31 May 2019

Would the last Trooper leaving Britain...

...please remember to bring the Union Jack...Soldiers describing themselves as “patriots” or using words such as “Islamofascism” or “traitors” could be a sign they are right-wing extremists, according to a leaked document from the British army. Another leak revealing top brass’s disciplinary priorities...

30 May 2019

More basketball courts... that's the ticket

And the sooner we take all those nasty guns away from farmers, hunters and skeet shooters, the safer we'll... sweet baby jebus..."Following the Toronto Raptors game on Saturday May 25th, 2019 at approximately 11:20 pm, several men jumped on the top of a Toronto Police Car with an officer in the car...

His basic dictatorship...

...is running right on schedule...OTTAWA — Canada’s backlog of asylum claims will likely reach 100,000 by the end of 2021 before stabilizing, up from 75,000 today, the chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board told a parliamentary committee on Tuesday. The board’s goal now is to manage the growth...

29 May 2019

Harjit Sajjan is "feelin' groovy"...

...and, apparently... invulnerable...OTTAWA — Vice-Admiral Mark Norman and defence chief Gen. Jonathan Vance are being given “their privacy and their space,” Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan insisted Wednesday as he was grilled over why Norman has not yet been reinstated into the military.Sadly, it appears...

You don't solve drunk driving...

...by banning automobiles..."Canada’s firearms legislation must protect society from the criminal misuse of firearms and prioritize the deterrence and punishment of criminals. Legal firearms owners deserve a legal framework that protects their property rights and treats them with fairness and respect."********** MEANWHILE...

28 May 2019

And, obviously, it also makes you...

...smarter and better looking..."Still, even with all those caveats, it’s nice to see some strides being taken when it comes to menstrual pain. Here’s hoping CBD will be coming to a vagina near you soon."********** RELATED: As usual, the real gold... ...is in the comments..."They could tattoo the...

Justin Trudeau's "post national" state...

...it ain't all fairy dust & candied unicorn farts..."Organizers of peaceful, lawful public events – such as Ribfest, the Walk with Israel, and the Roncesvalles Polish Festival – all pay their own fees. But hatemongers seemingly get a free pass from the cit...

Ask the CBC

He's not an Islamic terrorist... he's an "Algerian computer student"..."Police decided not to arrest him at his apartment, the source said, for fear that there could still be some triacetone triperoxide (TATP), the powerful but unstable homemade explosive that was used in the attack."It gets better......

27 May 2019

Not for the...

...faint of heart...Under this scenario, people granted an assisted death would, with their full knowledge and consent, be transported to an operating room, put to sleep under general anaesthesia and their organs removed, including the heart and lungs. Death would follow removal of the beating heart.********** RELATED: The court steps in...“Given the importance of family physicians as ‘gatekeepers’...

Best & Brightest...

...that's who we choose to lead us... right?NEW DELHI (AFP) - More than 40 per cent of lawmakers in India's new Parliament face criminal charges - some as serious as murder and rape - and the list is growing, an electoral reform group said on Saturday (May 25). One Member of Parliament for the opposition...

25 May 2019

Your money... his friends...

If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu...The combined costs to process the aspiring refugees crossing illegally into Canada via Roxham Road and elsewhere over a three year period will exceed $1.1 billion next year, according to the Parliamentary Budget Officer. Costs per migrant are also expected...

24 May 2019

Vladimir Obama...

...and the war on free speech..."If we are going to criticize attacks on journalism, then let’s be clear on the identities of the most malevolent actors in that war. Let’s also be clear on which DoJ took redaction responsibilities seriously and which abused that power to hide its own wrongdoing."Contrast...

23 May 2019

It makes my oppressor ass tired...

...please, please, please... just stop...Instead of being treated as individuals, people are treated according to the racial, gender, sexual preference, and ethnic categories that they belong to. Instead of being judged on their individual characteristics, people are judged according to whether they...

Why help crazy, suicidal people...

...take the big jump...“Two months ago we decided to install blue lighting in the men’s bathroom at my King and Dufferin location. Since the installation, we have seen a significant decline in the number of EMS calls at this restaurant.” The dim lights make it difficult for intravenous drug users to find a vein.Of course, bringing them back from the brink, again & again... that seems pretty cruel...

22 May 2019

More incomprehensible argle-bargle...

...from the My Little Pony fart-catcher who shat on Vice-Admiral Mark Norman...At National Defence headquarters, The Canadian Press report has caused some confusion. Public affairs staff are trying to track down exactly what Vance might have said and at this point can’t add any more details to the brief...

The capricious & unknowable "Will of..."

...well... you know...Dear Theresa May... winter is indeed freakin' coming..."'And when the sacred months have passed,' it reads, 'then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and beseige them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush'." ISIS has released three new posters...

From the folks who brought you...

...the $2,000,000,000 Phoenix Payroll Program boondoggle...The study, published by researchers from the University of Toronto, determined 46 per cent of households in Nunavut were experiencing food insecurity in 2016, up from 33.1 per cent in 2011, when Nutrition North was introduced. Nutrition North...

21 May 2019

Let's blame Stephen Harper

I remember when the Liberals were gonna revamp the electoral system...The Liberals’ “merit-based” process for appointments has screened out 61.8 per cent of visible-minority candidates as insufficiently qualified, compared to 37.6 per cent of applicants who are not visible minorities. Visible-minority...

20 May 2019

On the plus side, it makes you...

...smarter and better looking...Growing a kilogram of Trudope injects a staggering 4600 kg of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.********** RELATED: Smell the "Social Justice"...If the goal of the Trudeau government’s Dimensions program is “to foster increased research excellence, innovation and creativity,”...

19 May 2019

I'm so old, I remember the...

..."True North, Strong and Free"...How do you get a gun licence? 1. Take mandatory RCMP-approved safety course. 2. Pass written exam. 3. Pass practical exam. 4. Submit licence application and payment to RCMP. 5. Pass background check (including mental health, spouse) and reference checks. 6. Obtain...

18 May 2019

Wouldn't want to upset his base...

...with an election in the offing..."Canada’s Afghan war memorial was dedicated in secrecy this week, and families of the fallen weren't invited."War? What war? Where's the respect you ask? How about right here. ********** RELATED: Liberals promote Orwellian Star Chamber... ...to control what...

As Jussie & Redact-it Ralph...

...continue to hunt for Nazis & White Supremacists...As of May 13, the most recent available numbers, there have been 129 shootings in the city this year, according to publicly available Toronto police data.Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders stressed that the proliferation of shootings in the city...

17 May 2019

Setting a bright, shining example...

...for the rest of the world...The elections were referred to as "the most rigged ever" by Francis Johnson-Morris, a modern head of the country's National Elections Commission, and also made it into the Guinness Book of Records as the most fraudulent election ever reported in history, as despite there...

The Hero We Need

In Boston, U.S. attorney John Durham faced a gigantic scandal that was very damaging to the FBI and did not blink. He got John Connelly, Whitey Bulger's protector, sentenced to 40 years in prison. This does not sound like a prosecutor who can be persuaded to lay off getting to the truth in order...

16 May 2019

King Joffrey Trudeau has clearly...

...picked a side..."This prime minister gave $10.5 million to Omar Khadr, a convicted terrorist, so that he wouldn’t have to fight him in court,” Scheer said. “But when it comes to a decorated naval officer who has put his career making Canadians safe, this prime minister spared no expense fighting...

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you..."From Katie Telford, Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Trudeau, suggesting that she could score Jody Wilson-Raybould positive “op eds” and positive coverage in newspapers if she complied with the PMO’s wishes on SNC-Lavalin, to Ralph Goodale, the Public Safety Minister, wishing...

Pale, petite, pyjama-clad...

...and put down like a dog... Affirmative action... still a few bugs in the system..."Justine Damond called the police to report a possible assault down the alley behind her home. When she went out to meet the police car in her pajamas, officer Mohamed Noor reached over his partner and shot her dead."********** RELATED:...

Public-at-large anxiously awaits...

...London's new "Plastic Cutlery Ordinances"...A leading surgeon has warned that the UK’s knife crime epidemic is having a “ripple effect” across the National Health Service (NHS), causing operations to be cancelled, delays in seeing patients and strains on ambulance services. Lifting the lid on the...

15 May 2019

Explosives, detonators... no big deal...

...in Justin's "post-national" state... reports national broadcaster and Liberal Party echo chamber...I mean, it's not like these two explosives enthusiasts are "white supremacists"...Police north of Toronto have charged a father and son after officers found explosive materials and a detonator device...

Remember, if you take registered guns...

...away from law-abiding owners... crime magically ceases to exist...The presentation then stated: "If words aren’t changing anything, then what about these images?" CNN then cut to photos of children and mothers crying. "Parents waiting to hear their child’s name called… or not," the graphic continued....