18 July 2012

No, Margaret... it's not about broken...

...it's about "nonexistent"... because, let's face it... turning impregnating as many barely adolescent girls as you can into some sort of jousting contest is about as anti-family an activity as I can imagine...excuses, excusesYou do, however... make one pretty important point...
"Meantime, there is one other thing we can do. We can do a better job of keeping vicious young offenders off the streets."

"We can reform the system so that the Youth Criminal Justice Act no longer stands for You Can’t Jail Anyone. That is a far more promising strategy than toughening gun laws (which are already plenty tough) or banning bullets – even if it doesn’t make us feel half as good."
It's too late for the two bodies that got dropped on Danzig St., but bear in mind going forward... the child you save might just be your own.