14 August 2008

Well, dumbass...

Maybe you shouldn't have shot a cop...
"It is a most bizarre and painful situation to be living away from my wife and family, to not be living in my own home, to not be going to work at my own job, to not be in the presence of my co-workers and community," Pannell, who has been living in Washington D.C. with his mother since his release in March from a Chicago jail, said in a statement this week.
Somebody help me out here... are we gonna allow a convicted felon back into the country?
The father of four added he has retained Canadian human rights and immigration lawyer Barbara Jackman "to make the necessary applications so that I may return to Canada."

Pannell was initially charged with three counts of aggravated battery and one count of attempted murder in the shooting of Chicago police officer Terrence Knox, who was left with a partially paralyzed arm.