08 August 2008

Brantford moves to enforce injunction...

...and spokes-native Steve Powless reveals... that military-backed slaughter is imminent
The city of Brantford is stepping up its legal action against Six Nations protesters, asking that eight aboriginal activists be found in contempt of court for breaching an injunction prohibiting protests at city development sites.

The documents say the protesters breached the injunction during incidents that took place from July 7 to 14 in the city's northwest business park, when protesters shut down work on two construction projects.

"The reason it was filed is that these people are disobeying the injunction and the rule of law in the city," Brantford Mayor Mike Hancock said.
And, as always, a calm, well-reasoned response from the aboriginal occupation...
"I think they want the army to come here. Anyone who opposes this kind of oppression, they should come out and pitch a tent, too," Powless said.
Good grief.
