With his lids heavy and a patch of grease gleaming on his tiny chin, he begins chanting the word "bacon" with increasing glee as he realizes this is not merely a dream — there is more cured meat to sav...
31 December 2015
The very richest are able to quietly...
"...shape tax policy that will allow them to shield billions in income."Think this sort of thing doesn't happen here in Canada?A plan to create a flat hydro distribution fee will force up the bills of the province’s most modest electricity users to the benefit of power guzzlers.
It’s Robin Hood in reverse — it will mean the small customers will subsidize large customers.”Dream on...
30 December 2015
Those violent, knuckle-dragging Neo-Con...

...wait a minute...Hmmm... Roland Windsor Vincent... that sounds so familiar.
RELATED: Toronto "Red" Star yet again...
...exposes violent western Canada cowboy subculture in shocking headline...Alberta man arrested after Air Canada flight forced back to TorontoJust another damn Alberta...
28 December 2015
Too much money in your pockets?
Kathleen Wynne is gonna fix that...Back in the real world, the idea of Wynne’s incompetent, spendthrift, debt-ridden government lecturing Ontarians about not saving enough for retirement - and that she has a plan to fix everything - is absurd.
When combined with another Liberal money-sucking scheme - cap-and-trade - that should be enough to put the Ontario economy under water for yea...
27 December 2015
An "Alternative Christmas Broadcast"
"Crusaders and Jews don't dare to come on the ground because they were defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan," Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi said in a 23-minute long audio message released through an Isil-run internet account.Merry, merry.
RELATED: Hmmm... what the media overlooks...
...is the Muslim on Muslim component here...Ramadi was recaptured by the army itself, without relying on the militias,...
25 December 2015
Quite an ambititious scheme...
...for peoples not previously known for their medical achievements...The Islamic State's religious scholars have ruled that taking the organs of non-Muslims is permissible under Islamic law to save the life of a Muslim, because killing apostates to eat their flesh has previously been allowed.
The revelation comes in a January 2015 document that was captured by U.S. special forces in Syria in May...
23 December 2015
The Liberal Legacy in Ontario
Ontario, historically an engine of economic growth in Canada, became a “have-not” province in 2009-10 and began to receive equalization payments for the first time. Since then, the province has received more than $14 billion in equalization payments, contributing to rapid growth in the size of its overall transfer envelope.
Ontario’s fiscal problems have emerged because the provincial government...
22 December 2015
Forget your dreamy hypothetical utopia
If police could have stopped bus-beheader Vince Li, or PATH killer Rohinie Bisesar or mugger Calvin Nimoh before they murdered innocent bystanders... would it not have served the greater good?
So what about this? Sammy Yatim tried, and fortunately failed... to kill Bridgette McGregor."She held up her purse in front of her as Yatim came at her with his knife and she says she recalled feeling the...
Wonderful news, Manitobans...

...your previously puny judicial bench has been corrected and "strengthened"...
Manitoba's attorney general, Gord Mackintosh announced, "Diversity is valued, along with the other qualifications. The fact that Kael is transgender is exciting.
Mackintosh said the the provincial bench wasn't "REFLECTING...
21 December 2015
Hussein Obama announces "Assault Car" ban

Murderous metal strikes again...Anyone found in possession of any 1996 Oldsmobile in the USA after Friday at 6pm will be charged with "possession of a prohibited automobile."
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is reported to be in the initial stages of setting up a new "Long Car Registry" to...
Look, Spanky... just shut up...

...and take my money...
Trudeau government guts Revenue Agency...

...Canadians will no longer be subject to yearly auditing of their finances under a new... wait a minute...Okay, false alarm... apparently this only applies to our aboriginal brothers & sisters...OTTAWA — The federal Liberal government showed more solidarity with Canada’s First Nations on Friday...
20 December 2015
A not-so Charlie Brown Christmas
It seems there may be a little extra kick in this years "holiday" punch...Berlin (AFP) - The Islamic State group may have stolen "tens of thousands" of blank passports that it could use to smuggle its fighters into Europe as refugees, a German newspaper reported Sunday.
The head of EU border agency Frontex, Fabrice Leggeri, said that passports issued in war-ravaged countries such as Syria where...
19 December 2015
If you can't trust the news...

File this under, "I get by with a little help from my friends"...
In his meeting with the columnists, Mr. Obama indicated that he did not see enough cable television to fully appreciate the anxiety after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, and made clear that he plans to step up his public arguments.Government...
18 December 2015
From our ever expanding...
..."You don't need a Weatherman" file..."The reason that ISIS exists is the same reason that Syria can’t be fixed. ISIS didn’t get so big because Muslims are angry about our foreign policy. It got huge because Sunni Muslims hate Shiite Muslims."Remember, this is happening in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Turkey... you see a common thread here?
If you think centuries of animosity...
Tear Jerker-in-Chief Michele Mandel...
...demonstrates how little you have to know to be a "professional" journalist..."The accomplished 40-year-old MBA with an impressive resume in the business world and no previous record."Not so, says a rival news organisation that apparently still believes in "fact-checking"..."The life Bisesar lived online was largely a mirage, at least in recent years. Karl Gutowski, who knew Bisesar for eight years...
17 December 2015
Internationally known for its film festival...

...and all those random murders...Seems there's never a Constable Forcillo around when we really, really need one... mostly because we're too busy trying to toss them into jail.
Question: If Islamic terrorists do start killing people in Canada's multicultural capital... how will we even know?
16 December 2015
Yeah, yeah, no death penalty... I get it
I would trade five hundred homicidal Calvin Nimohs for one brilliant, giving Mark Ernsting.
How about, instead, we raise a half-million dollars for the defense fund (or whatever else they might want it for) for the first convict who is so outraged by this horrific crime, that (after a trial and a guilty...
They call it... "Journalism"

Rule #1... "If you can't say something nice..."Rule #2... "Mitigate the crazy..."Rule #3... "If you can work 'white privilege' into the narrative... so much the better.
RELATED: My melting pot overfloweth
Rule #4... "Make the accused into the victim.""She seems very quiet, very demure...
Hear me, oh low-brow serfs and deniers...
...bow down before the magnificence & wisdom of your meteorological overlor...
15 December 2015
The one election promise...

...the Liberals will be sure to honour...Will clerks be trained to recommend different strains of weed for the discerning toker? How will in-store sampling work? Will the LCBO give pride of place to “artisanal” pot from Ontario, as it currently does for locally-produced beer and wine?Time to pull...
Everything you need to know about...

...Canada's national broadcaster...Remember... this is all about $90,000... which, unlike the proceeds of every other government scandal I can think of, was actually returned to government coffers.
Now, don't get me wrong. Duffy is a crook, a greedy small-minded grifter. He deserves to be pilloried...
14 December 2015
You get the kind of government...
...you deserve...School officials reportedly asked Colton to zip up his jacket and cover the image because the shirt was banned due to its representation of a weapon.
For clarification, the “rebel blaster” is not an actual weapon. It only exists in the Star Wars universe.Sunny ways, my friends.
FROM THE COMMENTS:"Wow! Seriously? I'm old enough to remember the first Star Wars movie. I...
Oh, hey... you're welcome
Our continuing series... another "social justice warrior" bedtime story...
BONUS: Global Warming Sideshow
Lets' ask the father of the global warming movement.
Or, maybe, this guy..."The last goose will gladly have surrendered its swollen liver — foie gras does not come without exertion — to the last epicure environmentalis...
12 December 2015
The master of "bait & switch"
His "middle class tax cut" will cost Canada billions of dollars. He has pledged another three billion to "change the world's temperature."
He then pulled back sharply on the refugee throttle and climbed down from his promise to restore veterans offices. He also repudiated all of his "freedom of information" pledges and now there's this.
Let's face it, Canada... you've put P.T. Barnum in charge...
11 December 2015
And then...
...it leapt out of the box and started killing people...
Hillary goes full Justin

Well, she sure doesn't want to talk about the 20 trillion dollar deficit her boss has accumulated...In Atlanta, Clinton promised black ministers she'd run on a "love and kindness platform." "We've got to do everything we can to weed out hate and plant love and kindness."Of course, not everyone agrees...Man:...
10 December 2015
From the folks who brought you...
...the highest electricity prices in North America...Undeterred by reality, the Wynne government also announced it will spend $20 million installing charging stations for electric vehicles all over the province.
These would be the same electric vehicles that so few people are buying that the private sector has no interest in building the recharging stations themselves, as opposed to, say, gas stations.**********
Just remember...

...when that first inevitable beating, rape, murder or nail bomb shatters your naive complacency... it wasn't Stephen Harper whose "sunny ways" & "outward hearting" made the tragedy possible...This just isn't the same thing as bringing in bringing in a bunch of Tool & Die journeymen from Glasgow,...
09 December 2015
There is no place for politics...
...or political correctness on the battlefield...There is nothing gender biased about this, it is what it is. You will never see a female Quarterback in the NFL, there will never be a female center on any NHL team and you will never see a female batting in the number 4 spot for the New York Yankees. It is what it is.
In regards to the infantry…there is no trophy for second place. You perform or...
08 December 2015
Who exactly, is Farhat Hashmi?
...and why does she need those security guards at her world famous center for charity & social justice, the Al-Huda Institute of Canada?
On her website Ms. Hashmi claims her school/agency/madrassa is "tirelessly serving humanity by promoting education along with numerous welfare programmes for the needy and destitute..."
Yup... "tirelessly serving"... and there's plenty of crackerjack advice...
Because, let's face it...

...12 billion dollars a year doesn't go as far as it used to...“It’s time for a new fiscal relationship with First Nations that gives your communities sufficient, predictable and sustained funding. This is a promise we made, and a promise we will keep.”**********
RELATED: Justin's gonna open the taps...
Cheaper by the dozen

That works out to... you throw in all the maimed & wounded for free... $2071.35 per murder...
"A $28,500 deposit was made to Syed Farook’s bank account from WebBank.com on or about Nov.18, some two weeks before he and his wife Tashfeen Malik carried out the San Bernardino massacre."Yet another...
07 December 2015
But if you claim you're...

...a Kardashian sister trapped in an old man's body, you get your own TV show...MOORE, SC • Deputies said a Charleston man who told them he was “turning into the Hulk” was arrested after causing a disturbance at a bank Thursday morning.Life can be so unfair.
Think this sort of argle-bargle isn't happening...
A billion here, a few billion there...

...pretty soon you're talkin' real money...The Liberals had promised the lost revenue from their “middle-class tax cut” would be offset by a new tax bracket for income of more than $200,000. Federal sources confirm the numbers do not balance, which will add to government deficits in coming years.Of...
06 December 2015
"Say, honey... could you stop at..."

•...the grocery store on the way home... we're all out of milk, assault rifles and hand grenades...•
•"And don't forget, there's a sale on Koran toilet paper."•
RELATED: Obama's emergency legislation...
Evil stainless steel out... only plastic cutlery allowed in USA from now on...Dramatic...
05 December 2015
The first thing we do is...
...hang all the... well... you know...Today lawyers for the Farook family said that there hasn’t been any real evidence that the couple has ANY “extremist tendencies.”Except for that one incident of mass murder, rig...
04 December 2015

We should have sussed it out when the Whitehouse forbade the use of the term "muslim terrorist"...Who would actually be surprised, if, the day after the coming presidential election, Barack Hussein Obama announced he was returning to the religion of his forefathe...
03 December 2015
Was President Hussein Obama right?

If you believe in "micro-aggressions" & "cultural relativity" why wouldn't serving bacon at a "Christmas Party" be considered "workplace violence?"Today's killings in San Bernadino, CA took place because a County Employee who was Muslim went berserk over Pork being served at the Christmas Party...
The most interesting part of all this...

...is watching Hussein Obama and the liberal media... unlike Farouk's own father... tapdance around the "M" word...Mr. Farook’s father also identified his son as “very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”That seems pretty clear to me.
Apparently, though......
02 December 2015
Apparently... #BlackLivesMatterMore
You don't see something... make sh!t up...A recent Kean graduate has been charged with being responsible for a series of tweets threatening black students at the school two weeks ago, acting Union County Prosecutor Grace H. Park announced Tuesday.
Kayla-Simone McKelvey, 24, of Union – a black alum who graduated in May – was charged by summons with third-degree creating a false public alarm.McKelvey...
01 December 2015
I'm afraid the Prosecution lost me at...
..."his penis in one hand and a switchblade in the other"...What surrealistic porn/slasher flick was playing in this guy's doped up frontal cortex when he decided to square off with a half dozen armed police officers?
Watch the video and tell me what you would have done.
UPDATE: Prosecutor's theory falls apart
Prosecutor Milan Rupic has been using the fact that Officer Forcillo's partner...
Remember back when you were a kid...
...you saw a stranger in your neighbourhood, you'd go grab some deadly weapons?
Yeah... me neither."When Akalirai reported that someone was circling the neighbourhood, Witness X decided to arm himself with the samurai sword and a machete."Oh, I get it... it's a multicultural thi...
APEC hottie's "pants on fire"
Oh, look... he got us again...Before taking office, Justin Trudeau promised to end fees for processing information requests; empower the information commissioner to order documents released and subject ministers to the act.
But Trudeau’s mandate letter to Treasury Board President Scott Brison abandons some commitments and weakens others.More Liberal Bait and Switch... who could have seen that ...
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