31 January 2017

Payback is a Bitch

That was then...1. liberal: says something 2. conservative: responds 3. liberal: you're a racist | sexist | bigot | pejorative du jour 4a. conservative: I am not a racist | sexist | bigot | pejorative du jour 4b. conservative attempts to give evidence for statement 4a. 5. liberal: not good enough 6....

30 January 2017

If this WAS just one of those...

...crazy random things that happens in peace-lovin' Hogtown... I'm pattin' myself on the back for taking to the lifeboats back in 2001...••• TORONTO ••• Homicide detectives are now sweeping the streets near George Brown College's St. James campus following a fatal shooting along George Street, between...

"Professional" Journalism 101

"Last night, shortly after the shooting, a witness who asked to remain anonymous told Radio-Canada that two masked individuals entered the mosque." "They started to fire, and as they shot, they yelled, 'Allahu akbar!'"********** UPDATE: And then, there was one...CBC removes names of 2 arrested, awaiting...


"... are an important part of our national fabric, and this senseless act has no place in our communities, cities and country."Remember how Justin Trudeau said these moving words when unhyphenated Canadian Nathan Cirillo was murdered by a Muslim terrorist? ...Yeah... me neither..."On the one-year anniversary of a brazen Ottawa shooting that claimed the life of a 24-year-old Canadian soldier, Justin...

29 January 2017

Prime Minister Paris Hilton needs to...

...stop thinking and talking and go back to his strengths..."The Liberal Party’s popularity is slipping on the heels of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s 10-stop cross-country town hall tour." "According to the latest Nanos Weekly National Ballot Tracking, the Liberals’ current ballot support is slipping...

28 January 2017

"Linked to concerns about terrorism"

Concerns?!?! Whaddaya mean concerns?The real headline here should be... "Elected official makes promises, KEEPS THEM... Nation stunned."The president’s order also blocks the admission of refugees from Syria indefinitely, and bars entry into the United States for 90 days from seven predominantly Muslim...

27 January 2017

Maybe they can all go work for...

...the Clinton Foundation...“The muscle memory is critical. These retirements are a big loss. They leave a void. These are very difficult people to replace,” said David Wade, who served as State Department chief of staff under Secretary of State John Kerry.Well, there's an unbiased opinion. {sarc/off} Good riddance Kerry Kiddies. There's a new Sheriff in town and the swamp just got a little less...

26 January 2017

They stab it with their steely knives...

...but they just can't kill the beast...Asked if he was concerned that Presidential Press Secretary Sean Spicer had lost credibility with the news media, Mr. Bannon chortled. “Are you kidding me?” he said. “We think that’s a badge of honor. ‘Questioning his integrity’ — are you kidding me? The media has zero integrity, zero intelligence, and no hard work.” “You’re the opposition party,” he said....

25 January 2017

Maybe it was those...

...magical pussy hats...The Dow Jones Industrial Average just powered through the 20000 level for the first time ever, setting an all-time intraday high three trading days after the inauguration of Donald Trump. Moments after the open, the Dow shot up to 20033.77.The lunatic left chose to characterise...

That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute..."Until a question was put to him Tuesday by the Calgary Herald specifically about the 2014 trip, Trudeau had only responded to questions about the 2016 holiday by noting that the Aga Khan was an honorary pallbearer at his father’s funeral and that he had known him since Trudeau was...

24 January 2017


"While these films this year reflect the black experience, I'm still waiting for films that reflect the Latin experience, for a romantic comedy with two LGBTQ members, for a disabled or differently-abled superhero. We've actually seen a step back in respect to the Asian-American and Pacific Islander...

If there is a point here...

...it certainly eludes me...A Toronto-based theatre company is developing a play based on the intense police interrogation in which convicted sex killer Russell Williams confessed his crimes. The One Little Goat Theatre Company plans to premiere Smyth/Williams in March, with an all-female cast that will alternate the roles of the interrogating officer and Williams through the performance.What's next......

23 January 2017

Not me... not mine... not today

Stand and deliver...Within 24 hours, the bucolic campus in Middletown, Connecticut exploded in outrage. Both the paper and Wesleyan University sophomore Bryan Stascavage were swiftly branded racist.Granted, the column was provocative. But the 32-year-old former army intelligence analyst, who served...

Oh, sweetie... no worries

Speaking as an unrepentant biological member (no pun intended) of the international patriarchy... "Not even with a gun to my head"...Now, while I'm sure there's someone for everyone in this crazy ol' world... wearing apparel warning people to stay away from your apparently irresistable lady parts seems...

22 January 2017

"To see so many Hollywood elites..."

..."lose their minds is a pleasure," Sabo said. "I no longer see entertainers, I see left-wing soldiers doing their part in indoctrinating those they entertain." "Hollywood is dead to a great portion of America these days."See his art here." It gets better..."I thought I heard the women chanting 'Menstrual brew' which had me wondering exactly what this lot were on. But listening more closely it...

21 January 2017

The alternate universe of the CBC

Remember, the government gives these folks 1.2 billion taxpayer dollars every year..."Confrontational, angry inaugural address leaves no doubt about which side Trump's on"...Write your member of Parliament today about defunding this monstrosity. In other media meltdowns..."The butcher's bill has come due: President Donald Trump is about to victimize his own voters," Salon titled his essay.And...On...

20 January 2017

Paramedics rushed to the scene...

...after Hillary Clinton starts bleeding from her ears..."On the morning of the Donald Trump's inauguration, his senior adviser Kellyanne Conway dressed in a Gucci jacket she described as 'Trump Revolutionary Wear.' She did a little dance in her outfit before answering reporters' questions."11:53 am...

The End of Civilisation...

...as we know it...Headline story in our premier issue: I WAS FORCED TO SING AT TRUMPS INAUGURATION, the true story of a poor, but talented, single-mother, 1/16th Native American, trans-questioning, Chicago civil servant whom The TrumpHitler implacably forced to compromise her sterling liberal values...

The legacy of Barack Hussein Obama

In a last major act as president, Barack Obama cut short the sentences of 330 federal inmates convicted of drug crimes on Thursday. With his final offer of clemency, Obama brought his total number of commutations granted to 1,715, more than any other president in U.S. history.And let's talk finances..."The debt hike from $10.7 trillion to $19.9 trillion is not just some accounting concern. It is...

19 January 2017

If you build it...

...they will come..."This month, none of the health officials voiced any hope that the end of the crisis is in sight."Remember, this is the province that fought for the right to hand out government financed diacetylmorphine, aka "prescription heroin" to it's burgeoning junkie population. Just as a side note, Mrs Neo and I no longer even have a family physician as he has apparently moved on to greener...

18 January 2017


Out of the mouths of millionaire trust fund celebrities...In Dartmouth, N.S., Monday, Justin Trudeau said that because his maternal grandfather was born in Scotland, he understands the immigrant experience.********** RELATED: It's a French province... ...not Canadian, says Trudeau...OTTAWA - Prime...

Now if BLM could just get rid of...

...all those pesky caucasians and gay people, it'd be a really proud day...At Pride Toronto's Annual General Meeting Tuesday night, members voted in support of demands from Black Lives Matter Toronto, including the removal of police floats from future parades.********** UPDATE: Not so inclusive after all...A "disappointing step backward" is how a gay Toronto cop is describing an impromptu ‘yes’...

Goodbye President Argle-Bargle

We need a "common baseline of facts." That always sounds to me like longing for a time when liberal mainstream media filtered the facts. That's over. What are you going to do about it? The facts are open to debate now, and many voices can be heard. If you really love democracy, why aren't you thrilled?********** UPDATE: They can dream, can't they?As the nation prepares for the peaceful transfer...

17 January 2017


“I’ve heard from a number of people across the country that they are concerned about this (holiday), and that is why I take this very seriously and I’m happy to respond to all questions that the Ethics Commissioner and others may have,” Trudeau told radio host Sheldon MacLeod.Wait for it... FLOP...Prime Minister Justin Trudeau twice refused questions Tuesday from a reporter who wanted to know if he...

That paranoid, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...In late 2015, Vice-Adm. Norman went public with his concerns that Canadians had not been given accurate information about the growing price of planned new warships. He told CBC-TV in December, 2015, that it could cost $30-billion – twice as much as budgeted. His warning left open the possibility that Canada could have to buy fewer or less-capable ships unless Ottawa allocated...

Noted safecracker Willie Sutton...

...when asked why he robbed banks, replied... "Because that's where the money is"...TORONTO - Police say they're looking for three suspects after a Toronto marijuana dispensary was robbed. A shot was fired during the robbery, and one of the employees was pistol-whipped and required hospital treatment....

Community Organizer?

More like Divider-in-Chief...This anodyne term was created by Chicago leftist Saul Alinsky who created the position to “rub raw the sores of discontent”.Many thought Obama's moderate sounding speeches meant he had tossed Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals in the dustbin. Instead, upon entering the White...

16 January 2017

Can there be Reconciliation...

...if there is no Truth?“He has made a claim, it’s been disputed and he hasn’t produced any evidence, and so the question is, where does he go from here?”Maybe he's an aboriginal... trapped in the body of a colonial oppressor. ********** RELATED: A darling of Non-Native Canada. “Think of all the Native writing awards he won. Some are cash awards, for Natives only. And how many Native writers,...

That whole "ripping off his shirt" thing...

...didn't come from anywhere strange..."But Manning’s most controversial shot was of Margaret Trudeau — then-estranged from her husband, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau — sitting on the floor at Studio 54 with her knees and her long skirt hiked up enough to show that she was going command...

15 January 2017

Lock Her Up!!!

No more Russian hacking smokescreen...FBI agents wanted to aggressively pursue the Clinton Foundation investigation based on the recordings from informants and suspects in unrelated corruption cases, reports The Wall Street Journal. Agents on the case also ran into roadblocks from DOJ and FBI higher-ups with Clinton connections when they tried to review emails on laptops obtained as part of a separate...

14 January 2017

They look you right in the face...

...and they lie...The report was issued days after President Barack Obama publicly denied the rising tide of crime. “There is no growing crime wave,” Obama insisted in an essay for the Harvard law Review, published Jan. 5. The FBI report shows the largest cities saw shocking increases in violent crime compared to the first half of 2015: Overall, violent crime increased 9.7 percent. Murders spiked...

13 January 2017

Federal laws are for "little people"

Trudeau said he never provided the commissioner with a list of friends and relatives that could be connected to government business nor did he disclose his relationship ahead of time with the Aga Khan.All told, Justin's billionaire buddy has received $310 million Canadian taxpayer dollars for his "charitable" works. And it just keeps getting better...Before Christmas, the prime minister was deflecting...


O'Leary isn't Trump, he's closer to Ignatieff, a Canadian who lives and works in the USA, calls himself an American, and figures the top job might look good on his resume. So, no, this socialist paradise isn't ready for a Trump, yet. Maybe by 2019 Trudeau will have destroyed our economy so completely we will be looking for a straight talking non-pc leader, but it isn't O'Leary, a liberal-lite A...

12 January 2017

That's what you get...

...for showing a little too much ankle, forearm or face...The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, an agency under the Ministry of Justice, says the number of Swedes claiming to have been sexually assaulted has risen by 70 per cent in two years.Hey... live and don't learn...In the aftermath...

You can take the Congressman...

...out of "the hood", but...On January 6th, it came to the attention of the nation that a painting was hanging in the Cannon Tunnel on Capitol Hill which depicted police officers as pigs who are brutalizing black citizens. Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter took the painting down, calling it offensive,...

Oh Canada

FROM THE COMMENTS:"If you don't register, do you have to wear a yellow star on your clothing?"More to the point, after you obtain your "Non-Racist" membership card... what exactly do you do with it? ********** RELATED: Let's talk "institutional racism" Of the almost 800 people killed in Chicago...

11 January 2017

Courtesy of the folks who brought you...

...melamine in the baby formula...All patients of a suspected illegal cosmetic surgery clinic in Delta are being urged to get tested for HIV and hepatitis by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia. Zhuo Li is not a registrant of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is not a licensed physician listed on any publicly available database worldwide. She is believed to be a...

Because it pisses off...

...all the right people...And speaking of "the right people"... Sworn Trump enemy John McCain admits HE handed smear dossier to FBI. Sadly for the #NeverTrumpers... McCain foremost among them... the narrative is falling apart...If NBC is right, they didn’t bring it to Trump — and even if they had,...

10 January 2017

If you build it...

...they will come..."Individuals can receive state grants to pay for the service if they can provide a medical note stating that they are unable to get sexual satisfaction in any other way, and to prove that they cannot afford to pay the costs themselves."Try to think of a single government social welfare...

09 January 2017

On your marks... get set...

...GO!!!..."Toronto’s first murder victim of 2017 was shot in the chest Sunday morning."********** UPDATE: Meet Victim #1Police have identified the man shot and killed in Toronto’s first homicide of 2017 as 41-year-old Anthony Earl Smith.********** RELATED: What's up with Ottawa?Canada’s capital...

Looking death right in the eye

Euthanasia used to be one slippery son of a bitch... now it's mostly about the paperwork."Between 1999 and 2001, I helped eight people die, including the poet Al Purdy. Now, as I prepare to take my own life, I’m ready to tell my story."This one has a particularly personal feel for myself and Mrs Neo. Two days after Christmas 2016, a family friend, who had found out last October that she had a particularly...

08 January 2017

07 January 2017

Whoever exposed DNC corruption...

...be it hackers, a state actor or some random whistleblower... they deserve a medal. Instead... Canada's national broadcaster yet again, like their MSM sisters-in-sin, is out whoring for the criminal, lunatic left.Here comes the CBC... at its Boogeyman best.Putin and the Russian government aspired...

Of course Barack deserves his Nobel Prize...

...it's not like he dropped 30,000 bombs in the course of 2016... right?"The U.S. dropped 26,171 bombs last year, 3,027 more than 2015. The majority of the bombs were dropped in Iraq and Syria."Remember, only bomb strikes by George W. Bush cause collateral (ie. innocent children) dama...

See... I thought that California...

...was on the verge of bankruptcy...I guess I was mistaken, because obviously, no government that was in financial extremis would be so irresponsible as to put a sex change operation for a convicted murderer ahead of paying for policing, fire fighting, paramedics and education, to name but a few of...

06 January 2017

Root Causes yet again?

Seems there's always "a community" involved...Five people are dead and a shooting suspect is in custody Friday after a lone gunman opened fire at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport in Florida. Video posted on Instagram appeared to show several people wounded in the baggage claim area...

U.S. House of Representatives...

...bitchslaps Barry O... lines up behind Trump's Israel policy...Lawmakers voted 342-80 in favor of the bipartisan non-binding resolution, which declares unwavering support for Israel and insists that the United States reject any future U.N. actions that are similarly "one-sided and anti-Israel." A visibly angry House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis. opened debate on the resolution by saying that the Obama...

Silence of the BLMs

Toronto Homicide Squad calls off roundup of local farmers, hunters and sport shooters...Winston Poyser, 24, and Shakiyl Shaw, 23, both of Toronto, were arrested on Thursday following the execution of search warrants within the City of Toronto. Poyser and Shaw are both charged with first-degree murder in Hagley’s death. Police say that Lenneil Shaw, 23, and Mohamed Ali Nur, 18, are also being sought...

05 January 2017

A syndicated TV show?

Man... I'm so old, I can remember when dolling up a 6 year old boy in dresses and bondage gear would have got you arrested. ********** RELATED: If you can't get a TV deal... ...just send it out over the intertubes...In the Facebook live video which was partially broadcast on CNN and other media outlets, a man who appeared to be white was seen sitting on the ground in the corner of a room as his...

Sure, Trump is pure evil...

...but a party's a party. Of course the reality is a little different..."This guy is interested in trying to please the people who elected him, not the urban swells who write for or read the NYT or WaPo – he knows they will never stop loathing him even if he somehow simultaneously cures cancer, brings world peace, and convinces Coldplay to disband."The problem for the media is that Trump is gonna...

On CNN, on Wednesday...

...Trump’s adviser Kellyanne Conway wished Manson a speedy recovery but acknowledged that losing him as a potential Court pick was a significant blow. “We’re moving on, of course, but this is very disappointing,” she said. “There’s only one Charles Manson.”Just some more of that heartwarming lefty "serial killer" humour. I'm guessing the family of Sharon Tate is suitably impress...

04 January 2017

Your National Broadcaster...

...makes a single, solitary reference to "a shooting"... and nowhere uses the word "terrorism"... instead we get a litany of references to the murdered woman's personality & demeanor...1) "very kind," 2) "always happy," 3) "outgoing, optimistic and loving," 4) "full of life," 5) "lovely person inside and out," 6) "a great mom," 7) "a great person," 8) "always a big smile."It's a good thing she...


Safety Break!!! Nobody works... nobody gets hurt..."I don't feel that because of the fact that some people physically can't walk stairs we should refrain from designing stairs or objects like this. That is like no longer making paintings because blind people can't see them."And..."People in a coma are unable to use public space at all. Discriminatio...

Remember, the government...

...still has trouble delivering your mail... and that has your name on it...“What all this reminds me of is Francis Galton and eugenics. The real criminal, in these cases, are people who are perpetrating this idea, not the people who are being looked at.”Healthy skepticism about our political overlords is always a good thing. ********** RELATED: Uncomfortable questions..."How hard would it be for...

03 January 2017

Worried about competing with...

...China's "economic miracle?"...The prevailing attitude is chabuduo, or ‘close enough’. It’s a phrase you’ll hear with grating regularity, one that speaks to a job 70 per cent done, a plan sketched out but never completed, a gauge unchecked or a socket put in the wrong size. Chabuduo is the corrosive opposite of the impulse towards craftmansh...

02 January 2017

The "Ferguson Effect"

Here's what happens when you emasculate local law enforcement...The interview with CBS's "60 Minutes" focuses on the 80 percent decline in street stops by Chicago police and fall in arrests this year, even as the homicide rate soars to more than 750 people killed. It repeats a narrative that has been...

01 January 2017

Happy New Year

And on the first day of 2017, I'm gonna go out on a limb and bet that Donald Trump could likely get himself elected President of Turkey, or Germany... or France... or... ********** RELATED: meanwhile, back at the ranch...The new year got off to a violent start in Toronto with two shootings and three...