31 July 2018

Today's fake CBC news

Despite all the obvious issues, let's blame Donald Trump for 3D printed guns...Of course, there are a few flies in the ointment..."Gun industry experts have expressed doubt that criminals would go to the trouble, since the printers needed to make the guns are very expensive, the guns themselves tend...

Can't even go to a funeral...

...without making it all about himself...Remember what happened the last time Justin started "memorializing" his brother? As well, there were the usual weasel words...Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau refused to say directly Monday whether his government would mandate a total handgun ban in Toronto....

30 July 2018

Justin "Fraggle Rock" Trudeau...

...and the immigrant experience...Mr. Trudeau likely has a lot to learn about new Canadians' mindsets. Many of us come from developing countries where mass migration didn’t result in bureaucratic overflow, but in chaos, violence and political instability. Having shed years of blood, sweat and tears...

29 July 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sigh... Toronto Police "Most Wanted"...Inderpaul Flora, 39, of Toronto faces a number of weapons charges, including two counts of discharging a firearm being reckless as to life or safety of another and possession of a firearm obtained by crime. Justin Singh, 18, also of Toronto was arrested for...

28 July 2018

Another story you won't see...

...on the CBC...Earlier this week, the co-worker told the Toronto Sun that Hussain was “happy, bubbly” and “always willing to help” the store’s front-end staff, the majority of which were women or girls. She said she never saw any sign of mental illness or depression.Over to you, Mohammed Hashim. RELATED: ...

27 July 2018


It’s the Balkanization of Canada and the west as a whole. At some future point Canada will deal with it’s own civil unrest between state sized tribal factions. The difference between Canada and other Bosnian type genocidal conflicts is that there will be no outside interference, with winner takes all. I wonder if survivors will remember the Liberal “Progressive” Globalization that brought them to...

So Much Winning

Most intransiegent regime on earth learns... "the art of the deal"..."North Korea has turned over the potential remains of US soldiers who have been missing since the Korean war — part of a commitment made by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to President Trump."Meanwhile, the United Nations slides down...

26 July 2018

Ask a CBC expert

"You can buy guns online from here in Canada and ship them to a PO box in the States, drive across the border and bring them across."Yeah... I'm gonna call bullshit here... show me one documented case where this has happened. ********** RELATED: Usual victims... usual suspects...The city’s latest...

25 July 2018

Come for the exotic cuisine...

...stay for the firefight..."Police say a person is dead following a shooting in west-end Toronto. They say officers responded to a report of a shooting in the Islington Avenue and Finch Avenue West area on Wednesday morning."Don't you worry Toronto... the Mayor's got this..."Don Peat, a spokesman...

Maybe Mohammed knows the guy...

...who handled Toronto's recent exquisitely timed... "Hijab Girl" press extravaganza...Meet Faisal Hussain's parents spin doctor...Mohammed Hashim is a professional activist and full-time organizer for the Toronto & York Region Labour Council. Social media accounts belonging to Hashim show him heavily...


Sorry, CBC... child-killer Faisal Hussain is not the victim here...The 10-year-old girl brutally murdered Sunday by Faisal Hussain, has been identified as Julianna Kozis of Markham.It's important to remember the fatalities were two young girls... Julianna, 10 and Reese Fallon, 18...Coincidence? I think...

24 July 2018

The RCMP’s “Free Range Jihadis”

What's the real deal on the Danforth Murderer?And why is Canada's national broadcaster pushing this "mental illness" agenda so hard? ********** COMPARE AND CONTRAST: CBC vs CBS What do Prime Minister Dressup's sockpuppets say?"There is no connection between that individual and national security,"...

Rabies Vaccine Maker Faking Records

Just another curveball from the folks who... and I swear I'm not sh*ttin' you here... put melamine in baby formula..."Premier Li Keqiang’s remarks were aimed at assuaging Chinese parents who routinely complain about worrying over fake food, milk and medicine in a society that seems to “lack a moral bottom line” — and also competent, uncorrupt regulators."********** RELATED: They'll do it to their...

23 July 2018

Danforth Shooter has been ID'd

THAT WAS THEN...Curiously, CBC has broken with their usual ironclad policy of never indicating race or ethnicity of shooters... "He described the suspect as a white male, who was dressed in all black. Police have yet to provide a suspect description."THIS IS NOW...The Special Investigations Unit said...


I remember "Proportional Representation"...OTTAWA — The nanny hired to care for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s three children has been given a full-time government salary. The moves were revealed in an order in council issued last week, which sets Marian Pueyo’s annual pay between just less than $40,000...

Dear Toronto... anybody promises you...

...ponies, rainbows & pixie dust... feel free to call them a fibber...According to witnesses speaking to CityTV, at least two of the victims were young females — TPS sources tell the Sun at least one of those are a nine-year-old girl reportedly shot on the back. “Police are very concerned, and...

The real gold, as usual...

...is in the comments...Is it spelled "mumu" or "moo moo?" Seriously... is this who should be President of the United States? ********** RELATED: It's not like Bill can pick her up..."The necklace looked very similar to the Life Alert emergency device made famous for the 'I’ve fallen and I can’t...

22 July 2018

The Six Nations Justice Department?

Barb General, director of the Six Nations Justice Department, praised the decision to appeal and said in a statement: “The verdict has left people feeling like it is open season for violence on Indigenous people, er... car thieves & home invaders.Will the jury be allowed to hear about Jon Styres...

21 July 2018

First weekend of Mayor Tory's...

..."increased police presence" off to a bad start...Toronto police and homicide are investigating after a man was killed in Leslieville early Saturday morning. The incident occurred in the area of Eastern Ave. and Morse St., near Broadview Ave., shortly after 1 a.m.Remember, this isn't 200 freshly...

Ramping up...

...for another exciting weekend in Toronto...A man is in serious condition following a shooting in the area of Eglinton Avenue and Dufferin Street just before 7 p.m. on Thursday night. A man in his 20s was found near Dynevor Road with a gunshot wound to his leg and was taken to a nearby hospital. Police...

No hope... no change...

"After the speech calling for rich people to get smaller houses, Barack Obama traveled back to America and to his $8.1 million eight-bedroom, nine-and-a-half bathroom mansion in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world."This isn't the first time we've heard about Barack Obama's houses..."It...

20 July 2018

Tough commute this morning?

Trust me... it could've been worse...At least 14 people were injured in the northern German city of Lübeck on Friday in an apparent knife attack on a bus, according to local media. The police confirmed that they had dispatched a "large deployment" to the scene of the crime. The Lübecker Nachrichten...

19 July 2018

The NDP once again pulls out...

...the reliable old race card...“Conservative minister Michael Tibollo’s comment this morning about wearing a bulletproof vest at Jane and Finch is inexcusably racist,” NDP Leader Andrea Horwath tweeted.Hmmm... racism, racism... that sounds so familiar...Let's break it down... who's zoomin' who? ********** RELATED:...

Who needs a gun...

...you've got a two ton cruise missile...“The fact is, we have a 17-month-old baby girl who’s in critical condition right now with very serious injuries that should not be where she is. It’s heartbreaking.”********** RELATED: Come for the exotic cuisine... ...stay for the life-altering vehicular...

18 July 2018

Not sure more basketball courts...

...is really gonna do it, Mr Mayor...Emergency crews were called a little after 5:30 p.m. to the area of Parkwoods Village Dr. and Combermere Dr. for reports of a man shot inside a building, say Toronto police. Once there, officers located two men suffering gunshot wounds. No information on either...

17 July 2018

The first thing we do...

...is hang all the lawyers...********** UPDATE: The bafflegab continues to pile up...MGM said in a statement the filing was meant to provide a "timely resolution" for shooting victims who sued or will sue in the aftermath of the attack during the Route 91 Harvest Festival. MGM said litigation filed...

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...The leader of the Muslim DENK party in the Netherlands has caused controversy by telling Dutch citizens to leave their own country if they don’t like the increasing number of Muslim migrants populating Dutch cities. “If they don’t like a changing Netherlands in which people with...

And Winston Churchill wept...

...say goodbye to Great Britain...Last year, the Met recorded over 800,000 crimes and the HMICFRS believes these near-100,000 annual missed recordings occur because officers did not “recognise” when crimes were committed or did not “understand” the need to record multiple offences when reported during...

16 July 2018

Give 'em an inch...

...they'll take the box the tape measure came in...Several officers say that since 2015 the number of contact cards filled out has dropped from tens of thousands to dozens. And in that same time period, with the fear of being caught with a gun all but gone, shootings have increased nearly 150%.********** RELATED: Remember, back... you were a kid... ...all those folks gunned down in the streets? YEAH,...

15 July 2018

Remember, magic is all about misdirection...

...some woman, somewhere, got abused... details at, well... never...Kingston police say that over the course of 11 months, the woman was told she couldn't leave the home unless accompanied by a member of the family. They allege the family isolated her, monitored her calls and took her citizenship papers...

14 July 2018

We'll do whatever it takes...

...to vilify Trump, say "professional" journalists...BEIJING (AP) — In a story July 12 about the U.S.-China trade war, The Associated Press erroneously reported that 20,000 jobs at an Alabama Hyundai plant could be at risk if the U.S. imposes higher auto tariffs. The plant employs 3,500 people.Of...

13 July 2018

The Usual Gangbangers

Forget Abraham, Martin and John... meet Ibrahim, Reshane and Kareem...Toronto police have identified a suspect in connection with a shooting in Kensington Market on Canada Day that left one person dead and three injured. On Friday, police issued a warrant for the arrest of Ibrahim Khiar, 32, of Toronto,...

Ontario community instructs Police Force...

...to apprehend Aboriginals and escort them out of... wait a minute..."It's empowering to do things in response to the situation," Nahnda Garlow, one of the women who proposed the ban explained. "We want to take control of their own lives again. I think all of us can sleep a little bit more soundly...

12 July 2018

Here we "blow" again?

You don't saturate public landmarks with armed police officers because of some droopy-drawered homeboy...Toronto police are sending more officers out to patrol the CN Tower and surrounding downtown area Thursday after receiving unconfirmed information that there's a "potential risk to public safety."********** UPDATE:...

It's a Justin World...

...where no heroic deed goes unpunished...A sporting goods store employee, Dean Crouch, 32, who last month helped catch a suspect allegedly trying to steal a .40 caliber handgun and matching ammunition, was suspended and later lost his job at the Florida business following the incident, his lawyer said. His...