The Globe & Mail, yet again, goes looking for the racist agenda at the end of the rainbow..."Even though I studied hard, I found the test really, really tough,” she said, noting many questions weren’t straightforward and required critical thinking."Well, now... "critical thinking?" Heaven forbid, 'cos it's not like acquiring citizenship is a big deal or anything.
Now, it's been a while... but...
30 June 2012
Orwell was right
For every $1 parliamentarians contributed to their plan last year, taxpayers gave $24.36, said Thomas. That works out to a compounded total of $4.5 million in parliamentarian contributions compared with $110.7 million from taxpayers.
"It certainly provides peace of mind, knowing that you are one of a thousand people with a piece of a billion-dollar nest egg," CTF federal director Gregory Thomas said...
29 June 2012
Having their cake...

"Edith Bramwell, who works as legal counsel with PSAC and often deals with issues of political activity, said the union fully supports the principle of a politically neutral public service."And eating it too..."Bramwell said for the average public servant who is just going about their job at their office...
I sure hope Obamacare works out better...

...than his "I have an eco-dream" agenda...
RELATED: Don't you fret Ontario...
...Uncle Dalton's got you covered...This week, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty announced $8-billion more in green investments, on top of the $7-billion he announced a short while ago. He’s determined to outspend...
28 June 2012
You can almost smell the rehabilitation

I dunno about Social Studies, but I betcha he just blazes through his Electrical & Metal Shop classes...
"By the end of the second visit, he was mastering the techniques of essay writing (on the Hunger Games novels) and learning to analyze the poetry of John Donne."And what's a typical, well-rounded...
27 June 2012
No, no, no... not the flower child who...
...used to party with Mick & Keith... the other one..."Liberals yearning for the glory days of Trudeaumania as they head into a leadership contest could face a choice between Pierre Trudeau’s eldest son and the mother of his only daughter."Frankly, I'm a little surprised they don't just get it over with and re-elect the Emperor himself... it's not like he's any deader than the federal Liberal...
Capitalist Dream Come True

A consumable product that creates a demand... for itself.....
26 June 2012
Gotta have priorities, right?

What the heck did politicians actually do... before there were all these compulsory celebrations of varied combinations & intermingling of genitalia? -- TORONTO -- "City Councillor Janet Davis aid THERE WAS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT than being at the flag raising Monday."Of course, Janet... absolutely...
Seriously... a serial murderer?
Who could have possibly seen that coming?"Despite Lamb's vast and varied criminal record (he's amassed more than 100 convictions to date), the judge handed him a major break and ordered him to serve a supervised conditional sentence of 18 months in the community."
"He now stands accused of the serial murders of three Winnipeg women."In yet another outstanding example of "both sides now" professional...
And Cheech & Chong wept

I'm bettin' the medical marijuana constituency drops faster than the drachma... "Technology website Gizmodo called the Israeli researchers 'killjoy scientists' and accused them of having 'bred the fun out of medical marijuana...
25 June 2012
It's a real whodunnit...
...say local homicide cops...A 28-year-old Somali-Canadian found fatally shot in an expensive Toronto apartment building Saturday night was killed by a single gunshot wound to the chest, an autopsy has found.
But as to why Hussein Hussein died, Detective Sergeant Dan Nielsen of the homicide squad said it was too soon to speculate whether the killing was tied to the rash of drug violence that has...
23 June 2012
Because, of course, Scarborough is...
...virtually indistinguishable from any other community in Canada..."This could be anybody's house, anybody's neighbourhood and it's quite alarming," Det. Sgt. Justin Vander Heyden said.Scarborough, Scarborough... that sounds so familiar.
Let's take a trip back to 2007...Toronto Councillor Norm Kelly had issued a call for city council to ask the media to sign a "protocol" in which news outlets would...
Ask a Liberal Supporter

The compassionate, intellectual left and their daily potty-mouth pitstop...
Perhaps that's the inevitable result of having smelly old best friend hippies... in place of actual parents.
RELATED: Speaking of potty-mouth
These dumb bunnies do all the work for us.
21 June 2012
The Sausage Factory of Chicago politics...
...once again raises its ugly head..."For the last several years, Nayak had been the aching thorn in Jackson’s side after Blagojevich was heard on tape saying that Jackson’s emissary — Nayak — offered what Blagojevich believed was a $1.5 million offer in exchange for the Senate seat."**********
RELATED: Remember how Obama's BFF...
...was gonna fix up Chicago? Maybe hugs & wishes just aren't...
Those secretive, controlling Republi...

...wait a minute...
Maybe the Democratic t-shirt slogan should've been "Yes, We Can't"...“The White House decision to invoke executive privilege implies that White House officials were either involved in the Fast and Furious operation or the cover-up that followed. The administration has always insisted...
20 June 2012
Dawn of the (brain) Dead
What exactly does it take to be more popular than Michael Ignatieff?"The poll suggests Mr. Trudeau has the greatest early potential to maintain the Liberals’ current support and draw support from other parties. Even so, 67 per cent of respondents said they’d be unlikely to vote Liberal – a number that rose to 82-89 per cent with other possible contenders at the helm."Yup... you can almost smell the...
Another leftwing cultural icon...
...goes on an unscheduled road trip...The founder of the whistle–blowing website, who was due to be extradited in just nine days, entered the building in Knightsbridge and requested asylum under the United Nations Human Rights Declaration.
The Swedish authorities want him to answer accusations of raping a woman and sexually molesting and coercing another in Stockholm in August 2010 while on a visit...
19 June 2012
I think it's just outrageous...

...that a corporation is actually forcing kids to wear... wait a minute...
"The JS Roundhouse Mids, which featured plastic orange chains and a cuff that strapped around the ankles, were slammed for resembling shackles, and many criticized Adidas for using an image reminiscent of slavery."Call me crazy......
18 June 2012
If only they had listened... Toronto City Councillor Adam Vaughn and banned all those nasty bullets...Word of the shooting raced through Little Italy, and residents of nearby Crawford Street identified the slain man, whom they knew as “Johnny,” or “Little John,” as an affable sort who owned a house about two blocks from the crime scene. They said he had recently renovated the home for his mother to live in.
“He was certainly...
National Velvet Touch

"And until it airs, there is little more to do than speculate on who will portray whom. Howie Mandel as Layton? Rick Mercer, with prosthetic eyebrows, as Michael Ignatieff? Bruce Greenwood as Stephen Harper?"Whaddaya wanna bet a certain Chinatown enterprise gets nary a single mention in this Ode to...
17 June 2012
In other "Keepin' it Real" news
Another cultural icon bites the dust...Over the last 20 years, he had had repeated contact with law enforcement. He long ago stopped keeping track of his arrests for crimes such as driving under the influence and domestic assault. "Eleven times?" he said earlier this year. "Twelve?"
"I would change a few things, but not that much," he said. "Yes, I would go through that night, yes I would. I said...
15 June 2012
Those darn "Vandals"

Sometimes I just get the feeling I might not be getting the whole story...
Like, maybe the perps here were white guys... with hispanic mothers... which would make this a hate-crime, right?"The youths, who Montasser said are not “regular students” at the school, have also been charged in connection with...
13 June 2012
When those pesky laws against...

...shooting people just aren't enough...The 6:30 p.m. event, organized by Coun. Kristyn Wong-Tam, is a response to the disturbing spate of recent gun violence that culminated with a fatal shooting inside the Eaton Centre on June 2. Seven people were injured in the shooting, including a 13-year-old boy...
I'd love to know how much money...

...the Liberals threw down the polling toilet finding out that Rae didn't have a hope in hell..."The news is surprising, especially considering it came on the same day the party executive was poised to formally release Rae from his pledge, as interim leader, not to seek the permanent helm."
"Rae said...
12 June 2012
Frankly, I'm shocked... I had no idea... could even be charged for this "victimless crime" anymore in Ontario... -- OTTAWA -- Police are hunting for a 17-year-old girl accused of forcing other Ottawa teens into prostitution.
Two 15-year-olds, already in police custody, face almost a dozen charges. The third suspect is the wanted 17-year-old.**********
COMPASSIONATE, INTELLECTUAL LEFT REPLIES:"Lovely bunch of brownshirts today...
11 June 2012
"Love is better than..."
...wait a minute..."Members of Parliament are bracing themselves for a marathon session of voting this week as the opposition puts forward 871 amendments to the Conservative government’s budget bill."871 obstructive serial actions... no wonder government doesn't work. Just try to imagine the chaos if the NDP ever got into a position where they were actually pulling the levers of power."128: The number...
10 June 2012
Ontario's health-woes continue
At one FHT, when staff reportedly couldn’t persuade bureaucrats to stop sending payments for ghost employees, the FHT banked the money and allegedly gave their regular physicians an unsolicited — and improper, as defined by the FHT-ministry deal — “bonus” at year’s end.
“They should not be turning millions of dollars over to people they’ve not vetted. If you’re an embezzler, this is the place to...
09 June 2012
Gives a whole new meaning... the phrase "shop 'til you drop"..."Police flooded Kensington Market Saturday afternoon, taking down at least two people at gunpoint only a day after the arrest of a man suspected of a stabbing in the downtown neighbourhood."
"Bystanders said a running altercation started in Bellevue Square Park over a drug deal and then moved through the crowded market. At least one of the four men involved...
C'mon now... everybody move along...

...nothing to see (or talk about) here...
-- TORONTO -- Nicholas Dillion-Jack, 18, was wanted in connection with a stabbing and mugging in the downtown area and an east-end home invasion and pistol-whipping. A sighting Thursday had sparked a major police operation that lead to heightened safety...
08 June 2012
I'm sorry, folks... but if you agree... be fooled, then you're part of the problem... -- TORONTO -- A 40-year-old man who brutally beat a teen hooker into a coma and left her for dead in a snowbank in 1996 is back on the street after serving a “life” sentence.
Police say Jarrar refused to participate in any treatment program or counselling during his incarceration.So, seriously... in what way, shape or form is this a "life sentence?"...
If only it was something important... a surgically manufactured vagina & breasts...
"Take one small child, add a rare disease that threatens to take his sight. Mix with bumbling bureaucrats who’d rather piddle $1 billion down the drain on eHealth and squander millions at Ornge - and what do you get?"
"A heartless, hopeless...
As good as his word
So, what other promises would Bob Rae be prepared to abrogate in his pursuit of the gold ring? -- OTTAWA -- When Rae became interim Liberal leader in 2011, one of the caveats was that he wouldn't run for permanent leadership of the party.
Changes to the Liberal Party executive in the past year mean members are now likely going to allow Rae to throw his hat in the ring.I guess that's just one...
07 June 2012
Well, if the oh-so-gullible West...
...can swallow that feng-shui horse puckey...What’s telling — and typical — is the government’s argument for insisting dirty air is clean. Mr. Wu, the vice-minister, maintains it’s unfair to judge Chinese air by western standards because China is a developing country. China’s pollution monitoring “takes into account the level of our current stage of development.”Cultural relativism... the all-purpose...
06 June 2012
Just something to think about...
...the next time you're signing that considerable municipal tax cheque... -- TORONTO -- Let me put City Hall’s proposed merit pay scheme for its already highly paid 3,807 managers in perspective for a moment.
Does the $155,525 senior manager who presided over the Bloor Transformation project that went $4.4-million over budget and finished 1.5 years behind schedule deserve a bonus?
What about...
05 June 2012
More Root Causes
Or, call me crazy... they could just stay away from that whole dealing drugs thing...Since 2006, at least 30 Somali-Canadian men have died in Alberta, with about half of the victims killed in Edmonton. All but a handful of those cases have gone unsolved. Local community leaders point to that as evidence more needs to be done in Edmonton.
Bashir said Edmonton police must do more to connect with the...
04 June 2012
Shooting Shocka

I can't wait for CBC's "The National" to tell us all about Mr Husbands lengthy criminal recor, er... ongoing history of oppression by "The Man"...Meanwhile, a 13 year-old boy lies in critical condition in an induced coma after being shot in the head.
Seems like incarceration (Mr Husbands is coming...
Less Tweet... more street

Hang on a second...They knew this guy was a ticking time bomb... The man in custody was recently released from five years in prison and sources said what happened Saturday was retribution.
"When this guy was released it was predicted something would happen," a source said, adding the sentence was related...
03 June 2012
Homicide Squad frantically...
...rounding up local farmers, hunters & skeet shooters as we speak...POLICE CONFIRMED THE FOLLOWING DETAILS AS OF 9:20 P.M.:
Victim #1: Male, 25yrs gunshot wound | deceased
Victim #2: Male, 20yrs gunshot wound | critical
Victim #3: Male, 13yrs gunshot wound | critical
Victim #4: Female, gunshot wound | serious
Victim #5: Male, gunshot wound | serious
Victim #6: Female, gunshot wound | serious
01 June 2012
Got your calculator handy?

Just for fun, try multiplying these types of numbers across the entire federal civil service...
"In all, the hospital loses about $500,000 on all its cafeteria services — which are apart from the in-room food the hospital prepares for patients. That could pay for five extra full-time registered nur...
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