31 March 2017

File it under "victimless" crime

A police officer who specialized in organized crime said he was surprised to hear Sergi was shot dead, even though his name came up often in investigations, including probes into things such as cigarette smuggling and cargo theft. “He wasn’t that major of a player,” the officer told the Star. “He was almost like a harmless guy . . . did his little crimes and made his money.”Sergi, Sergi... that sounds...

The Diversity Files

What's a little witchcraft among friends?Toronto Police claim the accused, known as Master Raghav, advertised his services as an astrologer and psychic during February and March of this year. “A 44-year-old man attended his business for psychic services and was told a sick family member had been the victim of an evil spirit,” Const. Jenifferjit Sidhu alleged Thursday. “The man was charged $101,000...

Here's part of the reason...

...Ontario has the highest electricity costs in North America...TORONTO - Ontario’s cabinet minister in charge of government purse strings says the $4.5-million pay received by Hydro One’s CEO is “not part of the equation” of cutting electricity costs for consumers. New filings show that CEO Mayo Schmidt was paid $4.5 million in 2016 — an $850,000 salary plus bonuses — and those top five executives...

30 March 2017

A piece of political pork...

...that would have made Tony Soprano blush...One of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s closest friends is benefiting from an exclusive agreement between his data analytics company and the Liberal Party of Canada. Data Sciences Inc, run by Trudeau’s boyhood friend, Tom Pitfield, is providing the party with “digital engagement” and support services for its powerful voter-contact database, Liberalist. Neither...

Something to think about...

...before you climb on that big silver bird...Four employees at Montreal’s Trudeau International Airport had their access levels scaled back for precautionary reasons as officials looked into the possibility they had been radicalized, according to a report by the Journal de Montréal.Islamic terror... here in Canada? Doesn't Justin's new law prevent us from even thinking that way? I'm sure there's...

Trumping the Triggered

Ottawa’s Carleton University says it now has scales in both men’s and women’s changing rooms in a bid to compromise with those who were angry when the scale in the main gym was removed earlier this month. The original campus paper article... described scales as “very triggering” for those with eating disorders and other body image concerns. The issue gained traction well beyond the Carleton community,...

29 March 2017

The Golf-Pro in Chief...

...thought he was rolling out the welcome wagon for Hillary...In his final days in office, Obama created the largest ever expansion of access to non-minimized NSA intercepts, creating a path for all U.S. intelligence to gain access to unmasked reports.********** RELATED: Barack & GomorrahThis bolsters the information already presented by Devin Nunes that an entirely separate network of surveillance,...

Gun Control...

...is being able to hit your target...The intruders – a 16-year-old, a 17-year-old and a man thought to be 18 or 19 – had smashed open the back door of the house, the Wagoner County Sheriff’s Office said. They wore gloves, masks and all-black clothes, Wagoner County Deputy Nick Mahoney told Tulsa World. Two of the teenagers were armed, one with a knife and the other with brass knuckles.Dead, dead...

28 March 2017

None so blind...

...as those who will not see...When we speak of Islam, as opposed to Muslims, we are not speaking about a mere religious belief system. We are talking about a competing civilization — that is very much how Islam self-identifies. It has its own history, principles, values, mores, and legal system. Islam, thus understood, is not non-Western. It is anti-Western.Where are all the open-minded, educated...

Pierre-lite... the one trick pony

"And speaking of election promises, it's not surprising the government is so adamant about this one." "Its track record on others isn't great." "Democratic reform? Scratch. $10-billion deficits? Oops. Small-business tax cuts from 11 to 9 per cent? Not yet. Maintain military funding? The government pushed back nearly $4 billion in equipment spending until 2020. The promise to restore door-to-door...

27 March 2017

RCMP to start rounding up...

...farmers, deer hunters and target shoot... WAIT A MINUTE...When it came to firearm injuries due to assault, immigrants and refugees were at much higher risk than their non-immigrant counterparts. Refugee children and youth were 1.4 times more likely to be shot than Canadian-born residents of the same age. Firearm injuries due to violent assault tended to be clustered in low-income neighbourhoods...

You've come a wrong way, baby

"Thanks to the influence of the powerful LGBT movement, everybody now has to either affirm the absurd and crazy – that a man who is essentially a female impersonator can fairly compete against women – or they have to suffer abuse and persecution as bigots just for speaking the truth."********** RELATED: Professional Journalism 101 From the comments:"Man, that Leah McLaren piece really brought the...

26 March 2017

#NEVERTRUMPERS... a continuing series

The 27-year-old formerly known as Patrick Abbatiello, now legally designated agender, also got legal approval to change names, now going only by “Patch,” no surname. That name also serves as a pronoun, Patch explained to the local NBC affiliate this week. “Even gender-neutral pronouns don’t feel as if they fit me,” Patch said. “I feel no identity or closeness with any pronouns I’ve come across. What...

25 March 2017

In other Pierre-lite news

"Some government office in Canada will be packed to the gills with cardboard cutouts of the PM looking slightly disheveled and unbearably handsome."********** UPDATE: Justin kills free speech Rex Murphy weighs in...Why not a motion, as some have suggested, speaking out against prejudice against all...

24 March 2017

The death of free speech in Canada

Witness Pierre-lite's own iteration of the "War Measures Act"...Motion M103 was tabled by Iqra Khalid, a Muslim member of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party. It states the government must “condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination”, was taken to vote on Thursday evening where a total of 201 MPs voted for it and only 91 voted against.Of course, condemnation...

23 March 2017


"It's time for Canada to start taking in millions of white conservative refugees wanting to flee the UK for a better life."********** UPDATE: Another Lutheran gone wild...Khalid Masood, 52, has been identified as the man behind the attacks Wednesday in London that left three people dead and many others injured outside Britain's Parliament.********** UPDATE2: And over in Antwerp...BRUSSELS — Belgian...

Build a wall...

...top it with razor wire and broken glass...“I know that if this country enforced the laws that are already on the books those two young men would not have been here and this rape, this horrendous rape, would not have occurred."********** UPDATE: Siege mentality spreadsThe counties containing Chicago, Detroit and the independent city of Baltimore were the biggest population losers in the United...

22 March 2017

The capricious and unknowable...

..."Will of Buddha, er... Shiva, wait... Odin, no... uh, Jesus... wait a minute..."Five people, including a London police officer who was stabbed and the alleged assailant, were killed in a terror attack that saw more 40 people injured outside the Parliament building on Wednesday in an act described as "sick and depraved" by British Prime Minister Theresa May. Acting Metropolian Police Deputy Commissioner...

21 March 2017

The Human Condition

Before venturing into the Mystery Hole, all pilgrims must complete a waiver reading, “I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I must be out of my mind to climb down into a damp, dark hole when I’m perfectly safe where I a...

20 March 2017

Something for nothing?

...I guess we're shifting over to "Sunny Ways" economic policy..."Kathleen Wynne's plan, which is supposed to take effect this summer, will cost taxpayers an estimated $25 billion in interest payments as the Liberal government re-amortizes electricity deals over 30 years to achieve the short-term saving...

18 March 2017

The capricious and unknowable...

..."Will of Buddha, er... Shiva, wait... Odin, no... uh, Jesus... wait a minute..."A convicted criminal with links to radical Islam sent a text message to his brother and father stating 'I shot the police', shortly before he was shot dead during an attack at Paris Orly airport. The 39-year-old, named locally as career criminal Ziyed Ben Belgacem, was killed after wrestling a soldier's gun from her...

"You gave away..."

"...the things you loved... and one of them was me"...The Canadian military has tried previously to change or alter some of its equipment for women. In 1997 it earmarked more than $2 million for creating what it believed would be the world’s first combat bra. The project was eventually abandoned. The...

17 March 2017

Forget about gloves, batons, tasers...

...perhaps they can just go back to shooting folks who resist arrest...Under the weight of a set of watchdog charges against an Ottawa officer wearing Oakley gloves with hardened knuckles, the chief of police has ordered an audit of all force-approved glove purchases for officers.How much money would...

No one from the Malt Liquor Lobby...

...was immediately available for comment...All of us have been “so accustomed to hearing the benefits of milk,” Samantha Diaz writes in the California State University-Long Beach student paper Daily 49er, “that you probably didn’t even realize the subtle racism hidden in our health facts.” “There is a deep-rooted American tradition to suppress an entire race’s existence.”With mi...

16 March 2017

Special rules...

...for special people..."The Liberal government’s new hydro rate cut will remove delivery charges for every on-reserve First Nations household in Ontario."In other protected people news..."If I'm sitting at home and I can see with my own eyes that someone has broken into my own truck, am I going to think to myself: 'Am I going to kill someone and shoot them in the head point blank?'" Federation of...

15 March 2017

The left once again...

...embarrasses itself...The left built the “fake news” template to explain away the 2016 presidential election and has repeatedly fit into it seamlessly. Who would let Maddow torture viewers with her usual 15-minute monologue and have no payoff at the end of the ordeal? Crazy people, that’s who.And then it's back to their constant coverage of 54 emerging gende...

Let’s face it… toddlers are criminals

"People say they get away with all the crap they pull because they are cute, and far too young to be tried as adults. But were this not the case my toddler would have been locked up long ago."********** RELATED: We've all seen it...“I would rather drink a piping hot bowl of liquid rabies than get on a plane with my two childre...

14 March 2017

Surprise, surprise...

A majority of Canadians express concerns,” Société Radio-Canada declared... Notably, we learned that 74 per cent of respondents support implementing “a test of values to identify (potential immigrants) who have ‘anti-Canadian’ values.” This is by no means the first poll to find widespread support for the ideas.********** RELATED: Cultures differ in many ways...In the place of real intimacy, a whole...

13 March 2017

Silence of the BLMs

In Peterborough, Ontario, police round up farmers, sport shooters & deer hunt... wait a minute..."Police have arrested a suspect after a shooting in Peterborough left a man in serious condition Friday evening." "Peterborough police tweeted that 35-year-old Julien Graham is in custody."What sort...

12 March 2017

The New Normal

"Some people hold the idiotic belief that, 'If I have nothing to hide, I have nothing to fear.' This is dangerous logic, for so many reasons. Even the use of the word ‘hide’ is ridiculous… as if the fact that I don’t upload photos of my nether regions to Instagram means that I’m 'hiding' somethin...

11 March 2017

10 March 2017

Call me a nitpicker, Justin...

...but it sounds like this is a matter for the criminal justice system...Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says it is up to the Senate to decide how to handle the case of a senator who used the prestige of his office to engage in a sexual relationship with a teenager.Now unless PM Weasel Words has decided...

Toronto the (not so) Good

In the days before the police radios went digital, we could hear the calls and respond to them with a photographer. Now we rely either on word of mouth, the sound of a siren and also tweets from the Toronto Police on major calls. It means media rarely can get to a scene while it’s still active. But it also means the public on their news shows don’t see as much crime scene action as they once did. It’s...


If Kevin O'Leary (or Max Bernier or Andrew Scheer or Kellie Leitch) made ending equalization payments a 'top 3' plank in their platform they'd win in a populist, Trump-like landslide, while at the same time Canada's MSM chattering gasbags would suffer an epidemic of 'exploding head syndrom...

09 March 2017

The lunatic left wants a war...

...they should stop and consider who has most of the guns and the preponderance of military experience...They are not “sore losers,” as many had surmised when their hysterical attacks on Trump as an American Hitler began, they are an army of saboteurs bent on destroying the government the voters preferred. Their general, Barack Obama, is an unrepentant radical who abused the office of the presidency...

08 March 2017

On Immigration

Since when did "selective" become a pejorative word..."The biggest change in SAT test scores by ethnic group over the last 20 years has been the steady improvements in test scores by Asians..."Are we looking to build a nation or a social welfare haven? As the bottom falls out of the manufacturing sector...

07 March 2017

Dumbstick Deepak plays "Brownshirt" card

Obhrai, a Calgary MP since 1997, said in a news release that Leitch’s plan to screen immigrants, refugees and visitors for so-called “Canadian values” will not only lead people to view the Conservative party as “anti-immigrant,” but could also endanger people’s lives.Sorry, Deepak... it isn't Kellie...

06 March 2017

A lack of political will

It seems efforts to evict dangerous, drug-dealing, gang-banging tenants (and visitors) from Toronto Community Housing Corp. (TCHC) buildings have become yet another political football at City Hall. Mayor John Tory argued that TCHC is “making a much improved effort” pursuing evictions for cause but that they get bogged down in a “Byzantine proces...

05 March 2017

"I remember two salient traits.."

"...of the majority of students in those days. One was their extraordinary intellectual laziness and lack of curiosity, especially infuriating because so many were such intelligent kids. The other was their immense privilege. Shiny new BMWs filled the student parking lot, each fitted with racks holding the most technologically advanced skis for whizzing down the slopes. There were battered Volvos,...

04 March 2017

Silence of the BLMs

"At 13, he already had three criminal convictions including robbery and assault causing bodily harm. Only out on probation for two weeks, he’d quickly violated his terms by moving back to Jamestown and arming himself with a .40-calibre Smith & Wesson handgun."********** RELATED: Who protects the field of folk?Kawartha Lakes OPP said in a media release Monday afternoon that a staff member at...

03 March 2017

02 March 2017

What about Monogamy?

"It is definitely not natural for me if some of my X-rated fantasies are evidence but, by behaving myself in many 'unnatural' ways, I have managed to build a solid happy life without harming very many people, without blowing up my life, and without too much burden of guilt."Or you could do away with sex entirely...A man has spent $50,000 (£40,000) on plastic surgery to become an alien - and could...

01 March 2017

Hands down gold medal winner...

...at the "Get a Freakin' Life Olympics"...********** RELATED: And Walt Disney wept...Disney is to move firmly into a new era as it introduces its first “exclusively gay moment”, disclosing the new version of Beauty and the Beast will star a manservant exploring his sexuality.Ah, yes... just what...