A “Drag Queen Story Hour” event at a Dallas, Texas, library last Saturday featured two drag queens, one of whom read the story "What Color Is Your Underwear?" to small children.Oh, c'mon... what's all the fuss abou... sweet baby jebus...
According to the news report, Jo Guidice, Dallas library system director “said her office received more than 700 calls, 250 emails and an uncounted number of complaints on social media” about the event.
Drag queen Alberto Garza had been convicted in 2008 for sexually assaulting an eight-year-old boy. The library had failed to perform a background check on Garza or any of the other drag queens appearing in its programs.And if that's not enough...
Dylan Pontiff, a gay man who uses the name Santana Pilar Andrews when dressed in drag, helped organize a story hour for Louisiana preschoolers. He said the event’s purpose is “the grooming of the next generation.”And what's new in Justin Trudeau's post-national, post gender paradise?

It really is just a way to demonise and punish anyone who refuses to bow down to the ideology of genderfluidity. ‘Wax this woman’s testicles’ – can we hear ourselves?*********
RELATED: Let's ask Rex...
"Do we think the formulators of the UN Declaration of Human Rights were careless when they left out the human right to crotch grooming?"Insanity.