04 March 2024


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-- "Police in Belgium arrested three minors in their late teens and an adult man aged 18 on Sunday after they allegedly exchanged messages to plot a jihadi terror attack. Local authorities have remained highly vigilant since the 2016 attacks by suicide bombers that killed 32 people in blasts at Brussels airport and the city's metro system." --
-- "Not that Canada doesn't have diversity/strength issues...
Terrorism charges have been laid in the case of Edmonton security guard Bezhani Sarvar, 28, who is accused of firing a rifle and lobbing firebombs inside city hall in January." --
-- "James Mousaly, 36, a former Ontario nuclear power plant worker charged with leaking secret information to a foreign entity or terrorist group has been denied bail. If convicted, Mousaly faces a maximum possible sentence of life in prison." --
Is Canada's critical infrastructure safe from hostile regimes?