13 February 2008

Bring the rain, you jihadi freaks...

'Cos we're finished turnin' the other cheek.
"The five newspapers — Jyllands-Posten, Politiken, Berlingske Tidende, BT and Ekstra Bladet — on Wednesday republished Mr. Westergaard's cartoon, which depicts the founder of Islam with a bomb in his turban."

RELATED: In other Islam-related news...
My name is Syed Soharwardy. You may have seen my name recently in newspaper articles and web logs written by Ezra Levant...

What basis does Ezra have for stating that I am a "misogynist radical?"
Well, Syed... funny you should ask.
"In the case of Soharwardy, it appears that he himself is the subject of a human rights complaint -- for discrimination against women. There's a shocker."

"It was filed with the Edmonton and Ottawa offices of the Canadian Human Rights Commission."