30 April 2018

Diversity is our streng...

Wait a minute... what exactly would happen to rates of gun crime if you confiscated ALL the legally-owned firearms belonging to farmers, hunters and sport shooters in Canada...Well... that'd be sweet Fanny Adams."Toronto police have issued a Canada-wide warrant for 22-year-old Toronto resident Joseph...

Gotta have priorities

Just something to think about... during that bleak, lonely and seemingly interminable wait to see an oncologist..."We plan on using this facility as an innovation platform to inform the transformation of the entire jail system."Oh yeah, Fraggle Rock... we get that loud & clear. ********** RELATED:...

Hey, Justin...

...How's that war on unacceptable speech coming along...“In Russia, I don’t think anybody is terrified of Roskomnadzor in terms of the power it has. People are more terrified of its incompetence.”Two words... Phoenix... payroll. ********** RELATED: "Professional" Journalism - The MultiverseOf course,...

29 April 2018

Onward to Valhalla

How to fight and win in the "social justice" trenches...“In observance of your Heathen; Norse Pagan faith, you may wear a beard, in accordance with Army uniform and grooming standards for soldiers with approved religious accommodations.”But wait, there's more..."The Hammer of Thor is still authorized...

Remember... it's only "Terrorism"...

...when fabulous Prime Minister Dressup says it is..."CSIS also took issue with a passage that said right wing extremism was 'a growing concern in Canada.'" "'Growing concern' is a subjective statement – what is your facting for this?" "Additionally, what type of ‘concern’ are you referencing (criminal,...

28 April 2018

The new ground zero for social justice

Strangely enough, the BBC doesn't seem at all concerned about sequestering women in special rooms at the local mosque... or drowning them..."Japan's sumo wrestling authority has postponed a decision on the sport's "men-only" policy. The Japan Sumo Association met after a recent string of scandals,...

27 April 2018

Justin wants new firearms prohibitions...

...but can't even be bothered to enforce existing laws..."Convicted underworld killer Rocco Zito was granted a legal gun permit after he served prison time for shooting a man to death in a debt collection, court heard Thursday." "A police search after Zito’s death found more than a half dozen firearms...

I'm old enough to remember when...

...people actually socialialised face to face with other people..."They don’t even have to be dogs. Their purpose is to provide a therapeutic benefit through companionship. At Yale, there are emotional support dogs, emotional support cats and even an emotional support hedgeho...

I place the blame squarely on...

...the National Cutlery Association..."Knife crime is at its highest ever recorded level, and murders were also up by nine per cent in England and Wales, with a total of 653 recorded by police across last year." Killings rose from 109 to 157, but the Met’s stats do include the 14 people killed in the...

26 April 2018

A "Social Justice" agenda...

...all very well and good... until you run out of other people's money...SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — Shocking video is calling attention to what’s going on in one of the busiest BART stations in the Bay Area: junkies blatantly shooting up out in the open as commuters walk by, others slumped along filthy corridors. “It’s a real concern for our riders, and we appreciate that,” said BART spokesman Chris...

25 April 2018

24 April 2018

Unlike Justin Trudeau's Canada...

...Germany chose to pay off their terrorists on the installment plan...A former bodyguard of Usama bin Laden now living in Germany is getting about $1,400 a month in welfare payments and can't be deported to his native Tunisia because of fears he could be tortured there, German media reported Tuesday.Of...

When you disagree with the data...

...just bury it..."The final adjusted prevalence of 1.24% therefore implies that in an average year during 1996–1998, 2.46 million U.S. adults used a gun for self-defense."********** RELATED: Millionaire trust fund heir......who travels with 12 armed guards, says... "Canadians cannot choose to live...

Dear Konstantin...

...you and Prime Minister Dressup should save your rainbows and magical pixie dust sideshow for naive, gullible pre-schoolers...Konstantin Goulich, a local resident, appeared with bags of markers and rolls of cardboard from a dollar store. “Guys please come and write how you’re feeling: your wishes...

23 April 2018

A Bloody Day in Hogtown

BREAKING 18:45: Driver has been identified... ...significantly,though... not by Canadian lapdog media...CBS News sources identified the suspect as Alek Minassian, 25, and obtained a photo of him from social media Monday evening.Apparently Alek was taking the 7 year college degree program...According...

They ever get together with...

...the "smokin' dope as a sacrement" bros... we're gonna have us a hellacious party...ORANGE FARM, South Africa — Dressed in a red robe and a gold-trimmed bishop’s miter, the clergyman pours whiskey into his cupped hand and anoints the forehead of the man sitting before him. Welcome to Gabola Church,...


Ever wonder where all those tax dollars disappear to..."At ITS dangerous offender hearing, Laboucan/Desousa also admitted to having killed a three-year-old child at age 11, although he was never criminally charged."Wonder who's paying for that squeaky new vagina and bustin' out breasts? ********** Remember...

22 April 2018

Winnie the Pooh...

...“The Crystal Meth Years“...********** MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH: Hogtown homicide cops rounding up local farmers, hunters & sport shooters...TORONTO - One suspect was seen fleeing the scene. He is described as a Hispanic male between 20-25 years old with his hair in a bun wearing a black...

21 April 2018

A little local colour

"The rivers in Bradford have turned YELLOW, after the city dubbed the ‘Curry capital of Britain’ began polluting its waters with the hugely popular dish. An underground river which flows through the West Yorkshire city became stained yellow with waste which was dumped from local curry house...

20 April 2018

Those sh!tkickin' Calgary rednecks...

...and their horses and guns and... wait a minute..."After a night at a downtown shisha bar, police say Nadia El-Dib left with Abderrahmane Bettahar around 3 a.m. That’s when police say Bettahar stabbed Nadia approximately 40 times and cut her throat while the two were in Bettahar’s vehicle. Bettahar then shot her twice with a high-powered rifle."If only someone would tighten up those rules &...

19 April 2018

Wake up and smell the hypocrisy...

All natural, fanatically leftwing, politically-correct British Columbia leads country in rate of caesarean sections...More than one in three deliveries in B.C. hospitals were by C-section last year, the highest rate of surgical birth in Canada, new national data reveals. Eight of the 10 health regions in Canada with the highest overall caesarean rates were in B.C., and the highest rates in the country...

18 April 2018

You've just gotta love...

...Justin Trudeau's post-national state...Nicholas Cypui (Nick) Chan, the alleged Calgary gang leader who this week beat organized crime and murder charges for the second time in two years, is a most curious fellow who is also keenly aware of his rights — every last one of them. During lengthy stays behind bars, he has also enlisted the Alberta Human Rights Commission, the correctional ombudsman,...

Let them eat bankruptcy

A world of lopsided entitlement... what could possibly go wrong..."Starbucks, in other words, has just announced its stores are now privately-funded shelters and bathroom facilities for the homeless."Never a real fan of their overpriced coffee... and I suspect that turning your place of business into a clubhouse for the belligerently disenfranchised may have a significant effect on their bottom line. ********** UPDATE:...

16 April 2018

Those violent, racist redneck farm...

...wait a minute... A suspect identified as Pickering resident Usman Ali has been charged with kidnapping using a firearm, assault with a weapon, possession of a weapon for committing an offence and several other firearms-related offences.********** MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH:TORONTO - Police were...

There are worse places to live

Nope, just kidding... there really aren't...In the generation since apartheid ended in 1994, tens of billions of dollars in public funds — intended to develop the economy and improve the lives of black South Africans — have been siphoned off by leaders of the A.N.C., the very organization that had promised...

PETA activist thumbs nose at world...

...throws self under raging bulls at Pamplona... or something like that.Just put the words "global warming" in your suicide note and people won't notice you're irretrievably batshit insane. ********** RELATED: From the comments...Warm winters are global warming. Cold winters are also global warming....

15 April 2018

Remember back... you were a kid...

...not stepping in a pool of blood on the way to school... was a major daily pre-occupation... Yeah... me neither...Recorded machete attacks in the UK have shot up by nearly five times in just three years, with the majority in the capital, London. The huge number of crimes committed with the deadly,...

14 April 2018

Shorter Prime Minister Dressup...

...killing... whaddaya mean killing?"Canada supports the decision by the United States, the United Kingdom, and France to take action to "DEGRADE" the Assad regime's ability to launch chemical weapons attacks against its own people," the statement read. Trudeau has previously ruled out any Canadian participation in military action.So, basically, Justin... it's "the right thing to do"... but we won't...

13 April 2018

There's a "consistent tool" here, alright...

...meet school Superintendent William Hall...All 500 teachers of Millcreek School District near Erie, Pennsylvania got a 16 inch bat in the wake of the Parkland, Florida high school attack in February. The superintendent said the aim was to have a "consistent tool" for every teacher in every classroom. An online survey also asked whether teachers in the district should be armed if the state passed...

Some days, the witches burn themselves

Several pride organizations chimed in to say that they, too, had considered banning drag queens over concerns that they make a mockery of the notion of gender fluidity, but ultimately decided to keep the "offensive" and "marginalizing" performers out of a sense of inclusion.And now we travel to the...

12 April 2018

In other "No, not a Sh!thole" news

Nearly 80 people in Indonesia are dead and 90 others have been hospitalized this month after drinking toxic bootleg liquor containing ingredients such as cough medicine and insect repellent, officials said.And, of course, the classic..."Well, Abdul... we got our free gas... I guess it's Marlboro Ti...

Dumb it down...

...it's what Liberals do when the ship keeps sinking...This year’s EQAO Grade 10 literacy test is old school — pen-and-paper — after a pilot project to move it online ended in digital disaster. But in a new-age twist, stressed students who need more time to finish it will get it — even if they don’t...

11 April 2018

Liberal Party demonises Gun Owners

The e-mail claims that “just as Stephen Harper did”, that Conservatives are attempting to “weaken Canada’s gun laws” and are taking orders from “Canada’s NRA.” This was accompanied by a photo of Justin Trudeau, meant to look very stately and poised, pleading for funds to stop the NRA invasion by...

A freedom bestowed by government...

"...to a select few, to do something demonstrably inessential, that the government hopes they won’t actually do." "Not the hallmarks of a Great Day for Human Rights."********** RELATED: #AbsolutelyNotMeToo A story YOU'LL NEVER SEE on Canada's national broadcaster...In the #MeToo era, many in the...

10 April 2018

TORONTO: If only there was a law....

...against slaughtering your fellow beings...Police are searching for suspects after a man was stabbed to death inside a convenience store in East York early this morning. The incident occurred inside a 7eleven in the area of O’Connor Drive and Donlands Avenue at around 3 a.m.********** UPDATE: 7eleven...

The Very Friendly Soft Power Skies

RCMP Trainer-in-Chief Oprah Winfrey... offers up a uniquely Canadian perspective on airborne terrorist threats..."A senior trainer explained that the goal is to end the threat quickly, 'preferably not fatally'...”Hmmm... from later in the article..."A (presumably less senior) trainer told Skies that...

09 April 2018

He took his evil "thunderstick"...

...and made Commonwealth Games history...The 79-year-old Canadian made his debut Monday in the Queen’s Prize Pairs Finals in the full bore shooting competition. He and teammate Nicole Rossignol were placed ninth after the first day of the final.********** UPDATE: Ruthlessly knocking out the competition Those...

Plastic Cutlery stocks soar

Remember back, you were a kid... all those violent stabbings and acid attacks?Yeah... me neither...Strangely enough, Mayor Khan is responsible for decreasing the number of stop-and-searches, having previously declared the tactic racist and potentially Islamophobic. It's also not clear what local Londoners...

07 April 2018

Speaking of Murder

Teddy Kennedy's car has still killed more people than my guns...“She didn’t drown,” the diver who retrieved Kopechne’s body noted. “She died of suffocation in her own air void. It took her at least three or four hours to die. I could have had her out of that car in 25 minutes after I got the call. But...

Germany... live and don't learn...

...AND DIE..."At least three people were killed and dozens injured Saturday when a vehicle plowed into pedestrians in the German city of Munster before the driver killed himself, police and local media said."German Justice Minister Katarina Barley wrote on Twitter that her thoughts were with the victims...

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...Hanane Mouhib, 36, stabbed and decapitated her 7-year-old son in rural western New York minutes before deputies arrived in a response to a call of a “suicidal female” armed with a knife, according to reports Friday.Turns out she wasn't "suicidal" at all. Pity. And...A Pennsylvania couple, Lisa Smith, 19, and her boyfriend, Keiff King, 26, have been charged with first-degree...

06 April 2018

Paint By Politically Correct Numbers

"Historically, many Canadian institutions have had a blind spot for artists of colour, Indigenous artists and female artists," said Toronto art dealer Raymond McAuliffe. "That's why I think that the funds are being raised to save a work by someone who falls into one of those three categorie...

Remember back, you were a kid...

...your classmates were kidnapping and pimping out random 16 year-old girls...Yeah... me neither...PICKERING — A total of six teens are facing charges in connection with an alleged human trafficking incident east of Toronto. Police said they had charged four more 17-year-olds, three females and one...

05 April 2018

Live and don't learn

What sort of "legislation" would have stopped Abdullahi Mohamed from cutting down a random stranger in cold blood to "send a message?"An alleged murderer accused of gunning down Nnamdi Ogba was on statutory release for an Edmonton restaurant shooting and drug offences, his parole documents stated.Abdullahi...

04 April 2018

1967 UFO Encounter...

...Immortalized as Trippy-Ass, Glow-in-the-Dark Coin by Canadian Mint...The $20 silver coin released today retails for $129.95 CAD ($101 USD). Sure, that’s a lot of money to spend on something that’s supposed to be worth $20. But it also comes with a black light flashlight. When the proud owners shine...

Forget about those pesky jury trials...

...we can let the Prime Minister decide... ♫ "Who can turn the world on with her smile? Who can take a nothing day And suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?" ♫Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's exoneration of six Tsilhqot'in Indigenous chiefs... should be followed by a similar move to right another historical wrong: the hanging of South Asian political activist Mewa Singh. Singh was the first...

03 April 2018

Don't mess with Mom

Cierra Brittany Forney, fed up with her son’s “entitled” attitude, decided to serve him a slice of humble pie by making him shop at the Goodwill store he mocked his classmates for shopping at — and posted about the experience on Facebook.********** RELATED: Amping up the incentive...An Arizona mother was arrested Sunday after police say she used a taser to wake up her 16-year-old for an Easter church...

Do as I say... not as I do

Earlier this month, Sinclair Broadcast Group, owner/operator of nearly 200 television stations in the U.S., forced its news anchors to record a promo about “the troubling trend of irresponsible, one sided news stories plaguing our country.” The net result of the company’s current mandate is dozens upon dozens of local news anchors looking like hostages in proof-of-life videos, trying their hardest...

02 April 2018


♫ "And it burns, burns, burns... ...that ring of fire" ♫Shortly afterwards she delivered a bellicose speech, famously declaring that “with our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country”, in reference to the hideous way in which township residents dealt with suspected collaborators...


"A mass shooters worst nightmare, having to call the government for an authorization to transport."Wait a minute, over 2,000 people a year are killed by automobiles in Canada. When will we start to deal with this deadly harvest? ********** COMPARE AND CONTRAST:In 2016, there were 223 firearm related...