09 October 2009

Now, I get that...

...after all the fuss the whole world was making over Michelle's biceps & fashion sense they had to throw him a bone... but seriously, how many people out there are aware that the number of Predator strikes... you know, those unmanned robot planes that have been blowing presumed insurgents and their families to a fine pink mist... have actually increased since President McDreamy took over.

In the spirit of full disclosure... please note that this is something I personally applaud... and trust me, it ain't about "the peace".

C'mon folks... he's hardly had time to memorise his way to the Presidential washroom... and they do something like this?


"I read at NRO that the deadline for nominations was February 1st, ten days into Obama's presidency. He's obviously a fast worker."
Posted by: gregg at October 9, 2009 6:49 AM