30 September 2019

The Usual, well... you know...

Isn't it strange that the media won't address who's doing all the killing and all the dying?A man fatally shot in Etobicoke has been identified by investigators as Amir Naraine, 21. No further information regarding any possible suspects wanted in connection with the deadly incident has been released...

Globe and Mail "hit team" goes after...

...man who exposed Justin Trudeau's blackface scandal...Mr. Adamson has made no public statements, fuelling further questions about who he is, how he acquired the 2001 yearbook and his motivation for exposing an incident that threatens to sway voters in Canada’s 43rd general election.Dear Grope &...

29 September 2019

Toronto Star attempts Jedi mind trick...

...makes things worse for "Prime Minstrel"...The new video clearly shows a Toucan and also Justin with a banana-like object stuffed down his pants.The article attempted to paint Justin’s detractors in a bad light for having initially mistaken a Toucan’s bill for a banana on Justin’s t-shirt in the original...

What's the deal with those...

...crazy bloodthirsty Swedes?The number of people in Sweden treated for gunshot wounds soared 20 per cent in 2018 and has more than doubled since 2012.And, apparently, guns are the least of their problems...Facing a massive surge in gang-related crimes, in particular involving the use of hand grenades,...

Come for the dazzling culture...

...stay for the firefight...Gunfire erupted in North York on Sunday afternoon at Bathurst St. and Steeles Ave. W. leaving one man dead.Homicide #51. But, wait... there's more...Cops have also now revealed that a man found badly injured on Tuesday near Yonge and Isabella Sts., died in hospital Friday. Robin...

28 September 2019

Live and don't learn

The further adventures of Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit...In the interview with CBS Sunday Morning that is airing this weekend, Clinton said that things happened during 2016 campaign that will not happen again, implying that she may be planning to try again. Clinton went on to call President Donald...

27 September 2019


...FARMERS, HUNTERS AND SKEET SHOOTERS...  AND CONSERVATIVE POLITICIANS...That is when the ad gets bizarre. The photos and video used at the end of the ad show Andrew Scheer and other Conservative MPs legally firing guns at legal ranges.Not a whisper about Toronto's "banger community" dropping...

"If it only saves one life..."

Another "insignificant" factoid you won't hear about at Drag Queen Story Hour...“Between 2012 and June 30 of this year, the FDA documented over 40,764 adverse reactions suffered by patients who took Leuprolide Acetate (Lupron), which is used as a hormone blocker...including 6,370 deaths.”********** RELATED:...

Airbrushing the Politburo...

...Comrade May "gets her green on"...The Green Party in Canada has admitted to using an image on their website of leader Elizabeth May drinking out of a reusable cup with a metal straw that actually was doctored with Photoshop. A Green Party spokesperson said, "It should not distract from the fact...

26 September 2019

And Winston Churchill wept

"They can have my Messermeister carving knife when they pry it from my cold, dead hands."********** RELATED: Mad dogs and, uh... Englishmen?"Figures reported in April showed that 73 per cent of offenders and 53 percent of victims of knife crime were of a black or minority ethnic (BAME) background,...

25 September 2019

Land's sakes.. that Justy be friendly

Some of his best friends are, well... you know..."Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has been criticised for changing his Twitter profile picture to a photo showing him sitting beside a black person."Meet Monsieur Token."His recently-changed profile pic shows him smiling at a black man at a restaurant...

Seems pretty obvious to me

Forget about his segregationist past... Obama did...The younger Biden, who has a history of getting rich from entities tied to his father, is at center of controversy after President Donald Trump suggested the Ukrainian government look into his business dealings in the country. The most prominent and...

As my poker buddies used to say...

...it's "balls to the wall" time...If House Dems do impeach Trump on grounds that much of the public sees as flimsy and concocted, they could win the battle and lose the war. Pelosi knew all that since January, when she became Speaker, which is why she kept resisting the impeachers. Democrats are...

She's with Justin

Don't miss the gold in the comments..."I held it in my hand and realized it weighed the same as 20 avocados. That's when I knew nobody needs this weapon. The founding fathers never intended for weapons that weighed more than 10 avocados."Are they as stupid as they seem... or just liars?Rep. Sheila Jackson...

24 September 2019

Trust me...

...I'm a "professional" journalist...Year-old texts contained in a Senate Judiciary Committee report show that New York Times reporter Robin Pogrebin engaged in questionable journalistic tactics to shape a false narrative against Kavanaugh by telling a source what to say and by asking sources to confirm...

Yeah, you cuddle-puddle pussy...

...you better run...“Regrettably, the Prime Minister’s refusal to attend our debate has denied Canadians the only real opportunity they had this election to see his foreign policy record challenged in a substantive and sustained fashion,” Rudyard Griffiths, chair of the Munk Debates wrote in a statement. Trudeau...

Good call there, Clouseau

Remember, these are the guys you're counting on when it's a life or death situation...Toronto police are investigating after the discovery of human remains in a garbage bin in North York. The cause of death is unknown and it is being... (wait for it)... "treated as suspicious."Yeah, Sarge, we gotta...

23 September 2019

Read that part at the top again:

“Gun crime in Canada is on the rise. In 2017 there were 2,500 more victims of gun violence than in 2013…”Who is currently in government? Is it the Conservatives? Nope. Is it the NDP? Nope. The Greens? Nope. Huh… Turns out, the Liberals are in power, and just so happen to have been in power during...

♫ "First thing you know..." ♫

♫ Ol' Geb's a millionaire... kinfolk say ...Geb, move away from there ♫Initially, he thought he had won $14. In reality, Scarborough resident Michael Gebru had actually won $10.7 million. Now he’s lying dead in a morgue in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia — the victim of a suspected murder.Scarborough v. Addis...

The first 3 times are deductible...

...well... if you're Canadian political royalty...Time will tell if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s apology for wearing blackface will be accepted by Canadians. We do know he has not accepted similar apologies from his fellow Liberals facing charges of racism.Just ask Karen Wang..."Those statements...

22 September 2019

Tried & true "Labrador Retriever" defense...

..."LOOK, LOOK... SQUIRREL!!!"...Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged a ban on “military-grade” semiautomatic rifles in an attempt to redirect his campaign after his blackface controversy. City News reports that Trudeau announced the rifle ban on Friday in Greektown, Toronto, the area of...

21 September 2019

“The CAUCASITY of it all”

"Persons who visited the cafe were shocked and insulted when presented with the dish"...Swedish furniture company IKEA transgressed against wokedness by adding jerk chicken to their cafe menu in the UK. Their version of the Caribbean dish featured white rice and green peas. This is racist, because...

20 September 2019

For all we know... Justin & Soapy...

...have regular fetish dress-up dates...The Liberal Party leader stopped short of putting an exact number on the amount of times he’s dressed up in blackface. “I am wary of being definitive about this because recent pictures that came out I had not remembered."Somebody should ask whether he always...

Quebec doesn't really give a crap...

...just keep those equalization payments flowing, merci..."I can understand that some people were hurt by these pictures. But Mr. Trudeau said that he was sorry. I think we have to talk about something else," said Premier François Legault. The leader of the sovereignist Parti Québécois, Pascal Bérubé,...

19 September 2019

Remember... it's not really "racism"...

...it's over-exuberant enthusiasm...“The fact of the matter is that I’ve always - and you’ll notice - been more enthusiastic about costumes than somehow is sometimes appropriate. But these are the situations that I regret deeply,” Trudeau said....and, apparently a fetish for cosmetics...So, Trudeau...

Trudeau "minstrel show" goes international

...almost has enough material for a NetFlix special..."Then, on Thursday morning, more damaging material surfaced. Mr. Trudeau’s campaign spokeswoman, Zita Astravas, confirmed that a video posted by GlobalNews, a Canada-based news organization, showed the prime minister in the early 1990s dressed in...

Brer Shiny Pony

UPDATE: It ain't all about groping women reporters "Stepin Fetchit" is morphing into "stepped in dog shit"..."The prime minister’s official director of communications did not return multiple calls."Trudeau was not the only person in costume at the 2001 gala event. But, of the individuals in six photographs...

I know what I'd be praying for

Now that's a little strange... this "professional" journalist has absolutely nothing to say about the "plaza's prayer room" where the gunfight occured...Aurangzeb Chaudhry, owner of a convenience store in a plaza near Jane Street & Finch Avenue, said he had just told a man where the plaza's prayer room was located, when suddenly he reappeared with a bullet wound. He went there and got shot and...

18 September 2019


“I think that kind of talk about sort of, you know, where this all arises from, or sort of who’s to blame, is not very constructive,” Toronto Mayor John Tory told reporters in Nathan Phillips Square.Sorry, folks... if you're not measuring, you're not managing. Or... in the vernacular... "If I'm lyin',...

Didn't the Liberals legalise weed...

...to shut down the blackmarket criminals?At 2 a.m. on Saturday, a traffic stop just outside Toronto led to a police seizure of 426 pounds of marijuana worth roughly $1.9 million if sold on the blackmarket. 26-year-old Kiryl Andrushkevich of Oakville and 32-year-old Damaris Nataren Ortega of Toronto...

Smell the "professional" journalism...

"A quick visit to the CBC website gives me a lead story about “How the parties deal with fizzles and flops on the campaign trail” followed by '5 things Jagmeet Singh wants you to know about his turban,' neither of which I can guarantee you is anyone’s ballot question sat around the supper table."Speaking of the big, bloated Mothership...Journalists aren’t supposed to get gifts, they aren’t supposed...

17 September 2019

Retiree in his 70s... espresso bar...

...sounds like those guys with vowels at the end of their names..."Shortly after 6 p.m., Toronto police responded to a shooting outside Tony's Espresso Bar, near Dufferin Street and Glencairn Avenue."Italian eatery... pro hitter... that sounds so familiar. Homicide #46. ********** UPDATE: Cops not discussing "motive"...Vito Lapolla, 72, of Toronto, has been identified as the victim.********** LAST...

Here's a crazy thought...

...maybe just don't kill people...Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday announced that he has commuted the sentences of 21 prison inmates. Most were convicted of murder or attempted murder; seven had been serving life terms with no chance of parole.Thus rendering the phrases "life sentence"...

16 September 2019

Bad news for Kava-Nope Krowd

Alleged witness thinks Christine Blasey Ford lied...Reporters Robin Pogebrin and Kate Kelly quietly admit that Christine Blasey Ford’s lifelong friend Leland Keyser did not believe her friend’s tale of a sexual assault at a party they both supposedly attended. We spoke multiple times to Keyser, who...