Windsor police apprehended the son of a suspected Muslim extremist killed this week in Detroit by U.S. agents, and within hours Canadian border agents expelled him from the country.*
“We have him now,” FBI Special Agent Sandra Berchtold said Thursday.
Mujahid Carswell, also known as Mujahid Abdullah, 30, had been living openly in Windsor for months and moving routinely back and forth between Windsor and Detroit.In the case of the Detroit Islamic extremist group, the FBI is also hunting two other Canadian residents, Yassir Ali Khan, 30, and Mohammad Alsahli, 33. The complaint alleges that they, along with Mr. Carswell and eight others, were involved in a criminal conspiracy.
Although none of the group was charged with terrorist offences, FBI counterterrorism agent Gary Leone said Mr. Abdullah was “advocating and encouraging his followers to commit violent acts against the United States.”
The FBI's Detroit station chief, Andrew Arena, said: “This is a very hybrid radical ideology. I don't know that I'd call it a religion.”
And for a change...
...a pretty swift response by Canadian authorities...