A majority of Canadians express concerns,” Société Radio-Canada declared... Notably, we learned that 74 per cent of respondents support implementing “a test of values to identify (potential immigrants) who have ‘anti-Canadian’ values.” This is by no means the first poll to find widespread support for the ideas.**********
RELATED: Cultures differ in many ways...
In the place of real intimacy, a whole “relationship replacement” industry has sprung up.Whatever floats your boat, bro... I'm really just worried about the "strapping explosives to kids" demographic.
Dating has been replaced by host or hostess clubs, where singles can pay hundreds of dollars an hour for a polite man or woman to pour drinks and make conversation.
And getting married is no longer necessary when you can just pay $2,500 for a virtual spouse.
LAST WORD: Build a wall...
...top it with razor wire and pieces of broken glass...
MEXICO CITY (AP) — The top prosecutor in Mexico's Gulf coast state of Veracruz confirmed Tuesday that more than 250 skulls have been found in what appears to be a drug cartel mass burial ground on the outskirts of the city of Veracruz.Sweet baby jebus.