Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff was Canada’s prime minister Thursday night after the Liberal Party arranged to have an official photo of Ignatieff and U.S. President Barack Obama beamed...

Freaky Friday

So today I crossed paths with the delightful young man, who... among his many other unorthodox accomplishments... spat on the Belleville war memorial during last year's Remembrance Day services.This individual was just careening around downtown Belleville, screaming at passing automobiles, pedestrians... and whatever other demons were in his immediate orbit... when he decided, to the absolute dismay...

The further adventures of...

President "You can't get there from here" Obama... -- NEW YORK -- A global sell-off set in motion by losses on Wall Street came back home on Friday morning, sending markets in New York sharply lower.The Dow burrowed even lower, a day after it recorded at its lowest close in six years. Gold prices flirted with $1,000 an ounce. And markets from Hong Kong to London fell sharply on more glum economic...

Shaidle says let's free Chris Selley...

...so he can find the "real killers"...Chris Selley is madder at Pamela Geller for wanting to buy Asqa Parvez a gravestone than he is at the guy who put her in the ground. He also compares Parvez's murder to an airplane accident. Yes, her father's "engine failed" and he accidentally fell upon her from a great height."Says the furious one..."Personally, I blame some Canada geese."My personal favourite...

Mission Accomplished

So Iggy got to talk to "the One"... and this is what he decides to go with? -- OTTAWA -- Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said Thursday he raised the case of Canadian Omar Khadr in his meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama at Ottawa International Airport.Ignatieff told CBC News that Obama was...