There's a new supervillain in town...
Marvel Comics has officially turned Donald Trump into a supervillain—a xenophobic, orange-haired, Captain-America-hating supervillain who is obsessed with the quality of his hands.
The villain is known as the Mental Organism Designed as America’s King, or more crisply, “M.O.D.A.A.K.”
But they're not content to just leave things there... Marvel's got a whole new "
Diversity Utopia"...
Will Riri best Tony as the new Iron Man (uh, Woman)? “Her brain is maybe a little better than his.” Riri is only the latest in Marvel’s effort to introduce more diverse characters into their projects, including teenager Kamala Khan as Muslim Ms Marvel, Miles Morales as a black Latino Spider-Man, a Latina lesbian Ms America, The Falcon as the new black Captain America, and Jane Foster as the new female Thor.
You can never start on 'em too young, I guess.