31 August 2007

No Gun, No Re-Election Issue

Fiberal Attorney General Michael Bryant is desperately looking for his one-line re-election issue. He thought he had it with "No Gun, No Funeral" which targets owners of legally registered firearms as some sort of miraculous solution for the wholesale slaughter presently centered in Toronto's northwest end.Bruce Gold begs to differ.In Canada in 2003, there were 548 homicides, 161 resulted from shooting...

Two more Canadians killed...

No, not in Afghanistan... it's the regularly scheduled long-weekend bodycount on Ontario highways... Two fatal accidents have created a troubling start to one of the busiest travel weekends of the year on southern Ontario roads.OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino said 295 people have died in crashes on roads patrolled by provincial police so far this year, 15 more than at this point last year.Nineteen...

Honey, have you seen that box...

With the plastic explosives? Do you remember all the indiscriminate shooting and bombing that used to go on in Toronto when you were a kid? -- Yeah... me neither. -- TORONTO — Toronto police temporarily shut down two major highways Friday as they gingerly removed several explosive devices from an east-end neighbourhood and ferried them across town in a slow-moving convoy.The devices in question...

Court system sends a message...

...to aboriginal lawbreakers... "Live and don't learn..."Mohawk activist Shawn Brant was ordered to stand trial on nine criminal charges before walking out of a Dundas Street West courthouse and into the arms of friends and loved ones Thursday. Brant, who has spent the last two months in custody, was...

I wonder if David Carradine...

Just felt a disturbance in "the force"... -- BEIJING -- China's Shaolin Temple has demanded a public apology from an Internet user who claimed a Japanese ninja beat its kung fu-practicing monks in a showdown, a lawyer said Friday.Monks from the temple, nestled in the Songshan Mountains of central China's Henan province, said they will consider legal action if he or she doesn't make a public apology.**********RELATED:...

Play-acting what you preach

In the Ontario Liberal's education equation... millionaire Finance Minister Greg Sorbara's kids are somehow deductible...If, as Finance Minister Greg Sorbara did yesterday, one is going to slam funding for private religious schools because they are divisive and separate kids from one another, it is useful if you can show yourself as a public school supporter.Sadly, Sorbara cannot. His six kids went...

30 August 2007

Digital Storm

Technology kisses up to law enforcement. -- WASHINGTON -- The FBI disclosed new details about its secretive technology for tracing telephone calls and recording conversations during criminal, terror and espionage investigations, custom-made tools it has developed without fanfare for a decade.Of course, they didn't disclose any of this, out of the goodness of their hearts.The FBI was forced by...

Fredheads rejoice

The courtship is over... looks like Freddy's ready...On September 6, 2007, Fred Thompson will be announcing his intention to run for President of the United States with a webcast available to millions at www.imwithfred.com. The launch of the video will be followed by a five-day campaign tour through Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.Technorati Tags: Fred Thompson, www.imwithfred.com, President...

The gift that keeps on giving

Any one of the recent dumbass Liberal Leadership candidates...For example, Michael Ignatieff..."Excrement-hiding bird championed as Liberal symbol"The element of this that's too funny for words... is that the Fiberals have been branding Iggy as "the smart one".**********UPDATE: Steffi takes a turn...

You might as well try...

To reason with a cat. -- NANTICOKE, Ont. -- Several Greenpeace activists who boarded a coal-carrying bulk ore carrier on Lake Erie en route to a power plant in Nanticoke, Ont., have now chained themselves to the ship.I just hope the company involved has the sense to launch a civil suit against Greenpeace and more importantly, these three donkeyheads... for the downtime they have caused. Aboriginal...

Say what?

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.Hmmm, this has possibilities...ksis my nvcvoeroaneiste...

Who am I, to argue with...

The will of Allah...A wanted senior Taliban commander has been killed in a U.S.-led air raid in the south of Afghanistan, the Afghan Defence Ministry said.Mullah Brother was killed in the pre-dawn attack in Helmand province.Brother served as a top military commander for the Taliban government until its removal from power in 20...

Running with the wolves

Another thing they didn't have in Toronto when I was a kid.Fourteen teenaged boys have been charged with a rash of "wolf-pack" swarmings in which victims were surrounded and robbed on main streets and in parks and subway stations.The robberies, which have been going on since mid-July, were committed by members of a new street gang called Grown Man Business, Toronto Police Det. Colin Greenaway said...

Deck Chairs... Titanic

Enough said. -- BEIJING -- China will ban all types of tobacco advertising and promotions by 2011, fulfilling its obligations under an international anti-smoking treaty, officials and state media said Wednesday.A million smoking related deaths per year... that they'll admit to.**********RELATED: Oops, they did it again -- NEW YORK -- Toys "R" Us has recalled 27,000 crayon and paint sets made...

29 August 2007

Swimming against the tide

Contrary to the big splash in the media... the court did not actually declare Steven Truscott innocent..."I believe he's definitely guilty," he said. "I believe that the media and the people on his defence team have put a spin on this thing that he was a young - a young boy that was very innocent, but in reality he was - he was a tough kid."**********RELATED: Read the actual judgement"The task of...

Is Steffi schizophrenic?

Is this a really bad piece of writing, or is Stéphane Dion simply off his medication? -- ST. JOHN'S -- Liberals continued Wednesday to sabre-rattle about a possible fall election even as they admitted they could use more time to woo voters.Leader Stéphane Dion said Liberals don't want an election, but won't hesitate to vote against a bad Throne Speech this fall, even if it means toppling the minority...

Two opposing points of view

Perhaps Toronto Mayor David Miller should sit up and take note. -- FLORENCE, Italy -- Florence, Renaissance city of art and history, is trying to clean up its streets by cracking down on squeegee men, saying they were causing "great danger" to drivers and pedestrians alike.Mayor Leonardo Domenici issued a decree last week to force the squeegee men — people who wash drivers' windshields and demand...

When this thing jumps off...

The back burner... and infectious disease experts agree it's only a matter of time... it'll make SARS look like diaper rash. -- WASHINGTON -- A mathematical analysis has confirmed that H5N1 avian influenza spread from person to person in Indonesia in April, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday.Health officials around the world agree that a pandemic of influenza is overdue, and they are most worried...

More Liberal Principles

FLIP...In 1998 Mr. McGuinty met with Mr. Farber and 50 other executive members of the CJC and told them he was open to faith-based school funding. It was the first positive sign from a provincial leader on the issue since the group began campaigning for it in 1984.FLOP...Dalton McGuinty has betrayed Ontario Jews who believed the Liberal Premier was in favour of funding their faith-based schools, says...


Irish Police Commissioner Noel Conroy has agreed to meet Sikh community leaders to discuss the ban on turbans imposed on officers.A spokesman for the force told the BBC that they were currently "examining" their policy on all religious symbols, including crucifixes and pioneer pins.I know that Sikh...

28 August 2007

Liberal Principles

FLIP...Just after winning the Liberal leadership in December he told The Globe and Mail that the accord clouds the principles of equalization, which is designed to assist provinces with smaller tax bases.FLOP...Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion moved Monday to capitalize on anger against Stephen Harper's Conservatives in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, pledging that he would respect the Atlantic Accord if...

Aboriginals look to McGuinty...

To slap down Ontario Superior Court Judge. -- KINGSTON, Ont. -- Aboriginal protesters blocking access to a proposed uranium mining site in eastern Ontario are calling for the provincial government to settle the dispute after a judge ordered them to leave the property.**********RELATED: In other aboriginal news...How's Shawn Brant enjoying the fruits of his labour?The 42-year-old Mohawk protester...

Layton in grief-stricken seclusion...

After Islamotards get their jihad-lovin' asses handed to them... yet again. -- KABUL, Afghanistan -- U.S. led and Afghan troops battled suspected Taliban insurgents in southern Afghanistan on Tuesday in ground clashes and air strikes that left more than 100 militants dead, the coalition said.The little back-stabbing bastards just don't seem to be able to get the hang of head-to-head combat. They'd...

$700 million of sheer hypocrisy

-- Queen's Park Bureau -- Health Minister George Smitherman made the announcement today at a seniors' centre in Don Mills, saying money to fund the programs will start flowing next April."The only thing that puts it at risk is the election of John Tory," Smitherman said in reference to the Progressive Conservative leader.**********WAIT A MINUTE: Bernardo cruises... Granny losesHere's how much...


Mrs Neo set our alarm for 4:50 this morning so we could all get up and see the lunar eclipse... which was kinda cool... but for a closer look, you have to check out these pix. -- Arizona State University -- Highly detailed photographs of the Moon taken by the Apollo missions are being made available to the public for the first in more than 30 years.Many Nasa lunar images are already available...

Back to basics

Yeah, let's save it for Friday nights at the after-hours club... you know... old school."It was young people trying to settle an argument," said Mary, a 46-year-old resident of the complex on Shoreham Court, near Jane St. and Steeles Ave. W."They have to learn that the answer isn't to shoot people in broad daylight near where all the kids are playing."C'mon lady... we're just "keepin' it real".Technorati...

Enlightened Europa

There is, on the one hand, accommodation... and on the other, total, abject capitulation...Every year the authorities in Brussels, the capital of Belgium and of the European Union (EU), receive between 500 and 600 applications for permission to demonstrate or hold protest marches. With very few exceptions permission is always granted. In the past five years only six applications were turned down –...

27 August 2007

If you're really set on murder...

My guess is, no amount of multicultural festivals, debates or telephone hotlines is gonna change your mind. -- AMSTERDAM -- The Dutch government will spend $38-million (U.S.) over the next four years to prevent both the growth of Islamic fundamentalism and right-wing nationalism, an official said Monday.Interior Affairs Minister Guusje ter Horst described a mix of “soft measures,” like sponsoring...

Let's not get too excited

Maybe Siva Yogi Shanmugadhasan belongs to the local machinegun club...Several of the guns were inoperable but the majority were machine-guns such as AK-47s, Uzis, MP-5s, Stens, semi-automatic handguns and several high-powered long guns with bipods.**********UPDATE: Apparently Mr. Shanmugadhasan has issuesPolice located the firearms after Gatineau police launched an investigation into accusations...

Ok, ok... I get it

We have to wait until the area is actually littered with shredded body parts. -- SEATTLE -- Earlier this summer a concerned crew member of a Washington State ferry boat snapped pictures of two men who had raised suspicions on several ferry rides by asking questions about structural details and entering areas of the boats that are off-limits.Now, after the FBI released two photographs of the men...

Hey Jack, what'cha gonna negotiate...

A Canada-Afghanistan free trade agreement? -- KABUL (Reuters) -- Opium production has soared to "frightening record levels" in Afghanistan, which now has more land producing drugs than Columbia, Bolivia and Peru combined, the United Nations said on Monday.The southern province of Helmand, where mostly British troops are engaged in almost clashes with Taliban rebels, produced more than half of...

No Gun, One More Funeral

Maybe Attorney General Michael Bryant should have gone with, "No Scum, No Funeral"...As police investigated the stabbing death of a man in the Pharmacy Ave. and Danforth Rd. area yesterday, residents complained how drug dealers, hookers, and pimps are becoming a common sight in their neighbourhood."I wish I could pick up my house and move it somewhere else," Smillie said.**********RELATED: How about...

Apparently the real problem here...

Is draconian North American standards regarding lead, formaldehyde and insecticide content in things like, well... you know, childrens toys. -- BEIJING -- China strongly defended the quality of its exports Monday, saying some problems were a result of varying global product standards and that a mass recall of toys was largely a result of faulty U.S. designs not Chinese workmanship.Yeah, I can...

Great 'cosmic nothingness' found

Another thing I just can't get my head around..."If you were to travel at the speed of light, it would take you several years to get to the nearest stars in our own Milky Way galaxy; but if you were to go to this hole and enter one side, you'd have to travel for a billion years before you would get to the other side."**********EXPLANATORY NOTE:Before any more of you dopey leftbots jump all over me...

26 August 2007

Top predator, my ass

You're being outwitted by a troop of monkeys... I'd say it's time to move on anyway. -- Nachu, Kenya -- "For God's sake, the government should take pity on us and move these monkeys away because we do not want to abandon our farms," he said."I beg you, please come and take these animals away from here so that we can farm in peace."Seems there's never a Liberal around when you need one.**********SOMEWHAT...

Oh, c'mon you guys...

Has Dalton McGuinty ever lied to us before?Premier Dalton McGuinty denies Progressive Conservative charges that the union-funded Working Families Coalition is a Liberal front being used to attack the Tories, skirting campaign spending laws.McGuinty said he's not concerned about the appearance created by a $1.98 million provincial grant to Local 793 of the International Union of Operating Engineers,...

You can have it...

Fast, good or cheap... pick any two. -- TORONTO -- Canadian health department has advised people against using a Neem toothpaste from India, claiming that it contains high levels of harmful bacteria apart from a chemical found in antifreeze which was discovered earlier.Neem Active Toothpaste with Calcium, made by Calcutta Chemical Co. Ltd. in India, should not be used, Health Canada warned.Speaking...

A Wuss in Chief's clothing

When even Uber-Pinko David Miller was forced to back down on the decal issue, I assumed this hot potato was cooked and served...Toronto city council endorsed outfitting its emergency vehicles with supportive stickers in June, but Chief Bill Blair has decided they won't go on police cars.Apparently Chief Bill Blair, despite having a "Support the Troops" decal on his personal vehicle, won't allow the...

Saudi Arabia suffers double-whammy

Roughly analogous to North America losing NASCAR and McDonalds at the same time...Nearly 2,000 camels have died in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia due to suspected poisoned animal feed.The animals began dying in the Dawasir Valley south of the capital Riyadh but other camel deaths have been recorded from Mecca to the border of Yemen.Camels are traded by Bedouin tribes for thousands of dollars each. The...

25 August 2007

Toronto troublemakers and agitators...

Are talking out their asses... yet again.The committee is comprised of many members of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, which also hosts the Free Shawn Brant web page."Shawn really fits the profile of a political prisoner," he said, adding that Torontonians he has talked with seem to support Brant's release.Nobody I've talked to considers Brant a political prisoner. They use words like thug...

Your money, their friends - PQ Edition

Apparently Premier Jean Charest is not that hard "to impress". -- KUUJJUAQ, QUE. -- “What is happening today is a gesture of respect,” he said. “If you are experiencing problems in regards to drug abuse or alcohol abuse, if you feel these problems are bigger than you are, you now know that a call for help was expressed here."I was impressed by the ability of your community to say, ‘We need help.'"See,...

24 August 2007

Igor, get me some...

Glucuronolactone...Internet rumors claimed this was a Vietnam-era experimental drug that causes brain tumors. Luckily, that's not true. But don't crumple up your tinfoil hat yet — hardly anyone has looked into exactly what this stuff does.Better living through chemistry, I always say.(via Mitchiev...

Reaping what you sow

I don't understand it... China's been doing so well with everything else lately...The gender imbalance in China has reached alarming levels far exceeding UN recommendations, says China's Family Planning Association (CFPA).There were 163.5 boys for every 100 girls aged up to four in the eastern city of Lianyungang, it said.Abortions of female foetuses were the main cause of the imbalance, CFPA said.**********RELATED:...

No Gun, TWO funerals

Maybe Liberal Attorney General Michael Bryant had better start shopping around for a new website...Homicide detectives are on the hunt for yet another killer after a 20-year-old man was slain at an Etobicoke park late Wednesday, the second brutal stabbing death in the GTA in less than 24 hours.The victim, whose name was not immediately released, was pronounced dead in hospital soon after. He was known...

I'm thinking "eyebrow plucking..."

May not be their biggest problem here. -- Tehran -- Iranian police have closed more than 20 barbers' shops in the capital Tehran.The authorities say the barbers were encouraging un-Islamic behaviour by offering Western hairstyles, tattooing and also eyebrow-plucking for men. The move is part of an annual campaign against what is known locally as bad hijab, or un-Islamic clothing, that this year...

Damned if you do...

Damned if you don't. -- OMAHA, Nebraska -- Meatpacking plant officials accused of discriminating against dozens of Somali Muslim workers have offered to tweak break times to help accommodate the workers' prayer demands.And in the end, there's a pretty good chance you piss off way more people than you appease.But the president of the local United Food and Commercial Workers Union said Thursday...

23 August 2007

One minute they're crappin'...

All over the mission... the next minute they're trying to buy votes, with the dead soldiers bodies...A section of Canada's busiest highway might be renamed the Highway of Heroes to honour the path fallen soldiers take from Canadian Forces Base Trenton to the coroner's office in Toronto.Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said he will consider an online petition asking the Ministry of Transportation to...

Your money, their friends... BC Edition

The former president and CEO of the B.C. Lottery Corporation has been awarded $603,362.70 in severance pay, the company announced Wednesday.Vic Poleschuk was fired in June after the release of a tough report by the province's ombudsman raised questions about the management of the lottery system, pointedly noting that there was too little policing of ticket retailers.Kim Carter said lottery officials...

If you thought Jack Layton...

Was the only slimeball low enough to play politics with the tragic deaths of our brave soldiers... you'd be wrong.Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe says he's ready to bring down Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government this fall if there's no firm commitment to withdraw Canadian troops from Afghanistan by February 2009.Mr. Duceppe is also asking for an emergency debate on Canada's military role...

Surprise... a little political backbone

Can you imagine the shitstorm if this happened here in Canada?A Palestinian football team has been banned from playing in Britain, because officials apparently believe they will not return to Gaza.The team's visa applications were rejected after every member failed to meet entry criteria, said a spokesman for the British consulate in Jerusal...

Some of the stiffest gun laws...

In the world... and the gangbangers don't even blink... Local residents said the shots were fired by a teenage boy who rode past the Fir Tree pub in Croxteth on a BMX bike, with his face obscured by a hood. The suspects arrested by the police are aged 14 and 18.Paramedics worked to try to save Rhys, who had been playing football with friends, and he was said to be in a critical condition when he arrived...

As much as it pains me to say this...

I'm with the Green Party on public funding of Roman Catholic schools...“It's not fair to fund only one religion, and so the status quo is untenable and it has to change,” Mr. de Jong said.“Either we go to funding all religions — which of course is a can of worms — or we go like Quebec, Manitoba and Newfoundland and switch to just funding one school system for each languag...

22 August 2007

The Taliban may be fanatics...

But they're certainly not stupid... they realise they need to capitalise, right now, on all the vehement opposition to the war that's coming, in the largest measure, from Quebec. -- VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) -- Two Canadian soldiers and an interpreter were killed and two journalists injured on Wednesday during an attack in southern Afghanistan, the Canadian military said.What the surrender-monkeys...

Gotta get my broker on the phone...

So I can buy 50,000 shares in the bold new enterprise that's curing cancer.**********LAST WORD: Hey Doc, is it okay if I...Have a "sacred beer" with that?Sacred Tobacco can be used as medicine alone or in combination with other plants/herbs to treat some illnesses.Technorati Tags: Sacred Tobacco, Cancer Care Ontario, suckass political correctn...

Setting the record straight

"What are you talking about?" cry the Fiberals... "We've got bags of money just laying around doin' nothing." -- TORONTO -- Attorney General Michael Bryant says opposition to paying three-quarters of a million dollars to put Crown lawyers and judges up in luxury resorts is just “boneheaded.”Turns out, it's those scary neo-cons you should really be pissed off at.He says Conservative criticism of...