30 June 2011

Hey everybody... meet "nonny"

You know... the guy who has been so obsessed with me... he's been running around the internet spoofing my identity...And forgery, nonny... that'd be... well... you...IP Address -- Visit Length 10 hours 53 mins 46 secs -- 30th June 2011 09:37:20 Page View www.bloggingtories.ca/hallsofmacadamia.blogspot.com/2011/06/cmon-who-doesnt-love.html30th...

Remember back... you were growing up...

...people used to club each other over the head... with babies? -- Yeah... me neither....A woman who allegedly used her little girl “as a weapon” has been located, Toronto Police said Wednesday.The woman, who is about 30 years old, was on the TTC’s Dundas streetcar Friday when a brawl broke out, Const. Wendy Drummond said.“There was an verbal altercation with another passenger, and the suspect swung...

C'mon... who doesn't love a...

...good turtle story? -- NEW YORK -- Runway 4 Left at Kennedy International Airport was closed for more than an hour on Wednesday morning.In 2009, the same runway was closed due to occupation by 78 diamondback terrapins, engendering some interesting chatter from air traffic controlle...

29 June 2011

In other "big-spirited frontier city" news

Do your teenage sons have "ready smiles", "a love of partying" and "a penchant for getting into the occasional dust-up?" -- A "penchant"? Is that what got these "two smiling frontier city partiers" killed? Seriously?The gap between actual news & Entertainment Tonight continues to narrow. I'm...

Ah, yes... the Cradle of Democracy

20,000 Greeks go absolutely apeshit over impending bankruptcy..."We don't owe any money, it's the others who stole it," said 69-year-old demonstrator Antonis Vrahas. "We're resisting for a better society for the sake of our children and grandchildren." Police said 37 policemen were injured during Tuesday's riots.**********UPDATE: Greeks take it in the......well, you know...Mr Papandreou says his...

28 June 2011

In other "Crime is Down" news

-- NEWMARKET -- A York police officer, and father of two young children, was killed after being pinned under a van near Newmarket early Tuesday.The unlicensed driver of the van, a 15-year-old boy, was also taken to hospital, and is in serious condition.The Harper government wants to make some points with the people... they could do a total rethink of the "Young Offenders" legislation.Max three...

My latest plea to the British Royal Family

Dear Liz... just another reminder, I'm still waiting for that compensation for my ancestors being chased out of the Scottish Highlands..."Oliver blames Canada's experience with slavery for much of the black community's inability to support each other and for the stereotypes old-stock Canadians continue to show."Uh, Don... does that include the guy who appointed you to the Canadian Senate?"It really...

Think about it, Abdullah... if he was really...

...trying to piss you off... wouldn't he have used Porky Pig? -- CAIRO -- An Egyptian Christian telecom mogul has angered Islamic hard-liners by posting an online cartoon of Mickey Mouse with a beard and Minnie in a face veil."If you are really a Muslim, and you love your religion, boycott his projects. We have to cut out the tongue of any person who attacks our religion."Yike...

27 June 2011

Never a Community Organiser around...

...when you really, really need one...The federal jury found that the former governor brazenly abused the powers of his office in a series of attempted shakedowns captured on undercover government recordings.Blagojevich, the fourth former governor convicted of felonies since 1973, likely faces a significant prison sentence.In the end, jurors agreed with prosecutors that Blagojevich had tried to sell...

Yes, Peace Moonbeam... of course...

...because profiling terrorists is just so wrong. -- (CNN) -- The Transportation Security Administration stood by its security officers Sunday after a Florida woman complained that her cancer-stricken, 95-year-old mother was patted down and forced to remove her adult diaper while going through securi...

Or maybe, Romeo... just maybe... the Big Head could do the thinking for the Little Head

Here's a thought... how about we start tattooing warning labels on people's genitalia? -- Not everybody, mind you... just the folks who insist on purchasing frequent, unprotected sex with multiple strangers... What's next here... adding "swingers" to Ontario's list of "official" victims?" 'Cos I'm...

Yeah... they'd better start thinking about...

...building a new "Circle of Friends University" to go along with this. -- STOCKHOLM -- At the "Egalia" preschool, staff avoid using words like "him" or "her" and address the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys.They've have adopted the genderless "hen," a word that doesn't exist in Swedish but is used in some feminist and gay circles. To even things out, many preschools have hired...

26 June 2011


You mean your employer doesn't offer you a gold-plated pension & benefits, seven weeks of holidays yearly and substantial sick leave on top of that? -- Hmmm... I guess maybe that accounts for the 70 percent of Canadians who supported the back to work legislation.I mean, this one's a no-brain... wait a minute..."The leftist New Democratic Party had held up the bill with 58 grueling hours of day-and-night...

25 June 2011

This is Rahm's handpicked candidate?

It's true... you really do get the kind of government you deserve... -- CHICAGO (WLS) -- Chicago's new top cop says the accessibility to firearms in America is an extension of "government-sponsored racism" that goes back to the days of slavery and Jim Crow.McCarthy illustrated his point by recalling a crime scene investigation while he was a police official in Newark, New Jersey where five children...

President McDreamy just keeps diggin'

Seems even the Dems are getting fed up with this guy...“It would appear inside the caucus that there is a split on this, and I think the fact that the secretary came over tells you a couple things. One, that the White House is very concerned about the vote, and second, that there is a sudden awareness that the fact that the administration has ignored Congress may carry with it a price.”And in other...

Not limited to leaders of political parties

Wanna have a transcendental moment... without the humiliating risk of being found naked in a Chinatown bordello? -- If there is a less offensive creature in the entire universe, I have certainly never crossed its path... so get out your wallet or chequebook & send these folks a donation... --...

24 June 2011

The sun is shining... the birds are birding...

...and I've just spent a few hours outside doing things mechanical. Had to seal up a swing cylinder on the backhoe... it seems that plugging one leak... stabiliser cylinders... puts pressure on another component... stabiliser hoses... which in turn, pushes oil out a sloppily sealed swing cylinder. Eventually, I should be able to tighten up the whole machine... but it truly is a process... a sort...

23 June 2011

In other "Healing Crystals" news

Evidence clearly suggests, we can simply step back and watch... as the lunatic left slit their own throats...Ray became an American self-help icon and bestselling author about five years ago, after appearing in the hit New Age documentary 'The Secret', which suggested that sending the right vibes into the universe attracts wealth, love, and health.**********THE COMPASSIONATE INTELLECTUAL LEFT REPLIES:"Dude,...

Yet again... more inspiring heroic activism...

...from the Tammy Wynette of the lunatic left...Even then, her comments on Tuesday came not of her own initiative, but in response to a question at a press availability – and after Saudi women activists and journalists had questioned her public silence on the subject.Perhaps Shrillary should take a page out of the Geert Wilders playbook...This morning the Court of Amsterdam has acquitted Geert Wilders...

22 June 2011

Whoa... I had thought this was mandatory...

...sorta like genuflecting every time somebody says "David Suzuki"..."Asked if he feared his decision would provoke a backlash, he said he is keeping his own tradition of spending the national holiday with his family at their vacation property in Huntsville." -- Hey... you wanna be a vital, thriving...

Playing politics... it's what he does best

Too bad the table stakes here are human lives...The withdrawal has created deep divisions in Washington. The defence secretary, Robert Gates, argued for a modest reduction – at one point as low as 2,000 – citing the advice of US commanders in Afghanistan that they need to protect gains made during the winter against the Taliban.But senior White House staff, conscious that the president has an election...

Sorry neighbour... your daughter ends up...

..ridin' that shiny brass pole... or publicly naked and smeared with blood... by choice... you have profoundly failed in your parental duties...Nearly nude volunteers from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals were wrapped in plastic and smeared with fake blood in front of Quality Meat Packers Ltd. on Tecumseth St., near Bathurst and King Sts.Isn't that a little bit like protesting rape by dressing...

21 June 2011

Never a "Queer against Israeli Apartheid"...

...around... when you really, really need one...A girl of nine has told how she escaped Pakistani terrorists who tried to use her as a human bomb.Sohana Jawed said she was kidnapped on her way to school in Peshawar, and forced to wear a remotely-controlled suicide jacket.Here's what I want to know... a story like this hits the airwaves... where do all the people who are constantly shrieking about...

In other "Don't need a weatherman" news

...the only thing notable or newsworthy here... is that ONLY ONE of these morons has managed to kill themselves. -- "34-year-old Dunn appeared in all of the 'Jackass' movies -- famously shoving a toy car into his rectum in the first flick back in 2002." -- And, of course... "Just hours before...

20 June 2011

Beavember? Muffember? Vulvember?

"Stencils for suggested hair designs — soon be available for download on Julyna’s Facebook page — include the arrow, the Charlie Chaplin, the Barbara Bush, the Movember, the rising sun, the side part and the David Suzuki."I can already imagine the water-cooler hijinks... "I'll sponsor you extra for...

Looks like preventing a riot...

...is the least of their shortcomings...“This document that you are referring to in your story is a new piece of information to us,” said Sgt. Peter Thiessen,Integrated Homicide Investigation Team spokesman. “We were not aware of that document and we are certainly following that document up as quickly as we can to make some determinations around that document.”**********RELATED: Of course they won't......this...

To PETA... or not to PETA

Yup, a definite win-win situation... and I'm not just talking about all those new-age hippie wannabes bleeding from both ears. -- NEW YORK -- New York City plans to capture pesky geese that threaten planes departing area airports and send them to Pennsylvania to be cooked for meals for the poor, city officials said.The city will pay for the capture and transport of the geese to facilities in Pennsylvania...

19 June 2011

Somewhere, Emmett Leo Kelly is smiling

Live by the Clown... die by the Clown...At 10:10 p.m. after the event ended, the officer went to his car and a teen approached him, asking him for money, authorities said. When the officer said he had no money, the teen pulled a gun on him, authorities said.During a struggle with the teen, the officer grabbed hold of the gun, opened fire and killed him.These predators fear neither the police... nor...

In other DADT news

Is the CBC relevant? Does it meet the needs of Canadians? What kind of programming should the CBC provide, and what should it do differently?If you've got a gripe or something good to say, now's your chance. And it's a rare chance at that for Canadians to stand up for, or sound off against the public broadcaster that receives $1.1 billion from taxpayers every year.The Canadian Radio-television...

18 June 2011

90 year-old Yorkshire grandfather...

...decides to relive World War II glory days...A search of the car -- not revealed until Thursday -- turned up a Sten MK II machine gun and two high-capacity extended magazine clips.The Sten MK II, a submachine gun with a 30-round magazine, was the weapon of choice for British troops during the war.I knew it... it was only a matter of time before one of these crazed veterans... hang on a sec...Carlton...

That evil, warmongering George W...

...wait a minute...Still, the disclosure that key figures on the administration’s legal team disagreed with Mr. Obama’s legal view could fuel restiveness in Congress, where lawmakers from both parties this week strongly criticized the White House’s contention that the president could continue the Libya campaign without their authorization because the campaign was not “hostilities.”The White House...

17 June 2011

In other "Silk-Stocking Socialist" news

The Hudson Yacht Club, founded in 1909, doesn’t look like a promising spot for a young left-winger to get his first real taste of rebellion. Jack Layton pretty much lived at the club during the summers of his childhood and teenage years.But, hey... it's not what you're thing... apparently Jacko was an adolescent Cesar Chavaz.And how does Macleans handle the fact that Layton was found naked in a Chinatown...

Show me the Justice

Hang on a sec... aren't "two concurrent 18-year prison terms"... just lawyer-speak for "one term with one third off for good behaviour?" -- TORONTO -- The decision means Tyshan Riley, 28, will not be prosecuted for the first-degree murder of Eric Mutiisa, 23, shot to death on a driveway in Scarborough’s Malvern area in November 2002.Nor will he stand trial in the fatal shooting of Omar Hortley,...

16 June 2011

Let's legalise drugs, hooking & car-b-q's...

...it's a west coast thing...Time to break out the shocksticks, firehoses and liquid jesus.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Maybe Libby Davies will endorse an "Incite" safe-riot Centre for those who are predisposed to riots and can do it in a safe and monitored riot-area where Union workers and Police give...

15 June 2011


If every Canadian Senator who drooled between two lips... disappeared from the face of the earth tomorrow... how exactly would your life be affected?The Canadian Senate is nothing more than a golden... make that platinum handshake for party bigwigs & bagmen of all political stripes.Abolish it n...

I just can't help thinkin'...

...she needs a bodyguard... like a fish needs a bicycle..."Mr. Young implored the court to use simple logic in viewing a bizarre, incoherent legal regime." -- Speaking of bizarre... I'm still trying to get my head around the sort of freak who drops a week's salary to get naked & handcuffed under...

Meanwhile... in other Hopey-Changey news

-- ASTANA -- Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday joined the Chinese and Russian leaders in a rare encounter at a summit in Kazakhstan, where he launched a new attack on the "slavers and colonisers" of the West.In a characteristically firebrand speech peppered with rhetorical questions, he launched a new call for a wholesale shake-up of the world order, which he said was "managed...

You really think they're gonna choose...

...us over Islam? -- Seriously? -- The Times said that at a closed briefing last week, members of the Senate Intelligence Committee asked Michael Morell, the deputy CIA director, to rate Pakistan's cooperation with the United States on counterterrorism operations, on a scale of 1 to 10."Three," Morell replied, according to officials familiar with the exchange, the newspaper said.Sorry, folks......

Geek me out

So maybe... just maybe... it ain't all about carbon capture after all...“If we are right,” Hill concluded, “this could be the last solar maximum we’ll see for a few decades. That would affect everything from space exploration to Earth’s climat...

14 June 2011

I don't know about you... but I'm tired of...

...being played for a patsy..."All of our intelligence indicates that people are prepared to pay these operations up to $45,000 to be smuggled to Canada in part because they are calculating that they will shortly thereafter be able to sponsor several family members through our very generous family reunification process," Mr. Kenney, the Immigration Minister, told reporters in Ottawa.The four men who...

Those uptight, anti-business Conservatives

That lil' glass pipe don't fill itself for nuthin, ya know...Hey... I wanna make a livin' blowin' unwashed strangers in dirty back alleys... what's it to you?**********THE COMPASSIONATE INTELLECTUAL LEFT REPLIES:Dear Nonny...Thank you, once again, for your daily dozen little rants. Not sure, though,...

13 June 2011

Well, there's recycling... and then there's...

Mrs Ottosson, who runs a lighting business in Nottingham, said: "My daughter and I are both very rational people and we both think ‘it’s just a womb’.""She needs it more than me. I’ve had two daughters so it’s served me well."Hmmm... this sounds, to me anyway, like a "mountain to Mohammed" kinda deal.Wouldn't it be easier & safer for everybody concerned... if mom volunteered to be a surrogate...

12 June 2011

I guess some wars are just...

...holier than others..."A series of bombings across Afghanistan Saturday killed at least 20 people, including eight children." -- But heck, why stop there?Two explosions went off minutes apart in the northwest Pakistani city of Peshawar Sunday, killing 34 people and injuring nearly 100 in one of the deadliest attacks since the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden last month, officials said.**********LAST...

No need to panic, folks...

...I'm sure the Car-Salesman-in-Chief has everything under control...A Chinese ratings house has accused the United States of defaulting on its massive debt, state media said Friday, a day after Beijing urged Washington to put its fiscal house in order."In our opinion, the United States has already been defaulting," Guan Jianzhong, president of Dagong Global Credit Rating Co. Ltd., the only Chinese...

11 June 2011

You remember the good ol' days...

...back in your callow twenties... your buds were always deviously droppin' you smack in the middle of those huge Coke burns? Yeah... me neither."Caught up with 'friends' he should have never been chumming with, Jonathan was duped by two men known only as Wolf and Bounty into acting as a middleman in a drug deal."Just another victim, huh?No such thing as a bad boy in fuzzy-bunny Toronto.**********RELATED:...

Barry... time for a domestic military surge?

Remember back... you were a kid... the local leisure spots resembled downtown Beirut? -- Yeah, me neither.P.S. -- It ain't just the Big Apple.**********THANK YOU, ONCE AGAIN, COMMENT MODERATION:My biggest fan, nonny... under yet another alias, has decided to ramp up the pseudo-adulation under another...

10 June 2011

Hey, America...

...you feeling safer yet? -- Hmmm, wait a minute... let's ask a Homeland Security Secretary..."For example, we often times, for travelers entering the United States, we won't not do what is called a secondary inspection just because they are a 35-year- old male who appears to be Muslim, whatever that...

You ever notice... there's never a...

..."Queer Against Israeli Apartheid" around... when you really, really need one...Nothing has been heard of her since she was seen being bundled into a car by three armed men in an area of central Damascus on Monday evening.With that, Arraf, 35, a Syrian American who was born in Staunton, Va., joined the more than 10,000 people who have been plucked from their homes or from the streets of cities since...

09 June 2011

08 June 2011

How the really cool kids roll...

...reader Jeff writes..."I left a comment on the Ottawa Sun the other day. Warren had a new avatar. Wearing sunglasses and trying to look cool. About an hour later, the avatar was back to that silly grinning schoolboy one." "After a quick poke around I found a page that hadn't been changed yet and...

Never a Community Organiser around...

...when you really, really need one... -- CHICAGO -- The attacks occurred around 8:30 p.m. Saturday. Moments after a group of teens wrestled with Singer over his iPad and BlackBerry, members of the same mob attacked a 42-year-old doctor visiting from Japan. That doctor was beaten and robbed of his iPod Touch while walking in the 700 block of North Lake Shore Drive, authorities said.Both physicians...


"Through this sleight-of-hand accounting, the White House can conveniently ignore Bush’s loan, but even the Treasury Department admits that U.S. taxpayers will not recoup about $1.3 billion of the entire $12.5 billion investment when all is said and don...

07 June 2011

A beautiful day... a Harper majority...

...the PQ is imploding... who could ask for anything more?“In my view there is no bad timing to talk about sovereignty, there are only bad messengers.”Mr. Aussant went further than three of his prominent colleagues – Louise Beaudoin, Pierre Curzi and Lisette Lapointe – who resigned Monday for similar reaso...

And NATO troops reacted to the news...

..."Oh, please, please, please...make it happen." -- KABUL -- “If more civilian deaths happen, maybe Karzai will actually do something, such as stopping Afghan forces from participating in joint operations,” said Waheed Mujhda, political analyst at the Afghan Analytical and Advisory Centre in Kab...

06 June 2011

Make it so

I don't understand any of this... but there's a kind of nerdish "contact high", just reading about it...The same team succeeded last year in trapping dozens of anti-matter atoms and holding them in place for a fraction of a second, a world first at the time.But that was not long enough for the excitable particles to settle into the stable "ground" state needed for precise measurements.The new benchmark...

Cars do not crush people...

...pencils don't write poetry...I just don't get it... the implication here is that society... Canadian society... is somehow responsible for these deaths... instead of, you know... the sociopaths who slammed home the knife or fired the fatal shots."Through the prism of murder rates per 100,000 people,...