29 February 2016

If you watch the Oscars... you're a moron

Millionaire dilettantes throw their annual mass beatification, bookended by a month long wave of dionysian self-celebration... while condescending to let you watch how fabulous they are... from the servants quarters...Seriously. No excuse. Morons. This isn't entertainment, it's a sort of self-inflicted...

Dear Dr Hildebrandt...

...this may be less of a problem than you think... as most of these "vulnerable boys" will, at some point, be able to avail themselves of government subsidised surgical breasts & vaginas..."Let’s first assume that lots of boys play with dolls, and that their entire childhood and subsequent adolescence...

27 February 2016

If Barack Obama had more daughters...

...I guess they'd look like Ariel Agudio...“We took this incident very seriously and did a thorough and careful investigation,” University Police Chief J. Frank Wiley said in a statement. “The evidence shows that, contrary to how the defendants originally portrayed things, these three individuals were...

26 February 2016

Trudeau makes Nobel shortlist...

...for latest effort to thematically unify Canada...“I have a feeling that I may well be explaining my choice by saying ‘because it’s 2017,’” said Trudeau, when asked who he was considering for the office. ‘It’s important that we have a Governor General who looks like Canada does.” Trudeau then winked...

25 February 2016

More debt, more line-jumping refugees...

...and hey... let's throw a bone to convicted terrorists while we're at it...The federal government is scrapping measures brought in by the Conservatives that allow Ottawa to revoke the citizenship of Canadians convicted of terrorism and other offences. If Liberal Immigration Minister John McCallum's new legislation passes, the citizenship of Zakaria Amara of the so-called Toronto 18 terrorist group...

24 February 2016

It's just serendipity...

..that it makes all the right people crazy...More than three in five caucus-goers said they favor someone from outside the political establishment rather than a candidate with political experience as president. With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Trump finished first with a whopping 46 percent...

Your money... her pet projects

Once again, the Liberal Party is pulling out all the trendy politically correct stops...Ontario will spend $100 million over the next three years on a long-term strategy to end violence against indigenous women.The question here is, why do we need this "strategy" at all?"The overview reveals a virtually identical homicide solving rate for Aboriginal women (88%) and non-Aboriginal women (89%). The...

23 February 2016

You wouldn't understand...

...it's a Liberal thing...Canada’s supply of stuff to apologize for must be running low. The CBC says Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne will issue a formal apology for a law passed in 1912 that essentially banned the use of French in elementary schools. The kindergarten class of 1915 will at last have closure.How about an apology for the billion dollars the Liberals spent on not building new electrical...

Remember, this is Ontario...

If people want to steal your stuff... you have to stand there and watch them do it. And let's not forget beautiful British Columbia..."I’ve also met a lot of ex-homeless guys at AA meetings, including a few Main and Hastings refugees. They hadn’t been homeless because the Vancouver City Council was packed with miserly Tories or because there was a depression or a recession (in many case, there was...

22 February 2016

Startling new evidence...

...that prolonged exposure to rap can cut your IQ in half..."Hate it or love it, 50 Cent is going to have to explain all those Benjamins. In case anyone still doubted his financial woes, the rapper also posted a photo of the word 'BROKE' spelled out in 100 dollar bills."And poor "Fiddy" is not the...

Instead of constantly making firearms...

...more & more super-duper, double illegal... let's hand out free chest tubes & trauma kits to everyone who wants them...The Alberta government announced last week that it is addressing fentanyl’s “devastating impact” by making naloxone – a first-aid drug that reverses the symptoms of an opioid...

19 February 2016

18 February 2016

My Melting Pot Overfloweth

A top spiritual leader in the Palestinian territory of Gaza told a television audience last week how and when men can beat their wives, advising not to hit them in a way that “makes the face ugly.” Al-Laham, whose title makes him the top spiritual leader appointed by the Palestinian Authority, then...

The operative words here are...

..."size of a laptop"... which, as any professional smuggler will tell you, is "a gold plate gimmee"..."We are afraid the radioactive element will fall into the hands of Daesh," says a senior security official with knowledge of the theft, using an Arabic acronym for ISIS.ISIS, ISIS... aren't those the...

Straight out of the "Lefty" playbook

"Do as I say, not as I did..."President Obama “regrets” filibustering the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in 2006, his top spokesman said Wednesday, though he maintains that the Republican opposition to his effort to replace Justice Antonin Scalia is unprecedented. As a senator from...

17 February 2016

That arrogant, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute... Courtesy of the same idealogically retarded folk who "improved society" by murdering Russian Princesses."The NDP government is nine months old. It’s too young to be so brittle, and it’s getting too old to make such bombastic rookie mistakes. And on its first anniversary, The Rebel...

Government by... "Once upon a time..."

Never mind the billions of taxpayer dollars Prime Minister Care Bear is pissing away daily... it's LOOK HERE, LOOK HERE, we have a cultural genocide on our hands!!!Canada's minister for the status of women, Patty Hajdu, suggests [via anecdotal evidence supplied by aboriginal activists] the number of missing and murdered indigenous women could be as high as 4,000, but (and I'm quoting verbatim here)...

16 February 2016

My Melting Pot overfloweth

Tell me again how all these Syrian refugees are gonna fit seamlessly into Canadian society...A cab company in Newfoundland has been ordered to pay a visually impaired woman $5,000 in compensation after three of its drivers refused to offer service to her and her service dog.That's so strange, I mean...

15 February 2016

All You Need is Love

Meet the "Social Justice Warriors™" who are building a kinder, gentler world for your children...Typically, the "professional" journalists over at the New York Times are characterising this behaviour as "fierce battle lines" being drawn. Remember, it's only "hate speech" when a knuckle-draggin' Kathy...

14 February 2016

Will Hussein Obama pull another rabbit, er...

...slippery, misdirecting analogy outta his raggedy race-splainin' sleeve... "If I had an over-excitable, epicurean nephew... he'd look like Mohamed Barry"...On Thursday a machete-wielding man called Mohamed slashed four diners in an Israeli-owned restaurant in Columbus, Ohio. As is traditional, police...

You couldn't see this coming?

Remember, folks... this is the guy who has a crush on "China's basic dictatorship"...The government’s decision to force its caucus to toe the party line is the same stand Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took in 2014, when he required all of his MPs to support a woman’s right to choose.Democracy? What's th...

13 February 2016

Who steps up...

... to replace Deputy Chief Peter Sloly? • Was Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders hearing hoofbeats over his shoulder? • Don't worry, "Social Justice Warriors™"... I'm sure there's an appropriately visibly ethnic successor waiting in the wings at Toronto Police HQ to replace the (Jamaican born immigrant) Deputy Chief who ran afoul of his (English born immigrant son of Jamaican parents) Chief. I...

12 February 2016

Hells Bells... who needs Judges?

Shorter Michele Mandel at Toronto Sun... If you wanna choke or sexually assault a bunch of women and dance away without being punished... stay away from the really smart, worldly ones who don't take an iota of unnecessary shit from incipient sociopaths."Ghomeshi left the courthouse with his head held high. For the first time since his trial began Feb. 1, Sun photographer Craig Robertson said the accused...

11 February 2016

Ghomeshi - Final arguments

Catch the livestream right here. UPDATE: Did Marie Henein just screw up?If the defense actually admits Ghomeshi "choked" these three women... isn't "consent" now the only issue on the table? ********** LAST WORD: Trial is overAnother six weeks, Judge will return with verdi...

Don't look at me...

...I didn't vote for them..."What I can guarantee to you, absolutely, is that we will not keep Canadians in the dark on what the costs are." "What I cannot say today is precisely the moment at which we will be able to release those costs."Bend over and grab your ankles Canada... you did this to yourself. ********** RELATED: It's not all that different... ...at the provincial level."The Kathleen...

10 February 2016

Barack's BFF implicated in attempted coverup...

...of Laquan McDonald shooting...CHICAGO — City of Chicago lawyers, after meeting with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, demanded the Laquan McDonald family bury the video showing the killing of their son by a police officer. Emanuel’s lawyers were offering $5 million in hush money to keep this hidden just weeks before the runoff election. And the biggest part of the deal—that McDonald family attorneys agreed...

Meet "The Fixer"

“We represent people who have committed heinous acts — acts of violence, acts of depravity, acts of cruelty,” she quipped. “Or as Jian Ghomeshi likes to call it, foreplay.”Ms Marie Henein, Jian Ghomeshi's own defense lawyer, speaking at the Ontario Criminal Lawyers’ Association Gala. So, who exactly...

09 February 2016

Maybe she should consider...

...molesting an intern with a cigar..."They better worked this shit out fast because who ever the Republicans pick is going to be 29 times tougher than Bernie."I mean... it's not like it hurt Bill in the long run. As for Hillary's so-called "socialist" opponent... apparently, he's flexible...The socialist...

If everyone around you...

...is a complete and utter @sshole... maybe it is you... Sunny ways, right? ********** RELATED: Ghomeshi-quiddick What I find intriguing is that a lot of women, Mrs Neo included, are much less sympathetic to "Jian's Pawns" than many men... mostly because they can't imagine, in their wildest fantasies,...

Sunni ways, my friends...

Dear Emperor Narcissus Pompadoris... perhaps, somewhere in between all your photo-ops, er... travels, you should try talking to a few Kurds.And, by the way... don't military bases all have nasty, racist firearms and body-baggin' ordnance? Aside from possibly offending our newest shake & bake...

08 February 2016

Yet another Crown stutterstep

Ghomeshi livestream resumes at 11:00am...Ghomeshi lawyer Marie Henein refers to third witness "disclosure issue" as being like "Twilight Zone." ********** UPDATE: Ask a hoary old Liberal pundit...Nope, no mistrial. Third witness now testifying.Lesson learned... Kinsella makes prediction, smart money...

07 February 2016

My melting pot overfloweth

Oh my gawds... we have to take firearms away from farmers, hunters and target shooters right now... hey, wait a minute... Come for a smoke... stay for the firefight...The first shooting took place at around 1 a.m. near a shisha lounge in the area of Airport and Derry Roads in Mississauga. Paramedics...

I'm with Justin

Forget Alberta and that nasty Oil Industry... Prime Minister "Narcissus Pompador" attracts important new business that meshes with his deepest personal beliefs...The largest permanent, haute couture Barbie exposition in the world is coming to Les Cours Mont-Royal next week. The Barbie museum will feature high-fashion, designer, and even celebrity Barbies. The dolls will be featured wearing designs...

I guess if your husband had taken...

...9 flights on "Lolita One"... you'd feel the need for a hobby too...A coin flip is how possessions are decided in football games. And football games, despite the amount of money bet on them, are not serious. Selecting the candidates for president of the United States is, we’re told, important.And..."If you’re still spending the Friday after the caucuses trying to convince people you won, you know...

06 February 2016

Too many Chiefs...not enough...

...adult supervision...Now, almost a year after the killing of Teresa Robinson, 11, in a remote northern Manitoba First Nation community and under pressure to solve the case, RCMP investigators are trying to gather DNA samples from about 2,000 local men and boys. The DNA sweep comes as Ottawa is gathering feedback on the design and scope of a national inquiry into the 1,200 indigenous women and girls...

05 February 2016

File this stuff under...

...party conversation mega ice-beakers...Given that no one that night reported any macerated cars or demolished buildings and that the huge object had been launched nearly vertically, it likely came down in the desert somewhere in the wide vicinity of the test site in New Mexico. It would have had some serious hang-time, thou...

Justin's World

It's all just "Horton hears a..." what the f@ckin' f@ck...They'd spent months living in the roofless remains of a bombed house eating rats and whatever else they could find. And it showed. They were youngish people but they war-ravaged: sunked-cheeked, slack-skinned, with rotting teeth and clothes that hung off their emaciated bodies. You didn't need to be told they were refugees from a civil...

04 February 2016

Wheels back on the bus...

Livestreaming the Jian Ghomeshi trial... nb: livestream is still active as of February 8."One cop to another as Ghomeshi exits court: 'Journalists are assholes'"Court adjourns for day with Ghomeshi lawyer Marie Henein implying that Lucy DeCoutere's old emails may be the equivalent of the first witnesse's...


No tedious fact-checking required... and for what it's worth, "professional journalists", in Toronto anyway, apparently don't cross-contaminate their uber-padded j-school cocoons by looking at each others stories. So what earthshaking events are transpiring in the T.dot this news cycle? There's...

03 February 2016

02 February 2016

Isn't "gun control" all about...

...asking violent thugs to obey... "pretty please with sugar on top"... the existing "law of the land?"It's funny, not because it's factual, but essentially because it's so true. ********** FROM THE COMMENTS: "C-68 has little to do with gun control or crime control, but it is the first step necessary...