31 December 2011

28 December 2011

Astounding wave of democratic reform...

...so close to sweeping Arab middle east...But, hey... don't pull out your party fez just yet...Aly Hassan, a judicial consultant affiliated with Ministry of Justice, said the order only affects the use of such tests in military prisons and on women in temporary detention."Those tests are not considered...

24 December 2011

23 December 2011

"Interrupted"... Brian? You mean like...

...Stefanie Rengel’s young life?"Though Mr. Snell said in his factum that if moved to the adult Grand Valley Institution in Kitchener, Ont., Ms. Todorovic’s plans for getting a university education would be interrupted, he conceded in court that’s 'probably not correct' and that she would be able to take some courses, if not the very ones she wants."Hang on a second... when exactly did Melissa Todorovic...

22 December 2011

Gotta draw the line somewhere, huh?

Which apparently, I might add... wasn't at... "I might kill another human being"..."Andrew Caswell, 29, of Jamestown Terrace, had apparently struck the deer on Hincher Road and was driving it to Unity Hospital for treatment, said Greece Police Capt. Steve Chatterto...

That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...The uproar and bad publicity that ensued when the news broke publicly that the party will not offer media accreditation to bloggers at its upcoming biennial convention was predictable and entirely avoidable, and sends a horrible signal for a party that supposedly hopes to usher in a new era of openness and transparency, beginning with this conference in Janua...

I'm beginning to more fully appreciate...

...the job they did on the Darfur & Rwanda files..."Our government will correct the inaccuracies in this statement, beginning with the fact that the special rapporteur did not name Canada's minister of Foreign Affairs correctly," spokeswoman Michelle Yao said. "Our government is focused on the needs of the residents of Attawapiskat - not publicity stunts."Shitcan the whole wasteful thing... use...

21 December 2011

Tonight's CTV Moonbat moment

Just watched CTV... a virtual arm of the Liberal Party of Canada... taking yet another run at the Conservatives on the 11 o'clock news. This exquisitely choreographed media stunt implied that the only obstacle to springing a Canadian potatoe farmer from a nasty Lebanese jail... was for Stephen Harper to fire up his laptop and gin up a get out of jail free card.Maybe I'm not as plugged in as Lisa...

20 December 2011

19 December 2011

The fact is, Gloria...

...my guns have still killed fewer people... than Michael Bryant's car..."The former attorney-general for the province of Ontario and a supporter of the registry, says the ad announcing its demise could be construed as contempt of Parliament."Wait a minute, Michael... are there any other issues here?"Where ordinary suspected criminals correctly have the right to refuse to assist the state in building...

18 December 2011

Turncoat Dipper & infamous media whore...

...makes obligatory photo-op at "Occupy James Bay"...I'm confused... what exactly did these folks do to make ends meet before Big Gov handed them that 90 million dollar taxpayer-funded meal ticket?**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Bob Rae is the new "Grey Owl", pining for a life and culture that never really...

17 December 2011

Yeah, Gerald you dumbass... it's shocking

I've almost lost count of all the people he's strangled with that deadly sweater vest...Interesting though... to see what passes, on a daily basis no less... for "objective" journalism at the once respected Globe & Mail..."It’s in the nature of true believers and ideologues to believe that any means...

16 December 2011

Taken, too soon

Who says there are no atheists in a foxhole? • MSNBC’s Scarborough Country, May 2004 • "The laugh here is on the polished, sophisticated Europeans. They think Americans are fat, vulgar, greedy, stupid, ambitious, and ignorant and so on. And they’ve taken as their own, as their representative American, someone who actually embodies all of those qualities."Right, left... nothing... as it should...

As always... the real enemy here...

...is willful ignorance...Many Iraqis seemed either unaware of Thursday's official closing ceremony, or didn't fully believe the Americans were leaving."I think the withdrawal is a lie and the Americans are still present, their concrete walls are still here and so are their towers and communications wire...

13 December 2011

No real surprise here...

...the last federal Dipper poohbah apparently couldn't tell a legitimate medical clinic from a sleazy Chinatown rub'n'tug...NDP Leader Andrea Horwath said Tuesday that she’s not sure why federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is focused on new regulations that would require Muslim women wearing niqabs and burkas to show their faces to take the citizenship oath.**********UPDATE: Once again, the...

11 December 2011

Don't look at me... I didn't vote for him

That’s where this green obsession leads. It promotes a policy on its moral virtues, not on its real-life impact. It replaces the mundane requirements of affordability and reliability of power generation with the vague promise that we’re all participating in some planet-saving enterprise if our toasters run on our neighbour’s highly-subsidized solar panels.Green is the easiest virtue. All it takes...

Let the worldwide rioting commence

Oh... wait a minute... it's not like it's, you know, some dastardly comedian making fun of lesbians...I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation here..."Benetton claimed coyly that it was using the kiss as a 'symbol of love'. It looked far more like a prelude to an assignation in a bath ho...

10 December 2011

Kingston honour-killing trial...

...gets down to brass tacks as accused invokes "Will of Allah"..."In a back-and-forth exchange that electrified a packed courtroom, a Canadian-Afghan entrepreneur accused of murdering three of his teenaged daughters and his first wife denied the charge, but nonetheless insisted that what had happened...

09 December 2011

Yeah, that's it, Mohammad...

...keep digging..."There, occasionally holding up a large white handkerchief to catch his tears, he attempted to paint a picture of himself as a loving, liberal-minded, generous patriarch — a bit of a free spirit even, prone to handing out money and kisses — whose only wish for his children was happiness."I swear... if there ever was a poster boy for bringing back capital punishment... this guy is...

Death and, well... you know

Ontario's Corporate Welfare Bill: $27.7 billion... c'mon, what good conservative doesn't want tax cuts?"Since the early 1990s, Ontario governments of every partisan stripe have used tax dollars to subsidize private for-profit businesses. For anyone who paid income tax in 2008, the cost of corporate welfare was $424 per Ontarian (or $848 per dual-income couple)." "By lowering taxes rates for all...

Hey... it's a start

• OTTAWA • QMI Agency has learned Immigration Minister Jason Kenney will announce Friday in Montreal that the government will move to revoke the allegedly fraudulent citizenships of 2,100 Canadians.Of course, it's one thing to talk about cracking down... and another entirely to actually do it... • BRANTFORD • A convicted terrorist ordered deported from Canada two decades ago is still living...

08 December 2011

And Karl Marx wept

Isn't this actually a bit of an anti-socialist solution? • Attawapiskat • "In a letter, Turmel said now is a moment they could come together as parliamentarians by, among other things, calling in the army to deliver much-needed assistance to a community in crisis."Now, Nycole... how about we wait for our aboriginal brothers & sisters to hear back from the United Nations before we launch Operation...

07 December 2011

When a little sweatlodge just isn't enough

Sorry, Chief... the only people this thing hurts... are criminals...About 17 per cent of inmates in Canadian federal prisons are aboriginal, according to 2007 figures from the Correctional Service of Canada, but aboriginal people make up a little less than 4 per cent of the total population in Cana...

In other... "my beads are holier" news

First, kill all the infidels... then kill everybody else...Two bomb blasts apparently targeting Shia Muslim shrines as hundreds of people gathered to mark the day of Ashoura have killed at least 60 people and injured scores more. At least 56 people were killed by a suicide bomber who detonated explosives at the gate of the Abu-Ul Fazil shrine in the capital Kabul on Tuesday, many of them children,...

06 December 2011

Ninety million dollars... no paper trail...

Does Chief Theresa Spence even have to make out a tax return? • Attawapiskat • "It's nothing new for chiefs from coast to coast to be called out for accountability, Mr. Atleo acknowledged. Ms Spence “has demonstrated transparency and accountability.”I think the first order of business here is to...

Don't blame me... I didn't vote for him

In his 460-page annual report to the Legislature released Monday, McCarter castigated policies that were a cornerstone of McGuinty’s re-election in the Oct. 6 vote, including Grit claims of 50,000 green jobs being created.The controversial Samsung deal, which will pay the South Korean consortium $110 million over 20 years over and above the already hefty FIT premium in exchange for $7 billion in investment,...

I guess Chief Spence is satisfied with...

...all the financial advice she's getting from her band-appointed financial advisor/common law husband... • Attawapiskat • The third-party manager appointed to oversee the troubled Attawapiskat First Nation in Northern Ontario was ejected by the community on Monday."I told them to leave the community because we know that a third party will not work for us and it will do more damage," said Chief...

05 December 2011

C'mon now... if you don't spell it out...

...how is anybody supposed to know? • MONTREAL • "We receive immigrants from diverse horizons and cultures,” Ms. Apollon, who herself immigrated from Haiti decades ago, said on Sunday. “Behaviours aren’t uniform around the globe. There can be irritants."Yeah, you know... "irritants".Like murder.**********UPDATE:...

Other criteria... you know... like merit

The guidelines focus on the wiggle room in the court decisions involving the University of Michigan, suggesting that institutions use other criteria — students’ socioeconomic profiles, residential instability, the hardships they have overcome — that are often proxies for race. Schools could even grant preferences to students from certain schools selected for, among other things, their racial composition,...

Whoa... check out the headline...

...looks like the McGuinty government has finally decided to do away with "race-based" polic... wait a minute...These are the dangerous radicals... seriously?Thank you Mr Premier.**********UPDATE: Giving new meaning to the phrase......"tools of the fascist regime"...“The smiles are because immediately...

04 December 2011

From the same folks who brought you...

...a billion dollars in hospital construction over-run costs..."For the nine months ending in September 2011, OPG reaped $259 million in these payments. Since 2009, OEFC has paid OPG $929 million through the contingency support agreements, including $412 million in 2009 and $258 million in 2010."Hey, what's another billion among Liberal friends?"Ontario's Liberal government has paid out almost $1...

02 December 2011

Never mind that "Oil" thing, bro...

..we're talkin' "Peak Virginity"...Ah infidel, you scoff... but behold... there is indisputable proof..."In the report, Professor Kamal Subhi exemplified the point by describing what he experienced while sitting in a coffee shop in an unnamed Arab state.""'All the women were looking at me," he wrote....

Maybe I missed it

In light of our troops currently winding up a decade long "military engagement" in Afghanistan... I'm wondering if any Islamic organisations here in Canada have taken a position on this latest wrinkle in the fabric of the now allegedly democratic Afghani society...'Cos I'm thinkin' there may still be...

01 December 2011

Industry, huh?

So does that mean they're gonna call in the Industrial Safety Board? • Toronto • Police say a woman who was found lying in the street with a gunshot wound to the head in the early hours of Tuesday was working in the sex-trade industry.Leanne Freeman, 23, was originally from Winnipeg but had lived...

With "Friends" like this...

...who needs pornographers..."The ad intentionally mocks the culture, or what many on the left believe is the culture, of our neighbors to the south and their television programming. Scantly clad women and lots of action is what the Friends of CBC claim will become of the CBC if it were to be privatized.""And...

Not so unique after all

Apparently, Quebec looks a lot like any number of third world autocracies... • MONTREAL • A report from Quebec Auditor-General Renaud Lachance found that in the latest wave of expansion of the subsidized daycare network, one-fifth of the permits awarded by the Liberal government went to operators who had not passed muster with the bureaucrats evaluating proposa...

Too many Chiefs, er... handouts...

...not enough auditors...Wow... lemme get this straight... wooden shacks, no plumbing... obviously this racist Conservative government is intent on starving aboriginal populations into submiss... wait a minute...Since 2006, the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs alone has provided approximately $80 million...

30 November 2011

You know, Nathaniel... I was with you...

...right up until the part where you started getting naked...O’Brien testified he heard blood-curdling screams at his neighbours’ front door."People were screaming, ‘Stop,’ and ‘Help,’ so I went inside their house." He confronted one intruder on the upper landing, wrestled with him and as they tumbled together down the stairs, O’Brien’s black trousers fell to his ankles, court heard.He said he removed...

Aren't these the same folks...

...who didn't have a problem turning Mike Tyson (with his dozens of pre-pro career arrests) into a modern day folk hero?C'mon... does anybody really doubt that fighters are simply small interchangeable parts in a huge money-making machine?"Women’s boxing will be an Olympic sport for the first time in...

I think what we really need... is a...

...24 hour archeology channel...The Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project aims to – in three years time – map 14 square kilometres of the Stonehenge Landscape using the latest geophysical imaging techniques, 'virtually excavating' Salisbury Plain. They'll then recreate visually the iconic prehistoric monument and its surroundings as it was in the third millennium BC.Less "Little Mosque on the Prairie"......

29 November 2011

"Stop... or I'll..."

"...yell stop again...""The act drew a sharp rebuke from London. British Prime Minister David Cameron called it 'outrageous and indefensible' and warned the Iranian government will face 'serious consequences' for 'its unacceptable failure' to protect diplomats in line with international law." "He said those measures would be considered in coming days."Maybe it's time to stop yammering and actually...

Oh my gawd... obviously they're on to us

I guess that super-secret Conservative plan... to brand & banish homosexuals to Baffin Island is gonna have to be moved up..."What matters here is the precedent being set. After the witch hunt against the CBC, who’s next? Museums, obviously. And then what?"Your Globe & Mail... never afraid...

28 November 2011

You know what'd be really scary, Chantal...

...putting the NDP in charge of absolutely anything important...The planned ad, provided Sunday to The Globe and Mail, pictured the wrong version of that gun, one that is already restricted and will still have to be registered after Parliament votes to scrap the registry for most long guns.Now the NDP...

Heading back home...

...after yet another unsettling trip to the Devil's Armpit.Just got the post-surgical signoff on my recently repaired knee... seems all is as it should be. I'm told another 6 weeks I'll be tap-dancing my way out to the woodpile.Really lousy sleep last night... probably should have spent another night at Mrs Neo's bro's... but I really just wanna be back in my cave, surrounded by my tribe.Loaded up...

27 November 2011

So one minute... we're all being forced...

...to use food banks and sleep under bridges... and then, suddenly... nay, miraculously... Here's a question, folks... do any of you actually know... and I mean personally... any of the self-named "99 percenters" who are camped out at these gaudy victimfests? Do these incoherent, unwashed protestors...

And this is news... how?

Hmmm, gonna go out on a limb here... and hazard a guess you ain't gonna find him in his birthday suit at some sketchy Chinatown massage parlour either...BUT IT'S STILL NOT NEWS.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"I do not have a problem with legalizing all drugs: pot, cocaine, heroin PROVIDED we completely...

26 November 2011

Calling all cars... calling all cars...

...let's start rounding up those farmers, duck hunters and skeet shooters... yet again... • TORONTO • A concierge was shot in the leg after confronting an armed man in a downtown condo.It happened at a building across from Harbourfront Centre at Queens Quay West and Lower Simcoe Street.**********RELATED: New mandatory "spork" regulation?Three men were stabbed in a fight in the entertainment district...

25 November 2011

The True North... strong...

...and almost free... • MONTREAL • The playgrounds, hallways and cafeterias of Quebec’s largest school board will soon be French-only zones as authorities move to silence other languages, even during recess.In a bid to ensure its 110,000 students master French, the Commission scolaire de Montréal has announced a new code of conduct declaring French de rigueur at all times during the school day.Just...


If only the greedy, wily, white men would allow an aboriginal system of governance to spread from sea to shining sea... "If we kept control of our lands then you would never have to pay taxes." "You would live free and be free to pursue your own way of life if we claimed this land." "We would never...

24 November 2011

A $200 RIM Playbook...

...deal or no deal?**********UPDATE: Jailbreaking the Playbook"Mr. Wade and his partners, who wished to remain anonymous, said they will soon release the patch to Dingleberry.it, where users can download it to jailbreak their own tablets.""'Now that it’s opened up, you’re going to see a lot more attacks on RIM,' Mr. Wade said. 'It may actually even boost RIM’s sales...

23 November 2011

Same Planet... Different Worlds

Scenario 1:I had mixed feelings about hunting from the start. I like the outdoors and being alone in the bush. A summer job tree planting near White River was enjoyable as much for its solitude as anything else. I liked the idea of taking up one of my father’s pastimes. I believe anyone who eats meat...


Just how long does it take... for a King Dipper wannabe... to repudiate everything Saint Jacko ever stood for? -- ANSWER -- at least 24 hours... the paperwork is incredible..."Cullen and three other candidates said they wouldn't bring it back.""A fourth big-city candidate, Thomas Mulcair of Montreal, said through a spokesman that he wasn't at this point taking a position on the issue."Yet another...

Ask a "professional" journalist

Property rights & self defence... oh, the horror..."The Harper government has re-introduced legislation that expands the circumstances under which a citizen’s arrest can be made and that also aims to simplify laws related to self-defence and defence of property."Hey, call me wacky... that sounds... especially in light of the recent David Chen fiasco... like a good thing.I guess, though... I'm...

Basking in their brilliance... it's Job #1

Until not a single McDreamy socialist ass... remains unkissed.I swear, there's no one who represents that unrepentant dumbed-down bias like the Globe's Jane Taber. What's life without a dream, huh Janie? And, hey... you get a twofer here... a celebration of Juicy Justin putting yet another one of those dumb as dogshit tea-party wannabees in their place. You go, girl... all that was missing were...

22 November 2011

That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...Alright, Poindexter... put your hands where I can see them... and step away from the Speedo... -1611- Carter: "It seems that a few people have a very strong say, and no matter how much talking goes on beforehand, the big decisions are made at the eleventh hour by a select core...

Darn it all, Mr President... we're so sorry...

...but heck, now that you've spelled it out... maybe, just maybe... next time around... we'll measure up..."Canada must first be certified as a fit place to send a convicted terrorist, a nation not likely to permit him to attack the United States, and one that has control of its prison...

This is exactly what I heard...

...on my latest visit to the Devil's Armpit for a little day surgery...Just this week, an opinion poll showed that new arrivals believe just as strongly as home-grown Canadians that people who come to this country should adapt and integrate. The vast majority of immigrants don’t want separate schools or different treatment. They just want to be treated like everyone else.Perhaps somebody oughta share...