08 August 2008

The bright, shining legal mind...

...of Faisal Mirza.
-- BRAMPTON, Ont. -- An Ontario court is hearing that a young man accused of membership in a homegrown terrorism plot talked about going to fight in Iraq or Sri Lanka.
No need to get uptight, though... lawyer Faisal assures us, by way of omission, his client would never have set a foot in Afghanistan... because that would involve fighting Canadian troops and that would be... what's the word I'm looking for here, uh... ummm.... oh yeah... treason.
If his client had signed on to a domestic terror conspiracy, defence lawyer Faisal Mirza wonders, why would he talk about going abroad in the weeks and months before his arrest in June 2006?
Geez... I guess you've got us there, buddy... admitting that your client was looking to slit some infidel throats... but only in certain geographic locales.

I hear juries like a terrorist with scruples.
Mirza says none of the others involved in the alleged conspiracy told the accused “his mission” was in Canada when he talked about going overseas.
Well, heck Faisal... I guess we must have the wrong guy, huh?

What say we just turn him loose... so he can go find "the real terrorists."
