-- "Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault announced the creation of a new network that will help support Indigenous-led environmental initiatives. He said the First Nations National Guardians Network will build on the Indigenous guardians program, which has funded some 170 individual Indigenous-led projects since 2018. He did not specify how much funding would be allocated for the new network." --
How's that working out with guns, guys?
-- "Statistics Canada calculates that more than half of native kids are living in poverty; ¾ drop out of school before completing Grade 12; the incarceration rate of aboriginal men is 11 times that of non-native men; of women, it is 250 times the rate for non-native women." --And...
"'The rate of deaths from injuries is 3 to 4 times higher for Aboriginal children than for other children in Canada.' -- Source: A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators - Health Canada." --How are aboriginals gonna 'save the planet'... if they can't stay out of jail or take care of their own children?