28 February 2018

Meet Canada's new "Austin Powers"

The very definition of "taking one for the team"..."Daniel Jean is a career bureaucrat who came to Canada’s top job in national security and intelligence out of his post as deputy foreign affairs minister in May, 2016, with no discernible credentials in either national security or intelligence."Which...

Choices are sooooo hard...

...just let Google decide what's good for you..."Google has removed search results for any product that contains the word 'gun' in it, including water guns, toy guns, the band 'Guns and Roses,' and even 'burgundy' from its shopping section."So what's next on the agenda... red meat, motorcycles... owning...

Most of the people...

...most of the time..."History is no longer the collection of facts bequeathed to us by those who went before. Today it is whatever story satisfies current sensitivities, regardless of what actually happened."********** RELATED: No, not a "shithole"...At least 17 people were killed and several others...

27 February 2018

Diversity is our...

...FLEE, FLEE, RUN AWAY!!! • FEBRUARY 26 • "A North Carolina woman, Shameka Latrice Lynch, is jailed on multiple felony charges after she allegedly opened fire in a movie theater during a dispute over assigned seats at a screening of 'Black Panther,' according to police and court records."Just another...

26 February 2018

I guess everybody has an inner...

...part-time high school drama teacher...“I look forward to dressing myself and my family in large Stetson hats, a scarlet uniform, and yelling ‘yeehaw!’” said Modi at a press conference with Trudeau. “I will smile and pose for the cameras, and ride a horse through Parliament as per the Canadian tradition.”********** RELATED:...

25 February 2018

So, forget the hummus...

...and file a Human Rights complaint already..."The mosques are not welcoming us, our community is not welcoming us, and our families are abandoning us," said Ottawa resident Yusuf Celik, the founder of Gay Muslims United."If you can sue a bakery into the ground over a "gay" wedding cake, why not a...

24 February 2018


Suddenly, everybody's an expert...."It's just too easy to dodge those slow lumbering pistol bullets."The soaring wisdom of MSNBC. ********** RELATED: Who could have seen this com... ...sweet baby jebus..."The tipster pointed the FBI to several social media accounts, including one called “CRAZYNIKOLAS,”...

23 February 2018

Actual "Toronto Red Star" Headline

Courtesy of Rick Salutin...I'm thinking my son isn't going to be too happy about this latest revelation. ********** RELATED: Here's some "gun enthusiasts"... ...the Toronto Star doesn't want to talk about...A shooting in the city’s Rexdale neighbourhood has sent an adult male victim to a trauma...

Well, they do say Newfies...

... are a very friendly people...ST. JOHN’S, N.L. — Health officials say they’re dealing with an outbreak of sexually transmitted syphilis in eastern Newfoundland. Sarbu says they have already seen people with irreversible hearing and vision loss through infectious neurosyphilis. About 24% of the...

Diversity is our...

...oh my gawd...The officer serving as second in command at Toronto’s troubled 13 Division had his Bradford home raided as Peel Regional Police investigated an alleged immigration scam earlier this month. Acting Insp. Paul Qureshi’s wife, Mariam Qureshi, 36, her mother and the alleged ringleader, Sakia Mojadiddi, 61... are now charged with fraud-related offences from a scheme that police allege fleeced...

22 February 2018

From the folks who brought you...

...Colten Boushie...“They are not a new council,” Good said. “There is a new Chief, but he has been on council for three or four terms now. It’s the same names, same people and the same lack of progress or initiative that we’ve seen there for decades.”Boushie, Boushie... that sounds so familiar. ********** BREAKING: New aboriginal shitstorm coming ********** RELATED: Meet CNN's 'random high...

Revenge of the Vagina People

Sarge... we got to get us some "War Barbies"..."Obviously, the number of women who are capable of all that is vanishingly small in the general population. Heck, the number of men who can manage it is no doubt far below one percent. Why do you think we call them the few and the proud?"********** RELATED:...

More costume changes than...

...a Cher concert..."It's very choreographed, ... these Bollywood-style outfits every public event he does. What does it say about the real purpose of the visit?"Remember, it's only "cultural appropriation" when a Conservative does it. COMPARE AND CONTRAST:Most of Harper’s visit centred on trade as...

21 February 2018

Let the Book-burning begin...

"In the wake of the Florida hit and run, David Miller said Shoppers Drug Mart should stop promoting these 'death machines' in its stores by stocking 'Car and Driver' magazine."UP NEXT: Fine Woodworking Magazine********** RELATED: While we're on weapons...Recent statistics from 2016 show that knives...

What would Vince Foster say?

"Solomon is not alone. The Wall Street Journal is tracking the story. And earlier this month, investigative journalist Peter Schweizer cryptically told SiriusXM radio that federal authorities should 'convene a grand jury' in Little Rock and 'let the American people look at the evidence' about the Clinton Foundatio...

20 February 2018

"Willis was no stranger to the law"...

...or apparently, to the "not law" either....A Brampton man gunned down in a hail of bullets has been identified as a [wait for it] father and notorious gang leader in the GTA who recently vowed to “go on the right path” in life. “I’ve matured greatly. I’m not the same,” Willis said in the Toronto courtroom. Oliver Augustus Willis, 37, known as “Twinky” and at one time a leader of one of the Crips’...

I wonder if his lawyer will use...

...the Canadian 'hockey stick' defense..."The young man, who lives in the municipality of Karlskrona, was brought before the Blekinge District Court last week on charges of abuse and assault. He is alleged to have struck his younger sister with a baseball bat several times while yelling at her 'wear a veil', 24Blekinge report...

19 February 2018

Farmers, hunters & skeet shooters...

...are not the problem... "Did the gun change or did you as a society change? I'll give you odds it was you as a society. Because you started glorifying cultures of violence. You glorified the gang culture, you glorified games that actually gave you points for raping and killing people." "The gun...

Diversity is our...

...what the f@ckin' f@ck..."Ying Zhang, Zhi Guang Zhang and Wei Zhang weren't charged with any crimes, despite the evidence that they were peddling opioids that kill people."Even the mother of two dead junkie sons isn't willing to point the finger at the people bringing this poison to our shores. RELATED:...

The capricious and unknowable...

..."Will of Allah"...Five women were shot dead in an apparent Islamist attack on an Orthodox church in Russia’s North Caucasus region of Dagestan on Sunday. A bearded man ran towards the church shouting ‘Allahu Akbar.’ The attacker, a local man in his early 20s, was “eliminated” by police fi...

18 February 2018

Another bit of advice...

...for the Canadian Citizenship Guide...“We certainly do not want to have 'gunfire happening' on the highways,” OPP Sgt. Kerry Schmidt said Saturday.”It's social meteorology, bro... "gunfire happens!" ********** RELATED: Come for the shopping... ...stay for the firefight..."Toronto police say two...

17 February 2018

Measure Twice...

...Cut Once..."This is where Feminist Chewbacca came unstuck. Reblogging a post she had found on Visual Poetry, she had probably not counted on being fact-checked by an actual linguist. Her poorly chosen examples were deconstructed one by one, until she began to look rather basic, and a bit sill...

16 February 2018

How Now Brown Cow?

Premier Kathleen Wynne was told three weeks ago that a Liberal cabinet minister sexually assaulted and abused a woman, former Liberal MP and lawyer John Nunziata tweeted Thursday night. That was right around the time sexual misconduct allegations emerged against former Ontario PC leader Patrick Brown.********** RELATED: The hypocrisy will balance itself..."In December, the Liberal government made...

Diversity is our...

...sweet baby jebus...The dismembered corpse of 18-year-old Pamela Mastropietro was found earlier this month in two suitcases, but was missing her neck, heart and genitals. The body had been deboned and washed in bleach. “What we have seen in the case of Pamela are the same methods the Nigerian mafia systematically employs elsewhere. It is a routine to cut victims into pieces and, in some cases,...

15 February 2018

Maybe they were too busy...

...trying to topple the duly elected president of the United States...Last fall, a Mississippi bail bondsman and frequent YouTube vlogger noticed an alarming comment left on one of his videos. "I'm going to be a professional school shooter," said a user named Nikolas Cruz. The YouTuber, 36-year-old Ben Bennight, alerted the FBI, emailing a screenshot of the comment and calling the bureau's Mississippi...

No Honkies Need Apply

HALIFAX — "Dalhousie University stated, “We have embarked on the process of selecting a new vice-provost student affairs,” adding that the search 'will be restricted to racially visible persons and Aboriginal Peoples at this time.'" "The recruitment process raises questions about whether such restrictions could be a form of either tokenism or discrimination."Apparently Dalhousie University feels...

14 February 2018


If it only saves one life...The risk of a fatal accident among young drivers spikes by 38 per cent in the hours after 4/20 celebrations, according to new research from UBC and the University of Toronto. The finding suggests that mass marijuana celebrations may not be entirely without consequences.********** RELATED: Where's my medicine?A statement issued by the French health ministry confirmed...

13 February 2018

12 February 2018

Gerald Stanley Trial...

...an addendum...The last 5 chiefs of Red Pheasant have been Larry Wuttunee, Stewart Baptiste, Charles Meechance, Sheldon Wuttunee, Clint Wuttunee. Oh and if you google each chief's name, it seems armed robbery and assault are a familial occupation.And another..."If a person is to be tried for a crime, he is to have some opportunity not to be tried by 12 sociology professors, or by 12 adherents of...

Canada's "national broadcaster"...

Where it's always "Black History Month"...Student Azjani Senior said do-rags are head coverings traditionally worn by black people to help preserve hair styles, and said when she walked into class and saw the teacher wearing one, she confronted him and told him it was "a bit racist" and that he should stop wearing it. Senior's mother, Debbie Miles, told Here and Now she was "quite shocked" when...

11 February 2018

10 February 2018

You know what's really shocking?

An armed, intoxicated raiding party, expecting to be welcomed with open arms...Several people in the courtroom yelled "Murderer!" seconds after a Saskatchewan jury found Gerald Stanley not guilty of killing Colten Boushie early Friday evening.Perhaps the trick here would have been more evidence... and...

09 February 2018

Look who gets another...

...kick at the cat, er... taxpayer..."Husbands, whose lawyers had put forward a defence of not criminally responsible due to post-traumatic stress disorder, was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 30 years."Thing is, Judge... it's gonna take a SWAT team to round up a jury of his...

08 February 2018

Unexceptional Exception

Many of his beliefs are perfectly unexceptionable – or would have been, until recently. He does not believe that women are systematically oppressed by men, or that Western culture is the source of all the world's ills, or that the idea of gender binaries is a vicious fiction. Only in a world dominated by identity politics would he be demonized as a dangerous reactionary. The reason is that millennials...

Suddenly... nobody's squawking about...

..."cultural appropriation"...Jacinda Ardern, the pregnant prime minister of New Zealand, is considering a request by Maori leaders to bury her placenta at the spot where Britain signed the treaty that led to the founding of the nation state. “The fact that the suggestion was made and that there were elders alongside me who really acknowledged that — it felt like a significant gesture.”First of all......

07 February 2018

Sarah Thomson has not responded...

...to requests for comment about Paikin's rebuttal..."Okay, now it’s my turn." "This is my response, written by me, not a committee of lawyers or spin doctors at 4 o’clock this morning. Yes, I’ve had a bit of trouble sleeping since this all came to light. And this is my statement, not my employer’s..."********** RELATED: Yup... let's keep on "honouring"...Sports Illustrated magazine is set to honor...


Shortly after, the story that Smith was executed began to circulate from Smith’s friends and family. “We’re not protected and we don’t know how we’re going to be protected. A traffic stop turns into an execution, it’s scary,” a family friend, Devon Hatchett said. Thankfully for the officers involved, they had tangible video evidence that showed exactly what happened that Sunday morning. After mounting...

06 February 2018

Revenge of the Vagina People

From the guy who brought you... "The budget will balance itself..."Meanwhile, back at the ranch, er... Prime Minister's Office... ********** UPDATE: Twitter finds the Twit ********** UPDATE2: I was Seinfelding, says Trudeau"But others suggested that viewing the full version of the exchange makes...

If Trump is so venal and stupid...

...why couldn't Hillary win without cheating..."It is troubling enough that the Clinton Campaign funded Mr. Steele's work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility," the senators wrote to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the Russia probe, and FBI Director Christopher Wray.********* RELATED:...

Think it couldn't get any worse?

Think again...Instead of welcoming a chance to stop failing expensively, the ministers all looked as though they’d just been threatened in a back room and then dragged out by their heels to the microphone.********** RELATED: Nobody smokes a joint... ...wanting to avoid the hi...

05 February 2018

Another story you won't see...

...on Canada's taxpayer-supported "national broadcaster"...Nearly 50 years ago, the Watergate scandal forced a president from office. The Left thought it could do it again. But the Nunes memo—and the millions of documents and hundreds of hours of interviews behind it—makes clear that rogue elements within the FBI and Justice Department broke the law in an attempt to use the police power of the United...

Riots erupt all over urban America...

...as visible minority lugers say... "We won't take it anymore"...USA Luge had 87 national team athletes in 2015, and for a second straight year had zero percent minorities.I had been under the impression that the Olympics was the ultimate meritocracy... but I guess I was mistaken. ********** RELATED: I blame Walt Disney!!!"A Massachusetts high school canceled a screening of the movie Cool Runnings...

And yet again, the "book burning" starts

If you get all your news from Canada's "national broadcaster"... you're getting conned... and paying for it...A small group of people played the drums on top of the concrete square Sunday afternoon where the statue of Halifax founder Edward Cornwallis once stood for 87 years. They're celebrating the statue's removal from the park that's still named after him.Remember, the federal government gives...

04 February 2018

Black Lives Matter, Toronto...

...was apparently unavailable for comment...A Superior Court jury has found Shakeil Wheatle guilty of first-degree murder, based largely on the co-operation of a star witness who risked his life to help police solve the killing of an innocent man. It was the third time Wheatle has stood trial for the...

03 February 2018


"What destroys trust is when you dress up an oppo research document that Jim Comey himself said under oath was 'salacious’ and ‘unverified.’ What destroys trust is when you take that kind of document dress it up make it appear like it is legitimate intelligence and then take it to a court to get a...

It's a Justin world

“And a particular resident who had one dog and then got a second, submitting two veterinarian notes that stated 'the first dog was neurotic and needed to be calmed by the other dog.'" "Saying that a dog needs an emotional support pet to function... when the request came in, I had to give this individual credit. It was ballsy."********** RELATED: Bow down to your "post national state" Overlords...“All...

02 February 2018

CBC writes gushing obituary...

...for writer who mostly wrote for CBC... ps... also gay, so hey... twofer!!! ********** RELATED: Just another story you won't see... ...on the CBC....“We cannot do better than to incite the Indians to continue warring on the English,” he wrote to his political masters. “I shall do my best to make it look to the English as if this plan comes from the Indians and that I have no part in it.” It...

I bet they do

From the folks WHO DIDN'T BRING YOU Mohamed Atta...FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Justice Department want all names redacted from the memo detailing alleged surveillance abuse, according to investigative journalist Sara Carter.********** RELATED: That crazy Trump and his Twitter... ...wait...

01 February 2018

Somebody cheated on their finals...

...at Islamic terrorist school...A founding father of the Hamas terrorist organization has died, a Hamas spokesman said Tuesday, three weeks after he suffered what the terror organization claimed was an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound in the head."Remember, class... the bullet comes out here......