-- "York Regional Police say that the home is the same residence that has been shot at approximately a half dozen times dating back to 2018 and was the subject of a townhall meeting attended by concerned neighbours in April, 2024." --
And it's not like they do anything when they do occasionally catch someone.
UPDATE: Tow truck wars, yet again...
-- "A neighbour speculated that the homeowner who was targeted in the shooting is connected to the towing industry and has previously witnessed tow trucks parked in the front driveway. A YRP spokesperson would not confirm whether the shooting homicide was linked to a tow truck turf war, only stating that 'all motives are being investigated.'" --UPDATE2: The first half dozen times are deductible...
-- "York Regional Police media relations officer Const. Kevin Nebrija, confirmed that the home has been targeted five times in the past." --Let's ask r/Torontology...
-- "Residents were two brothers who ran a tow truck company. Were warned to stay out of a certain area and house has been targeted multiple times prior." --