31 August 2011

PM reportedly shaking in his boots

Statistical tour de force reveals... people willing to shitcan dinner, to talk to perfect strangers about dead people they've never met... are overwhelmingly creatures of the left... ********** FROM THE COMMENTS:"What's that smokey, orange place in the picture and what does it have to do with Layton?...

Deciphering the Codetalkers

Yeah, I'm guessing one of those damn laser thingies broke free... and got all Terminator on his ass...C'mon buddy, you can say it... Flemingdon Park. ********** FROM THE TORONTO SUN COMMENTS:"Ontario Science Centre, hey!? It must have been a heated argument about evolution and the origin of man."Hmmm,...


"For those that want a Reader's Digest version, the suit that Dr. Dawg / Ms. Mew brought against Mark and Connie was given summary judgement in favor of Mark and Connie and Mark and Connie were also awarded costs, so this little adventure in legal-land is going to end up costing Dawg some kibble."********** UPDATE: Multiple personality syndrome... ...it's how the left rolls... From a commenter...

30 August 2011

Now... if only it'd spawn...

...a couple of witnesses... Officers investigating Jermaine Smith’s murder in the Jane St.-Scarlett Rd. area have interviewed up to 20 children “who were within 15 to 20 feet of the shooting,” he said. As many as 150 people attended at varying times during the event in the Toronto Community Housing...

Redistributing the Wealth

All that extra cash keeps falling outta your pockets... we can help you with that...Seriously... what's $700,000,000.00 (a year) between friends? The NDP... the party of rainbows & unicorns... what they lack in "common sense"... they make up for in "timing." And, hey... while we're on immigration......

Mission Accomplished...

...now it's time for the debrief..."I see no reason to lionize him or anyone else on the basis of a groundswell of public sentiment fed by the need to worship something or someone tangible because it’s no longer cool to worship an abstract God."Well... that's as good a place to start as a...

29 August 2011

28 August 2011

No business like show business

All that love and hope and renewal... and yet, strangely... the bullets still continue to fly...I sure hope the gentleman in question here gets the full throttle, no stones unturned coverage that our professional journalist betters have shown us they can... when they're moved by the holy spirit... deliver....

27 August 2011

The Union makes us strong... Part XXXIV

No shift premiums, vacations or pension benefits... and don't you dare get me started on quality control...Where's the Brotherhood of Committed Socialists... when you really, really need them?" -- OTTAWA -- Those who WORK AROUND THE CLOCK stealing and selling stolen goods to fund their habit, are...

Mourning, Remembering, Honouring

Apparently... it can be a pretty selective thing. -- NEW YORK -- First responders will not be invited to this year’s 9/11 ceremony at Ground Zero. That’s the word from city officials who say there isn’t enough room for the tens of thousands of firefighters, police and other rescue workers.Hells-bells... let's just blame Dick Cheney & MOSSAD... and move on. (h/t reader Mi...

26 August 2011

25 August 2011

24 August 2011

No, c'mon... seriously...

...is there some sort of contest I don't know about?Still, the fact is... for servile, diabetes inducing ass-kissery... it's gonna be pretty hard to top... ********** UPDATE: Okay, I admit it, I was wrong... ...CTV ain't goin' down without a fight... ********** FROM THE COMMENTS:"Somehow I doubt...

23 August 2011

Yeah, of course... numb with grief

Sorry folks... I've been told I should be more Canadian... more nicey-nice. The fact of the matter is, though... behind all of the sombre media pageantry, it's just politics as usual... but hey, don't take my word for it...The letter is full of such sophistry as “We can restore our good name in the...

Meanwhile... in other big city...

..."crime is down" news...Police have identified the woman who was fatally shot early Saturday morning in North York. Pamela Ariza, 25, of Toronto was pronounced dead at the scene after being shot once in the back. Another woman was taken to hospital after being shot in the knee, Toronto police said....

22 August 2011

By the end of today's news cycle...

...there will be no part of his anatomy left unkissed... Going... Going... Gone... Day One's hands-down winner is the Toronto Sun website with 5 of 6 items above the fold Layton-centric... ********** FROM THE COMMENTS: The medium is the mudpie..."How utterly cruel you are... an inherently disrespectful...

It's enough to make a fella...

...a little cynical...A group of the biggest commercial banks last year asked the U.S. Supreme Court to keep at least some Fed borrowings secret. Even as the firms asserted in news releases or earnings calls that they had ample cash, they drew Fed funding in secret, avoiding the stigma of weakness. As the crisis deepened, the Fed relaxed its standards for acceptable collateral. Typically, the central...

19 August 2011

All those compassionate intellectuals...

...you know... the people who are constantly sneering at Stephen Harper's "tough on crime" agenda... somebody please tell me... what Mr Rogers world do they inhabit? -- In 1987, at age 18, Jhatu pleaded guilty to the contract murder of Matsqui, B.C., resident Ranjit Toore. Jhatu beat Toore to death, doused her body in gasoline and set it ablaze after being hired to commit the murder by Toore's...

18 August 2011

17 August 2011

We have the technology...

...we're just a little light on brains...Chris Petrie, 23 and from the state of Queensland, bought the vehicle over the internet for $A600 ($630). While assembling it at a friend’s house the two sampled a few beers before Petrie decided to drive it home, according to a local television station.“By the...

Dear Mr Lennon

The thing is... the more I "imagine all the people"... the scarier this whole ride gets...Multnomah County Circuit Judge Eric Bergstrom told Peterson on Monday that "the reality is you love your children and had absolutely no intent to harm your child."Seriously... that's the reality? That's the message the court wants to send here? And, yeah... sounds like moms has some serious issues as well. (link...

16 August 2011


It begins at home... but where exactly does it end up? -- "Once upon a time, HCI's Canadian Regional Director in Pakistan was none other than Ahmed Said Khadr. He's the paterfamilias of Canada's first family of terrorism who was sprung from a Pakistan hoosegow due to the efforts of Canada's then-P.M. Jean Chretien." -- Geez, Khadr...Khadr... that sounds so familiar.The CSIS agents wanted to know...

Apparently... the first lefty asskickin'...

...is deductible..."The artist said he had not filed a police report following the attack in Copenhagen. 'I did not know any of the people or get a great look at them, so it seemed pointless'."Oh c'mon, Peace Moonbeam... you know what they say... "No hope... no change." Seems there's never a skinhead...

C'mon folks... you oughta be grateful

You know how hard it is... to find new ways to piss away a billion taxpayer dollars... each and every year? ********** RELATED: Relax folks... no worries here The MSM will do all the "hard" thinking for you... ********** UPDATE: Took his bat & ball... ...and went home...Former Bloc Quebecois...

15 August 2011

Who you gonna believe, baby?

A bunch of slicksters who stand to profit both personally and professionally... Or... your own... lyin' eyes? Meanwhile... in other "crime is down" news... -- MONTREAL -- One of three men shot Saturday night in the city's Cote-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grace borough died of his wounds Sunday night.We've...

13 August 2011

Living beyond your means...

...there are consequences...Ford has vowed to trim $380 million in spending to reduce the 2012 budget gap of $774 million, “and if we don’t do anything, we’re looking at 30-to-35% tax increases.” -- How did this situation get so desperate? Here's a thought... maybe politicians should leave the "social work" to "social workers." ********** RELATED: Time for triage You get to choose, folks......

12 August 2011

11 August 2011

Let Dalton and friends rub up against...

...the great unwashed... panhandling will be outlawed in a week...If Mammoliti has his way, begging would be deemed illegal in every part of the city. That is, however, except for one. “My bylaw would see the practice banned everywhere but at Queen’s Park.”********** RELATED: More Liberal socialist paradise I sure hope that "driving ban" thing works out as well as it did... the last three times...On...

10 August 2011

Grand ol' lady of Canadian journalism...

...yet again... never afraid to ask the really, really hard questions... Uh-huh... because gawd forbid anybody actually delve into an issue, for example, that is actually burning parts of London to the ground..."Was any of this ever mentioned in their presentation? Of course not. Just like the news...

From those wonderful folks...

...who brought you the "me, me, me" generation...The creators of the service — a sex educator and a public health doctor — realized that online encounters were leading to casual sex hookups which were, in turn, fuelling syphilis cases. So they created the email notification system.Hey... maybe Facebook can come up with a special "poke" to cover this one as well. Whaddaya think that emoticon would...

09 August 2011

It's like the old hippie said...

...you don't have to be a Weatherman... "More than 450 people were arrested and 60 police officers were hurt. A statement from Scotland Yard described the disturbances as 'unprecedented in recent history.' Front-page headlines in the national press read 'Rule of the Mob,' 'The Battle for London,'...

06 August 2011

Actually... it kinda sorta fits

I mean... you can't be more of an "opposing force"... than to want to tear the country into separate pieces... right? -- "The NDP run candidates in every riding in Quebec. Did Ms. Turmel judge the Bloc's social issues platform superior to the NDP's?"And, Holy Clouseau's Minkey... it gets even better...

05 August 2011

Special Rules for Special People

It's been 10 years this month that we pulled up stakes and left Toronto the Good... and frankly, there have been no regrets... not a single one... but it's stuff like this that really brings the "Big Picture" into focus...When the very people who are supposed to be upholding the law of the land are...