In fact, the FAA threw out the AT-SAT scores and CTI qualifications of an estimated 3000 CTI graduates and military veterans who were all previously designated “well qualified” to become air traffic controllers. The FAA told them all to start over. But this time, when they applied for a job, their college degrees and previous military experience would mean nothing.Let's face it... you're sitting in a large metal tube, thousands of feet above the ground traveling hundreds of miles per hour... your major concern is gonna be "affirmative action."
They would now compete with thousands of people the agency calls “off the street hires”; anyone who wants to, can walk in off the street without any previous training and apply for an air traffic control job.
Meet the NBCFAE...
“I know each of you are eager very eager to apply for this job vacancy announcement and trust after tonight you will be able to do so. There is some valuable pieces of information that I have taken a screen shot of and I am going to send that to you via email. Trust and believe it will be something you will appreciate to the utmost. Keep in mind we are trying to maximize your opportunities. I am going to send it out to each of you and as you progress through the stages refer to those images so you will know which icons you should select. I am about 99 point 99 percent sure that it is exactly how you need to answer each question in order to get through the first phase.”Remember, this policy comes straight from the top...
National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees National President Paquita Bradley also declined repeated requests from FOX Business to discuss the recording and accusations that NBCFAE members helped applicants cheat.
"Administrator Michael Huerta has made an historic commitment to transform the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) into a more diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects, understands, and relates to the diverse customers we serve."Oh... my... gawd.
UPDATE Dec 20, 2015: A drop of sanity... an ocean of crazy... lawsuit filed seeking class action status...
Mountain States Legal Foundation’s President and Lead Attorney William Perry Pendley said, “In abandoning years of hiring the most qualified and adopting a test that is the epitome of psychobabble, the FAA told our clients their skills are less important than their race, and the public that its racial agenda is more important than aircraft safety.”Until this is resolved, I'm keeping both feet firmly on the ground.
RELATED: Affirmative Action's slippery slope