30 April 2019

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you..."If ever we needed proof of the expression that 'guns don’t kill people, people kill people' look no further than Britain, where families may have to start practicing cutting their steak and bread at dinner with a spoon."This is, of course, because Britain's politicians have...

29 April 2019

Say what you will about Maxime Bernier...

...he isn't snatching up Nigerians from the local Tim Hortons and demanding a ransom...International media reports cite a military spokesman saying a Canadian and a Scottish oil worker were kidnapped off a rig in the Niger Delta on Saturday. Kidnapping for ransom is common in Nigeria and foreign workers...

Register violent gangbanger assholes...

...not guns...Toronto - "Two men were shot and another stabbed in separate incidents of violence across the city overnight."That's so weird... just about everybody in this neck of the woods has a firearm for hunting, or keeping coyotes off the livestock... but not one of them thought to shoot at another...

28 April 2019

27 April 2019

Uber-Woke Millennial figurehead...

...vows to give up automobiles, hot & cold running water, commercial air travel, computers, cellphones, etc, etc...Wait a minute... wasn't Jesus a carpenter?********** RELATED: Bad man with a gun... ...stopped by good man with a gun...As the shooter fled, an off-duty Border Patrol agent inside...

26 April 2019


BREAKING: Officer convicted of murder...Mohamed Noor, a former Somalian refugee, shot Justine Ruszczyk Damond as she approached his patrol car to report a possible rape behind her Minneapolis home on 15 July 2017. He was handcuffed and taken into custody immediately upon being convicted by a jury...

Vacation List Update:

Well... there goes the UK...Violent crime across England and Wales has risen by one fifth in one year, the latest figures show. The new Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures show that in the year ending December 2018 violent crime rose by almost a fifth — 19 percent. The latest statistics follow...

25 April 2019

Not just a feminist...

...he's an "Eco-Warrior" too...Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte threatened to “declare war” on Canada, claiming he would personally sail across the Pacific and dump tons of trash onto the nation if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not agree to take back the garbage it had sent to the island nation. Canada...

The Usual Susp... well, you know...

Surprise, surprise... not the folks with the legal, registered firearms... again...After the killing of a 17-year-old, Winston Poyser, now 26, was arrested for first-degree murder. He told police he was present, but it was twin brothers Shakiyl and Lenneil Shaw and Mohamed Ali-Nur who were responsible...

24 April 2019

Ask a Danish-Iranian

Journalist friends have urged Jaleh Tavakoli to remain quiet if she manages to overcome this ordeal with her family intact. She refuses. “Where is their sense of justice? If I’m going to be quiet then I could just go back to Iran and live."********** TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE:"The reason that ISIS exists...

I'm so old, I remember when...

...we still had the right to free speech...A Kentucky food truck is selling a T-shirt that says "I support LGBTQ -- liberty, guns, Bible, Trump, BBQ." Jamie Smith, owner of Belle's Smokin' BBQ, drew criticism after he posted a photo of the T-shirt on social media.********** RELATED: Justin apologises...

23 April 2019

Justin's "most admired" government

When I was last in Canada — in Ottawa, a few months ago — I was pretty dismayed at the extent of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influence in the federal Parliament. I should probably not say any more to stay on the right side of the libel laws.Need a more concrete example? How about another?A Texas cancer treatment center routinely ranked among America's best ousted three of five scientists suspected...

"If it only saves one life..."

Local 10 reports that 29-year-old Lamar Thurman 'allegedly' climbed into a car parked outside a home with its engine running and drove off. The young boy was sitting in the car. The father, who was inside the home, came running out and pursued the car in another vehicle. Thurman 'allegedly' crashed...

Your money...

...their friends...The $133 million writeoff by the CRA was approved by CRA Commissioner Bob Hamilton in the same period that saw a March 2018 writeoff of a government bailout loan to the now-bankrupt Chrysler corporation. That writeoff was approved by Finance Minister Bill Morneau and never announced,...

22 April 2019

Would the last sane person...

...leaving the UK, please remember to bring the Union Jack...********* RELATED: In other "social justice" news...Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has been radio silent on social media about the horrifying Easter day Islamic terrorist attacks on Christians in Sri Lanka which left over 310 people...

Coming soon...

...to a neighbourhood near you...Some Sri Lankan security officials knew that a possible terror attack was brewing at least 10 days before a series of coordinated bombings killed hundreds in the country’s churches and hotels Easter Sunday.********** UPDATE: And yet again... surprise, surprise......the...

21 April 2019

Oakwood Village, that...

...sounds so familiar...Yet another victim of Toronto's infamous "cloak of invisibility" shooters.Toronto police received multiple reports a man, Jermaine Gerard Skeete, 34, had been shot near Vaughan Road and Glenora Road around 2:50 a.m. He was rushed to hospital without vital signs, but died of...

20 April 2019

Remember back, you were a kid...

...the constant stream of human traffickers and rapists in the news every day? Yeah... me neither...(Ottawa) –The Ottawa Police Service Human Trafficking Unit has charged Juteah Preston DOWNEY, also known as “Lord DOWNEY” or “Preston”, 41 years of age of Ottawa with various human trafficking charges stemming from a lengthy investigation.It seems there's a never-ending parade...(Toronto) An Uber driver,...

Smollett Syndrome

Who's afraid of the Chicago PD?"A mob of teenagers numbering in the hundreds flooded downtown Chicago on Thursday, attacking people, stealing from stores, and erupting in fistfights."********** MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH: The "cloak of invisibility" shooters strike again...Toronto police are trying to determine the location of a shooting after a gunshot victim walked into a local hospital seeking...

19 April 2019

The capricious and inexplicable...

..."Will of..." well, you know...Nusrat Jahan Rafi was doused with kerosene and set on fire at her school in Bangladesh. Less than two weeks earlier, she had filed a sexual harassment complaint against her headmaster.Apparently, "snitches get burned like witches."Nusrat, who was 19, was studying at...

18 April 2019

Forget about Andrew Sheep

People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier was in Brandon on Wednesday for an evening rally at Victoria Inn.And while we're talking out west...And that, really, is the main reason why Kenney swept the much-admired Notley from power: Resentment. Resentment about Trudeau, resentment towards Canada’s perceived indifference towards Alberta’s plig...

17 April 2019

16 April 2019

Wife Beating for Dummies

In the guide he says: “The Prophet Muhammad… Look how merciful Islam is. The Prophet forbade striking the face. He forbade men from beating their wives on the face. Slapping the face, hitting the head, punching the nose – all of this is prohibited. The beating is for discipline.”********** MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH: Weekend at Bernies: Hamilton Edition...In a news release, Hamilton police...

Smell the "professional journalism"...

Citypulse News in Toronto decides not to identify armed drug dealers, because, well... I can only speculate...Investigators say that along with the guns and ammunition, they also found large quantities of cocaine and fentanyl. They say two 28-year-old men -- one from Toronto and the other from London -- are facing a combined total of 45 charges.Well, we wouldn't want to hurt anybody's feelings......

15 April 2019

From the folks who brought you...

...Emperor Barack Obama..."Chicago is most corrupt big city, Illinois third most corrupt state in country, study finds."Hmmm... isn't Chicago a "Sanctuary City?"My first thought was “perfect! This is Alinsky in action: make them live by their own rules.”FROM THE COMMENTS:"In sanctuary cities, it would...

Sadiq Khan's London

Winston... we have a problem...Meet Isaac Donkoh, “drill music” artist...In addition, the 22-year-old reportedly caused “serious injury” to the victim’s feet, scalding them in the process of a failed attempt to pour boiling water on his head, before eventually allowing the teenager to escape once he...

14 April 2019

Express yourself

A custom license plate generator. ********** RELATED: Meanwhile, just down the road...This is the nut of equalization: There is no conceivable way that Alberta will ever be devastated enough to qualify for payments; and there is no conceivable way Quebec will ever be well-off enough to pay in. It...

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus... UPDATE: Another foreign affairs policy coup...India has gone from annoyed to furious with Trudeau after he ordered the removal of the term “Sikh extremism” from an intelligence report on terrorism.********** Trudeau walks in parade after government removes reference to Sikh...

You can lay serious money on that

"It seems to indicate though that a ban would result in a political backlash."“A wide range of approaches and ideas were discussed, which suggests that a multifaceted approach is needed to address this issue rather than implementing a ban in isolation”.Translation: He could do it... but he won't have...

13 April 2019

12 April 2019

Now we're policing fairy tales?

Plus, I thought the Ugly Duckling was the hero of this narrative...The UK grocery store Waitrose has reportedly apologized and repackaged its Easter chocolate duckling trio in response to claims that the supermarket’s decision to name the darkest chocolate duck “Ugly” was racist. The name for the darkest...

From the folks who brought you...

...melamine in baby formula..."For the first time, scientists have used gene-editing techniques to make monkey brains more humanlike."********** RELATED: Paging Dr Frankenstein...The video’s cheerleading tone mimics the infomercials used to promote stem cell clinics, several of which have recently...

11 April 2019

Local media, uncharacteristically...

...manage to up their reporting game...It was around 7:10 p.m. when Rae Cora Carrington, 51, of Toronto, was stabbed multiple times at the Fast Fresh Foods lunch counter where she worked in the food court at Commerce Court in the King and Bay Sts. area.Surprisingly, Toronto media is somehow able, for...

Let's pretend Bill C-71 is about...

...murdered women... and not about horrific, pervasive Aboriginal addiction, neglect & family violence..."It's very clear that gun violence is a serious issue for women," Irvin Waller, a victims advocate, told the committee. "If you look at Indigenous women, the homicide rate per capita is about...

Well, well, well, if it isn't the...

...consequences of my own actions...Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange has been arrested at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. At Westminster Magistrates' Court on Thursday he was found guilty of failing to surrender to the court. He now faces US federal conspiracy charges related to one of the largest ever leaks of government secre...

10 April 2019

On the plus side of things...

..it makes you smarter and better looking...Statistics Canada says people who have bought legal marijuana have paid an average of $9.99 a gram, while those purchasing from illegal sources have paid an average of $6.37 a gram. That's a gap of almost 57 perce...

Some people who did something...

...doesn't quite cover it...When speaking about the the deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history, which killed approximately 3,000 American citizens, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) described the attacks as "some people who did something." "CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people...

That's one crazy-ass lookin'...

...white supremacist...Hamilton police have released photos of a man they describe as a person of interest in connection with an east-end shooting at an after-hours party last summer that killed Toronto teen Natshon Defreitas.Bonus round...What draconian gun legislation is gonna stop 18 year old Jae...