30 June 2019

Four days... five murders...

It takes a village... of armed, angry, gangbangin' thugz...Toronto police say a man is dead after a shooting at a nightclub in the city’s downtown core early Sunday. Police have not named the man and say they have yet to identify any suspects.Wow, you can just smell the "professional" journalism. ********** UPDATE:...

29 June 2019

Call it the Mt. Dennis area...

...and we can pretend it has nothing to do with that infamous cold-blooded Jane Street demographic...One shootee in wheelchair... got lit up anyway"Cripple my ass, brah... you goin'!!!"Toronto's 30th and 31st murder victims of the year. ********** UPDATE: Little Slaughter on the Jane St Strip Your...

Lies, damn lies and statistics

The questions here are obvious. How many Trump supporters even exist in the downtown of a city that went 83% for Hillary Clinton — and how many of them watch "Empire?" How many guys looking for a fight carry rope and bottles of bleach around with them? Doing research for a book, "Hate Crime Hoax,"...

The Liberal Party's fight against Nazis...

...wherever they may be hiding...Goodale did interview after interview where he didn’t mention the four Islamic groups but mentioned the two neo-Nazi groups who he continually refered to as “right-wing.” Does anyone doubt that he was trying to link these despicable groups to his political opponents?********** RELATED:...

27 June 2019

Come for the Beef Wellington...

...stay for the rampant mayhem...Thefts on the iconic London Underground subway system have surged by more than 80 per cent since 2016/17, around the time Sadiq Khan became city major. Immigration has been a major driver of such crimes, with Romanian nationals accounting for more than half of convicted...

Remember back, you were a kid...

...and students were attacking teachers on a daily basis? YEAH... ME NEITHER...Teachers turn to protective gear as violence escalates. Violent outbursts by students at Ottawa's largest school board double in 3 years.What, pray tell, has changed? ********** COMPARE & CONTRAST:So Mike Harris actually...

26 June 2019

One for the good guys

Sources tell the Sun the officer suffered leg injuries consistent with being pinned between two vehicles. Toronto Police described the injuries as non-life-threatening. Another officer shot at the vehicle “multiple times.” Sources say the male was shot in the chest. He was rushed to Sunnybrook via...

25 June 2019

More mixed messages from...

...Prime Minister Drink Box Water Bottle...It’s unclear as to whether Justin Trudeau used the plastic forks and knives to eat the pizza, but this doesn’t absolve him from plastic-use hypocrisy. Unless that is, you believe that the Prime Minister actually uses drink box water bottle sort-of-things.********** RELATED:...

The Usual, well... you know

How does taking away my legally registered and expensively secured firearms make any of you sheeple any safer?He shot two girls, ages 5 and 9, in a playground. Oh, yeah... his streetname is "Top Gunna." Step right up, folks... and meet Canada's Most Want...

24 June 2019

President Google has his...

...electronic eye on you...Undercover videos recorded by Project Veritas reveals that Google is determined to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump in 2020, and is altering its products with this aim in mind.UPDATE: The Empire Strikes Back..."Google pulls videos accusing it of election manipulation...

I'm with the lyin' old lady...

...who faints when she stands up...I've been heartbroken and horrified to read the news of children at the border being detained in appalling conditions. No soap, no toothbrushes, no beds. Not enough food, babies being forced to take care of babies, everyone sick. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton)...

23 June 2019

Time for Justin to dress up and...

...visit another mosque...The law is against the law. So, Quebec’s ruling class — who have never been particularly fussy about Jews, Sikhs or Muslims, truth be told — also stipulated their law would operate “notwithstanding” the Charter. Fascism typically slips into our lives without a sound, like...

22 June 2019

Liberal dominated Senate shuts down...

...investigation of Vice Admiral Norman affair... but wait, there's more...The Conservative government originally estimated the cost of the ships to be around $26 billion. The Parliamentary Budget Officer puts the latest cost estimate of the Canadian surface combatant ships at $70 billion, some $8...

Forget about the Russians...

...the real threat to honest elections is Canada's civil service...According to an alarming report by Blacklock’s Reporter, approximately 112,000 foreigners were included in a federal list of potential voters. Internal documents from the Department of Immigration show that thousands of non-citizens...

21 June 2019

That racist, old Donald Tru...

...wait a minute...“I want you to know that I very much appreciate your help during this week’s Committee meeting in attempting to bring my anti-busing legislation to a vote,” Biden wrote on June 30, 1977, to Sen. James Eastland, The Washington Post reported. Eastland was a plantation owner who believed...

If you can sell "Climate Emergency"...

There's a reason her nickname is "Occasional-Cortex." ********** RELATED: Not every country is as wonderful... ...and welcoming as Somalia...Rep. Ilhan Omar (D- MN) backed Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) claim that migrant detention centers are modern-day “concentration camps” during an interview...

Special Rights for Special People

Nothing a little sweat-lodge won't fix...Indigenous drunk driver Scott Altiman, 31, drove through a red light at about 187 km per hour and smashed into another vehicle in London, Ont., ripping off its back half. Two passengers in the rear seat — Jerry Pitre, 46, and Cody Andrews, 23, were killed. The...

20 June 2019

No gun... no problem...

Scotland Yard today opened a fifth murder investigation in six days after a man in his 30s was stabbed to death in a “full-on” knife battle on a quiet London street. The victim was killed as two groups attacked each other with blades, chains and broomhandles in the tree-lined road of family homes in...

The Usual, well... you know...

As they fled a black handgun fell from one of the males' waistband.Meet Tajean Alexander-Smith, 18, Matchushan Kamalakumaran, 18, Mohsen Yahya, 18, Laxsen Laxmikanthan, 18, all of Toronto. ********** RELATED: Diversity is our streng... sweet baby jebus...Syed Zaidi, 49, an imam accused of sexually...

19 June 2019

OJ Simpson... the gift that...

...keeps on giving...“Seen that video you posted about me. You think I’m playing? Tired of all your bullshit. I WILL FIND YOUR ASS AND CUT YOU — Don’t believe me? Just watch and see bitch,” another message from Simpson’s account says.Remember this one?"He means nobody's ever SURVIVED him pulling a weapon...

Thugz R Us

Justin Trudeau was right there on stage. He heard the shots.That won't stop him from going after legally owned, lawfully registered and expensively secured firearms owned by law-abiding farmers, hunters and sport shooters. Actual criminals just aren't on his radar. Meet the thugs arrested in Nathan...

18 June 2019

Look, who really didn't see this coming?

Meet the Raptors fans who couldn't keep it in their pants...Six men have been arrested in a downtown shooting that followed the Toronto Raptors’ NBA Finals win. Abdulrahman Abdullahi, 23, of Toronto, is charged with attempted murder as well as multiple firearms-related charges. Kamal Hassan, 26, of...


...with your own money... again...OTTAWA - The federal Liberals say a new program to help new buyers pay for their first home will kick in on Labour Day. The program that will help cover some mortgage costs will be available starting Sept. 2, only weeks before the October federal election.They wouldn't...

17 June 2019

Hey, dummies...

...it's a game played exclusively by multi-millionaire celebrities who have no connection whatsoever to your lives or your dreams...In January, Kawhi Leonard reportedly bought a $13-million mansion in San Diego.Some other obscenely wealthy men are about to offer him 190 million dollars over five years...

Let's be more like Sweden...

...the socialist paradise...Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven spoke out about the incident at the time saying: “The bombing of a police station in Helsingborg is extremely serious. An attack on the police is, in the long run, an attack on our democracy.”Maybe in the short run too, Mr Prime Minister?The...

16 June 2019

Diversity is our streng...

..."Run for your life, mate!!!"London, ENG - Police have made 14 arrests after five separate attacks in London left three men dead and three others injured in the space of 24 hours. The deaths take the total number of murders in London in 2019 to 56.It gets better... by which I mean worse...For every...

Criminals don't obey laws... period

So why are the federal Liberals determined to instead punish perfectly law-abiding hunters, farmers & sport shooters?The Crown called it a “disturbing arsenal of weapons” in the home of a person “who is deeply entrenched in a criminal subculture,” and has asked for a sentence of 10 years in custody...

15 June 2019

Crimes Against Humanity... 2019

#1... Calling things by their proper names...Who's betting on doughy, inked up like a Juarez banger, man-bun? Absent father, I'm guessing. Here's a better question... "If you owned your own business... which of these two would you want to hire? Which of them appears to have drive & discipline?" Look......

14 June 2019

And The Little Mermaid wept

Not enough penis in your young daughter's life? HBO has a solution...“Euphoria” creator Sam Levinson, who wrote the series based on his own experiences with drug addiction, boasted, "There are going to be parents who are going to be totally fucking freaked out.”Speaking on behalf of parents with adolescent...

More basketball courts...

...that's the ticket...A 19-year-old man is in hospital and as many as seven people have been arrested after a shooting outside Ryerson University at Yonge & Dundas. Multiple suspects were arrested at the scene. Police said multiple firearms have also been seized.Just spitballin' here, but I'm...

13 June 2019

Worth a thousand...

...words, er... sunny days...I guess "Prime Minister Plastic" is hoping "the incoherence will balance itself." ********** RELATED: His mother's brains...The PM went kinda bananas, calling the signers of the letter “absolutely irresponsible” and accusing them of “threatening national unity” by pointing...

How many ways can I not say...

..."Jane & Finch"...Police say they were called to Grandravine Drive and Arleta Avenue, east of Jane Street, at 10:16 p.m. for a report of shots fired. They arrived to find a woman suffering from gunshot wounds. Police say they are looking for a black male in his early 20s.Again... in what way...

12 June 2019

Smell the "professional" journalism...

Lemme see... digital video & 20 eyewitnesses..."Only limited suspect descriptions have been released."Those crazy, violent Amish... again. It gets better... by which I mean worse..."Their names? Yeah, sorry... at CP24 we don't report names."Police say that they have arrested nearly two dozen individuals...