The Rwanda Football Federation is taking steps to put an end to what some believe is witchcraft working its way into soccer matches. New rules have been put in place to punish clubs, managers and/or players adjudged to engage in the practice.
Coaches and players and can face steep fines and bans if found guilty of using witchcraft, per the Rwanda New Times. If a team is found guilty, they face a...
31 December 2016
The CBC (almost, but not quite) News
Toronto police have arrested three men after a shooting in the east end left a man in his 30s in critical condition early Saturday. The age of the suspects (or any other information for that matter: edit mine) was not available.Wakunda, Wakunda... that sounds so familiar.
RELATED: More Un-NewsToronto police say they were called to the area of Scarlett Road and St. Clair Avenue West...
30 December 2016
And with that one statement...

"...Obama lost the diplomatic war with Russia...""Although we have the right to retaliate, we will not resort to irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy but will plan our further steps to restore Russian-US relations based on the policies of the Trump Administration."Hussein Obama just got his ass handed...
29 December 2016
Codetalkers... again
A man was rushed to hospital after an apparent drive-by shooting in the northwestern part of the city on Wednesday night.Specifically, please?It happened just after 6:30 p.m. on Driftwood Ave., east of Jane St.Sigh... of course it did.
RELATED: Round, round, get around...
...I get around...Police are investigating after a man was shot in the King Street West and Spadina Avenue area...
28 December 2016
"Obama, with what will be nearly $8 trillion tacked on to the national debt, has added by far more to the U.S. debt than any president in history."It gets better...In total, the cost of the the first family’s personal or largely personal travel during the last eight years comes to $85 million.That's a lot of go...

This must be what it was like to be a Viking..."We’ll be honest: we read the included explanation many times, because we were absolutely convinced that this was going to be the straw that broke the camel’s back and sent us all to prison."It gets better...So you open up your bag of insane flaming onslaught,...
27 December 2016
A final disturbance in the force
“She’d had a child with someone who forgot to tell her he was gay. He forgot to tell her, and she forgot to notice.”**********
RELATED: You don't grieve the death of a child... has to be 'a syndrome'.
I miss journali...
Ancient culture, my ass
They want my tourist dollars, maybe China could do something about horkin' loogies all over the place too..."The plan also promised a "toilet revolution", prompted by wide-spread complaints about toilet hygiene levels at China's tourist spots and said the country would aim to build or renovate as many as 100,000 public toilets over the period."Back when I lived in the devil's armpit, (Toronto) I was...
On his way out the door...
...Hussein Obama trashes decades old relationship with the only democratic nation in the Middle East...“It’s an old story that the United Nations gangs up on Israel,” Dermer said. “What is new is that the United States did not stand up and oppose that gang up. And what is outrageous is that the United States was actually behind that gang up.”
When pressed by CNN host Don Lemon on what evidence Israel...
26 December 2016
From the media pornographers...

...who brought you ephemeral "Bosnian Snipers" and "Hillary Flu"...Payback is a b!tch, Buttercup.
RELATED: Media still kissing up to the guy...
...whose policies were roundly rejected by the electorate. Yessirree... a hard-hitting interview conducted by David Axelrod, Obama's friend...
That racist, homicidal Donald J...

...wait a minute...Hussam Ayloush, whose Twitter bio lists him as a “Human rights and civil rights activist. Community organizer. Director of the Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Son. Husband Father of 5,” tweeted Sunday morning, “I’m sad about the crashed Russian...
25 December 2016
Obviously emboldened by Hussein Obama

Scratch a moderate, educated Muslim... and find a seething, bloodthirsty Ayatollah Strangelove...Jerusalem Post reports: Pakistani Defense Minister Khawaja M. Asif threatened Israel with a nuclear missile strike late Friday nig...
24 December 2016
Not me, not mine, not today

Merry Christmas and watch your s...
23 December 2016
The capricious and unknowable...

..."Will of Buddha, er... Shiva, wait... Odin, no... uh, Jesus... oh, yeah... that guy, AGAIN..."The plane was on an internal flight from Sebha to Tripoli and diverted by two hijackers in their mid 20s who claimed to have a hand grenade and threatened to blow up the plane. All passengers are believed...
No left turn
The results of these decades of indoctrination was plainly visible in the college students of today, who are all so left-wing by default that they consider standard Marxism too old-fashioned and conservative.
That’s why Trump’s victory is so historically significant: It is a major paradigm shift in the arc of history that completely destroys the leftists’ long-term game plan, past, present and f...
22 December 2016

"Here is professor @mattlasner's deleted tweet regarding the harassment of Ivanka Trump and her children on JetBlue @Hunter_College"JetBlue kicked a Brooklyn lawyer and his college professor husband off a plane at JFK on Thursday morning — after he accosted fellow passenger and future first daughter...
So, about that "White Privilege" thing...

Once there was a land called Rhodesia which was known as the Breadbasket of Africa. Social justice replaced it with Zimbabwe, the history of which can be summed up in three headlines...**********
RELATED: A little poetry, some turkey sandwiches...
...problem solved...The Day of Peace included a spoken...
It’s not that life is too short...’s that it’s too long — too long to waste time being “friends” with people who, deep down, hate who you are.**********
RELATED: What's next... safe-penetration sites?Austrian police will hand out 6,000 pocket rape alarms on New Year’s Eve to help fight mass sex attacks such as those perpetrated by migrants in neighbouring Germany a year ago.
When activated, the gadgets will emit a shrill sound...
21 December 2016
Actress Lena Dunham announced...

...during the most recent episode of her podcast “Women of the Hour” that she wishes she had undergone an abortion in order to combat “stigma around this issue.”Uh... Go Hillary?
Of course... not everyone is marching in lockstep...**********
UPDATE: Apology? Not even close...“You know how in some...
20 December 2016
Here's a dating tip ladies...
...if Prince Charming threatens to kill you... maybe he's just not a keeper...The Toronto neurosurgeon charged with first-degree murder in his wife's 2016 death was also charged with threatening to kill her in 2005.
Dr. Mohammed Shamji was charged with one count of assault and two counts of uttering death threats in May 2005.Live and don't learn... and d...
Berlin Update: I blame Donald Trump

Forget about the dozen savagely murdered German citizens... or even the eighteen people in critical condition... your CBC gets to the real heart of the matter...Former Ontario resident Christian Nathler said he's "concerned the attack on the market will only further divide the country — and give right-wing...
The capricious and unknowable...

..."Will of Buddha, er... Shiva, wait... Odin, no, uh... Jesus... oh, yeah... that guy, AGAIN...GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing a backlash after 12 people were killed when an attacker ploughed through innocent revellers at a Christmas market in a truck.
The country’s far-right leaders have...
19 December 2016
Holier than thou... the consequences

Millennials are starting to realise the downside of "freak chic"..."And it's not just ear piercing. Many are seeking to reverse the impulsive, perhaps keg-fueled decisions of their not-quite-lost youths. That tongue piercing, that bone through the nose, that conspicuously placed tattoo you got in college...
18 December 2016

So you can "choose" to kill your unborn child... but the state CAN AND WILL override your choice to play fast and loose with your own life...Vancouver's police chief says the fentanyl crisis hit a brutal low point Thursday with the overdose deaths of as many as nine people in a single night. So far...
Apparently the lunatic left... prepared to start another Civil War...“We have been getting a civic lesson we weren’t prepared to get,” Koller said. “They gave us the fail-safe emergency brake, in case the people got it wrong. And here we are, 200 years later. It’s the last shot we have.”So, there it is. By not electing "Bill's...
17 December 2016
If you're truly a committed eco-warrior... should blow your brains out and spare the earth... or, there's this...In mice, the treatment slowed signs of aging and increased lifespan by 30 per cent. If it worked similarly in humans it could allow people to live to well beyond 100.You think David Suzuki isn't gonna be the first guy in line when this happe...
The enlightened heart of Ontario...
...spits out its latest victims...One of two females stabbed in the Dufferin and College streets area Friday night has died of their injuries, Toronto police have confirmed.**********
UPDATE: Murdered woman id'dSarah Vermelhudo, 38, of Toronto, succumbed to her injuries in hospital and was pronounced.
The other woman was treated and is expected to make a full recovery.And...Toronto police are asking...
16 December 2016
We need your contributions right now to keep America’s snowflakes from melting away.Need an example of a snowflake? How about the "management team" that destroyed a man's livelihood and put a dozen people on the unemployment line?Veritas Café operator Sandor Dosman says he tried to have some fun with the help wanted ad after posting multiple ads that drew little response. It worked — he got dozens...
15 December 2016
Libranos don't seem to know...

...whether they're sucking or blowing..."Montreal's mayor is vowing the city will do whatever it can to stop a Canadian chain of recreational marijuana shops that plan to sell cannabis across the city starting today. Mayor Denis Coderre sent a tweet out Wednesday morning saying there would be "zero...
And Winston Churchill wept

"Over a thousand British Muslims took to the streets of London on Tuesday in a show of force, blocking off a central London square to call for a caliphate while the crowd chanted ‘Allahu Akbar’."
"This gathering today – in a matter of a few hours, hundreds of brothers and sisters coming together –...
After his stint as Celebrity Prime Minister...

...there's always a career in standup comedy...Trudeau also denied involvement with the Trudeau Foundation, calling it “an independent foundation established in the memory of my father with which I ceased to have any engagement shortly after having become leader of the Liberal Party.”
The Globe and...
Silence of the BLMs
Four more bodies drop... or as it's called in Toronto... Wednesday...One person is dead and two others are in hospital following a shooting at a bar early Wednesday in Scarborough. Meanwhile, a man is in life-threatening condition after being shot in a car near Jane and Shoreham in the city's west end early Wednesd...
14 December 2016
Those wacky West Coasters

The takeaway here is that weak-willed British Columbians are apparently unable to resist sticking loaded guns in their mouths...As a fentanyl crisis ravages B.C., funeral parlours are being advised to stock naloxone kits to reverse possible overdoses among mourners at services or staff who handle bodies...
13 December 2016
Trudeau taskforce takes the "high" road selling weed to primary school kids... "The Canadian Medical Association had recommended setting the age at 21, with strict limits on quantity and potency until 25."But, apparently... Justin knows better.
RELATED: And then there's "Crap & Fade""Do I hear an echo? In fact, Dalton McGuinty made this exact same promise to Ontarians back in 2009. We would become a clean-tech capital...
Let's all laugh... those crazy preppers..."Humans are woefully unprepared for a surprise asteroid or comet, a Nasa scientist warned on Monday, at a presentation with nuclear scientists into how humans might deflect cosmic dangers hurtling toward Earth."In other "sciencey news"..."We are telling girls to ‘bend it like Beckham’ but their bodies are not built like Beckham’s… The implications may not be politically...
If you vote Liberal... deserve whatever happens next...The AG has included many estimates on the costs of those “directives and directions,” estimating the FIT or feed-in tariff program alone will result in ratepayers picking up extra costs of $9.2 billion just for wind and solar contracts when the GEA usurped the previous competitive procurement system.They can't help it... it's in their natu...
12 December 2016

I remember indominatable Hillary... being dragged senseless and shoeless into her special handi-van...How many of you got this phone call from Russia, "You vote Trump yes? Or family die!"
Yeah, me neither.The democrap is being piled wider & higher.
RELATED: As Chris Rock once said...
Genital type, colour and configuration...
...that's the ticket...Upon hearing Spar’s pending resignation, Barnard student Krish JB wrote: “We gone finally have that WoC [woman of color] now?”
Krish, who identifes as “he/they,” then suggested they should ask for “maybe even a TWoC,” meaning a nonwhite transgender woman such as actress Laverne Cox.So... as long as your favourite television personality is sportin' the right junk. What could...
11 December 2016
Hillary finally speaks the truth

“The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year — it’s now clear the so-called fake news can have real-world consequences,” Clinton said during a speech on Capitol Hill.So says "Madam Definitely Not President."
RELATED: The Great Unhinging...
10 December 2016
Meet the folks who sent...
...Barack Obama to Washington..."Illinois politics is an outlier in many respects, but Madiganistan is only a more extreme version of what goes on in other deep-blue states, such as New York and California."**********
RELATED: Ask a fatalist..."It is amazing that the media in this country basically ignores this scandal. Still, if we are to have a Democrat, which unfortunately I think we are, I would...
09 December 2016

Poppies = murder
RELATED: I suppose the argument is......give this guy a medal... or take his kids into foster care..."Of course, when a toddler is taken hostage at a daycare, as happened about a year ago just a few blocks away, you do have reservations."Reservations, huh? Talk to me...
I guess I just mistakenly assumed...

...the death penalty had been abolished in Canada..."Chief Jean Guy Whiteduck’s Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg band claims in the lawsuit that... in the absence of an arrangement, sanctions of increasing severity apply... up to and including death to any invader."In light of this development, will the House...
Saving the world... toilet selfie at a time..."The actress is known for her extreme left-wing views, having previously called for the extinction of white men and pledging to leave America should Donald Trump win the presidency, a promise she has since gone back on."Yeah... not a deranged freak at a...
08 December 2016
No need to worry, folks...

I'm sure Justin got OUR refugees from a magical land where everyone always tells the truth...British ministers are facing serious questions about their decision to ban scientific age tests for 'child' refugees after officials in Denmark revealed THREE QUARTERS of those posing as minors are actually...
Silence of the BLMs
Journalists crowing about life sentence, while homicidal thug is actually out in seven years on full parole...Court heard Folorunso Owusu came to the party armed with a handgun knowing members of a rival gang would be there. When he arrived at the party in Toronto's east end, Owusu came across a man with the street name of "Gifted," who was checking attendees to see if they were welcome. The man...
I'd hate to see what happens... the anti-social club...Ardian Kaloshi, 46, who was known to police, was gunned down outside a social club on Donlands Ave., said Det.-Sgt. Mike Patterson. No suspects have been publicly identified. When police arrived, they found Kaloshi outside the club, suffering from “obvious” head injuries.As there is an obvious "diversity" element involved here, that's all the information you will get...
The going gets tough...
...the tough get borrowing...A December 5th Finance Canada slide show projects weak annual growth of just 1.8 per cent on average until 2029, and cites full-time job losses of 1.9 per cent across Canada so far this calendar year.
Productivity is slowing, energy-sector investment is in sharp decline, and household indebtedness is at record levels.Say, what is the interest on that first year 40 billion...
07 December 2016
All I know is...

...I'm not undressing in the same room as that thing..."It''s a trap... no, no... it's a part....
Dull and predictable...

True... not every party comes out splurting "royal jelly" all over the dais...
In the menagerie of projectiles...

...there are folk who say 9mm is just a friendly little puppy...I think it all depends on what you feed the beast.
RELATED: Ask a Lame Dick, er... DuckThe Second Amendment also facilitated Islamic terrorists’ designs by supposedly making it easier for them to procure firearms, said Obama.And..."Seen...
06 December 2016
Justin, Justin... show us your tits!!!

Will the Liberals respect the will of the Pirates, errr... People?**********
FROM THE COMMENTS:"Definitely sword fights. On YouTube."Don't forget... Justin loves all of his Commoners equally! Let the Boy-King know what you think.
Hmmm... that's weird... I can't seem to load the website.
An "about face" about face

Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday to party members that she was for a ban on the full-body veil wherever legally possible, receiving applause from her conservative CDU party.“For us that means: show your face, therefore the full-body veil is not appropriate, it should be banned.”Hmmm... a full...
05 December 2016
Let the games begin
"Recently, there’s been an effort to make Cam Newton and Russell Wilson the black Joe Montana, thus proving that white people are Hitler. The trouble is the former is not very good and the latter has no interest in being anyone’s Sambo."Here's a thought... maybe Dak Prescott, unlike Bruce Jenner, isn't looking to be a symbol. Maybe he just wants to be a top shelf, best of the best, professional American...
Good Kill
I'll see your homicidal crazy person... and raise you a supersonic attitude adjustment..."Authorities say a deputy got 'a clear shot' and killed the suspect as officers rescued an 8-year-old girl and a 6-year-old boy.Sorry, Buttercup... there are people who deserve to go down.
RELATED: Never in Canada, eh?"Residents in Montreal's east-end are in shock after a woman waiting to pick up...
03 December 2016
Let's talk moderate, educated, westernised
I was gonna say, "well, this guy's no brain surgeon"... but, hey... what do I know?
Dr. Elana Fric Shamji, 40, was was found Thursday in Vaughan, Ont., north of Toronto. She died of strangulation and blunt force trauma. Friends told police Shamji had informed her husband she was divorcing him earlier in the week.
Wait for it... Toronto neurosurgeon Dr. Mohammed Shamji, 40, was arrested and charged...
Las Vegas Casinos shut down dice games...

...after vigilant Journalists expose "Baltimore Back Alley" cultural appropriation connection...
02 December 2016
Toronto the Good
A man believed to be in his 20s was shot while riding a bike in broad daylight in the city’s west end Friday. The shooting happened just two blocks away from the pizza shop where 17-year-old Jarryl Hagley was fatally gunned down several weeks ago.And speaking of the usual suspects, er... neighbourhood...In the teaser they called it, "near Finch Avenue and Jane Street"... which, I suppose, is not...
But, but, but...

...think of the kids... and the chicks and ducklings...“I could tell you things that no human should know about, what happens to mould when it grows on semen,” Kingston landlord Simon Andrew said. “It was a biohazard, it was a fire hazard, it was a health hazard.”
The family kept rabbits, chickens,...
No wonder Justin Trudeau is a big fan...

...of China's "basic dictatorship"...Trudeau’s pledge of a new system was always kept carefully vague. The Liberals, he said, would introduce something better and more fair. No details were offered, nothing specific was proposed.
Even when pressed, Trudeau refused to identify a preferred alternative....
I wonder if they're listening now
"These people used to be esoteric freaks on the fringes of society. Today they’re mainstream. Today the president cries as he presents them with the Medal of Freedom."From POTUS to POPUS..."Recently, returning from another World Youth Day in Kracow, Poland, the Pope made the fantastic and disturbing claim that 'Catholic violence' is just as much a problem as 'Islamic violence' — and this right after...
01 December 2016
That conniving, duplicitous Stephen Harp...
...wait a minute..."Trudeau lied to us," Grand Chief Stewart Phillip of the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs said, tearing into the exact explanations that the prime minister would give 24 hours later as if he had read the PM’s talking points.
"It’s all another sleazy, pathetic, lame public relations act on the part of Trudeau."
Lied. Sleazy. Pathetic. These are not words Trudeau wanted to...
Hollywood... one tough town
FROM THE COMMENTS: "At least they still get to vot...
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