-- GATINEAU, Que. -- For the first time in its history, a weapon was fired inside a courtroom at the Gatineau courthouse yesterday.Of course... it turns out that this was actually an air-gun... which would really only be classified as a weapon by, say... a squirrel being stalked by a 10 year-old boy.
Just don't try tell that to the newspapers.
To everyone's surprise, first and foremost the judge, the gun went off, with the ammunition landing on the ground near the judge.Note that, the ammunition landed by the judge... because it bounced off the ceiling of the courtroom.
The incident caught the entire courtroom off guard and after the initial shock wore off, Lapointe put the weapon and the ammo back into a plastic evidence bag.
The "AMMO" huh? You mean the tiny copper bb's?
Good grief.
RELATED: Most CTV stories should start...
"Once upon a time..."**********
LAST WORD: In actual firearms news...
Hunters, farmers and target shooters... totally off the hook... AGAIN.
A Toronto man who was driven to a remote area of York Region, stripped to his underwear, shot several times in the legs and lower body, and then left to die in the woods was recovering in hospital yesterday, police said.**********
Cops want to hear from anybody who may have seen a dark BMW with tinted windows, possibly a 300 series, in the East Gwillimbury area around the time of the shooting.
Police said the driver was an Asian male with a mohawk-style haircut. His two passengers included an Asian male and a black male.
I think the Dawg... needs a good worming.*