31 May 2008

It's not... we're not...

And forgive me, Pastor Meikle... you're just nuts..."It's everybody's responsibility," Audette Shephard, co-chairman of United Mothers Opposing Violence Every where said yesterday. "We are accountable -- whether you're pink, yellow, green or red.""We've got to find a way to connect with that culture."It's...

"There's no other word for it..."

"It's a shakedown... as close to extortion as you can get." He said native protesters have been scaring off developers by blocking construction sites, intimidating workers and referring developers to the HDI. He then quoted a number of fees a developer would have to pay to the HDI for his project to go ahead.While waiting for a ruling on the injunction application, which could take weeks, Smitheman...

I'm just a little surprised...

One of the locals didn't try to cut his head off...A US marine in Iraq has been removed from duty following claims that he handed out coins inscribed with biblical verses in Arabic.A report from McClatchy News Service carried a photo of a silver coin it said had been distributed in the Iraqi city. Written in Arabic script on one side of the coin were the words: "Where will you spend eternity?"On...

Canadian troops...

Spoil Jack Layton's big plans to surrender, er... negotiate... by going on a four day tear through Pashmul...Code-named Operation Rawa Tander, Pashto for Rolling Thunder, the joint Canada and Afghan military mission was aimed at disrupting insurgent activity in one of Kandahar province's most dangerous areas, Pashmul.The operation, which involved multiple platoons, started before day-break on Tuesday...

30 May 2008

Step II

Take Mr. 'Serial-killer-in training' and dump him in a cell and keep him so pumped fulla' thorazine you can use him for an anvil.'Cos, mark my words... if you let this freak go... the next thing he tortures and kills, most assuredly... won't be a cat.And I... truly... cannot even begin to get my head around this.**********RELATED: And what kind of sick society...Collectively turns on itself like...

One for the "good guys"

No doubt, Canada's grievance industry -- the race hustlers, the second-rate lawyers, everyone who makes a buck off the system -- will be at any inquiry in spades, arguing desperately, maybe even in tears, for the retention of their meal ticket.And how about a hand for the Members of Parliament... who have shaken off the oily chains of political correctness... and spoken up already?They are...1. ...

With Revs like these...

Who needs enemies?"She wasn't the only one crying," he said. "There was a whole lot of white people crying."Another clergyman rains "friendly-fire" on the Obama juggernaut. Ol' Barack must be wondering what he did to piss off "the powers that be."**********RELATED: Celebrating Jason Cherni...

"There's a rose... in a fisted glove..."

"And the eagle flies... with the dove..."Officials in Yemen say a gunman who opened fire on worshippers at a mosque Friday killed at least eight people and wounded dozens of others.Friday's mosque attack recalled a bomb attack earlier this month outside another mosque in a separate part of northern Yemen, Saada region, that killed 18 people and wounded 45 others."And if you can't see... any in-fi-dels,...

"I am not fundamentally malicious..."

Says biker babe... as she makes the rounds of media outlets pounding yet more nails into Bernier's political coffin. Cheer up, Maxime... it could have been much worse...Mr. Bernier is just the latest of Ms. Couillard's ex-boyfriends to suffer an unhappy fate, and he should perhaps be thankful that all he lost was a Cabinet post.He could have been murdered, or ended up offing himself... like the last...

The inevitable destination...

Of Canada's candy-coated, oh-so-politically correct "Magical Mystery Tour"...And when I said, 'It can't be any danger, what are you talking about,' the agent said, 'Well, it's what it represents.'"The duel was on and Ms. Norys fired back, telling the agent, "That's censorship, not security."I dunno,...

Who can resist...

A good DNA story?A 3,000-year-old clump of human hair found frozen in Greenland may have solved a scientific mystery: Where did all the ancient Eskimos come from?And the hair yielded something extremely rare — the DNA of some of the earliest humans to live in the Arctic.**********RELATED: And then, of course, there's EgyptDr. Hawass, the head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, long refused...

Does anybody know...

If... "Burning Witches: The case for - and against"... is gonna be on the program at Durban II?Kenya police have arrested 86 people in connection with killing of 11 elderly people suspected of being witches.Last week, eight women and three men were burned to death in the western Kisii district, where belief in witchcraft is widespread.But see... it's not like they didn't have justification to jump...

29 May 2008

Out with the old...

In with the new..."The American media produce a product of very poor quality," he lectured. "Its information is not reliable, it has too much chrome and glitz, its doors rattle, it breaks down almost immediately, and it's sold without warranty." "It's flashy but it's basically junk...

Screw the two murdered kids...

We'll just go after the legally registered guns...As Mayor David Miller fights to rid the city of both legal and illegal guns, police raided an east end home and seized dozens of firearms and some ammunition.Peter Sedge, 56, of Toronto, has been arrested and charged with unsafe storage of a firearm.That'll show those gangbangers.**********UPDATE: My mistake, three shootings...But this one mostly...

A glimmer of hope...

For the Canadian judicial system. -- HAMILTON -- The Ontario government has been denied an appeal in its bid to block a potential class-action suit being filed in Caledonia.Justice David Crane dismissed the Ontario government's application to kill the lawsuit in December and has now ruled the province cannot appeal his decision for his moral cowardice.It's about time Premier McSlippery got called...

No more "Junkie See, Junkie Do"

-- OTTAWA -- The Harper government will appeal a decision by the B.C. Supreme Court that saved North America's only sanctioned safe-injection site from closure at the end of June, Health Minister Tony Clement has confirmed.Now, I'm sure that this decision to appeal is gonna set off all sorts of moaning and crying in the leftosphere about all those poor addicts... but what about the people who...

They stood over his body...

Firing into it.See, Your Blondeness... I'm just not sure your by-law thing is gonna get the job done.A man was shot to death late last night in plain view of passersby outside a mall in the city’s east end. At about 11 p.m., a man was gunned down outside the Agincourt Mall near Birchmount Rd. and Sheppard...

Imagine trying to explain...

The necessity for this type of ad campaign to your grandparents...Jiggy Conekshunzbare respect to da personhu cum up wit dis idea...at least dere tryin 2 make a diffence.but afta lukin at dat video n dem soundclipsn jus hearing all da shit on da news all da time...its dum bare stupidwere smarter den...

Or... and I'm just spitballin' here...

They could go out and get jobs... ya know, like everybody else in Ontario. -- DESERONTO -- Court-imposed restrictions against local protesters could mean the local Day of Action may be more about inaction, according to one local Mohawk protester."That would probably be the call," he said. "All of our guys are up on charges and conditions and to go on an AFN call and go against those conditions...

About as useful...

As an unloaded gun... but I just couldn't resist...This insane montage of (nearly) every instance of "What?" from the LOST series started me thinking about this genre of video meme, where some obsessive-compulsive superfan collects every phrase/action/cliche from an episode (or entire series) of their favorite show/film/game into a single massive video montage.For lack of a better name, let's call...

28 May 2008

Funny how it's the eco-freak types...

Who are rallying around that safe-injection site.I mean.. being a junkie... how sustainable is that?And it looks like the federal government is staking out that position.“We don't consider it the best health outcome to keep people in a position where they continue to use the illicit drugs, to inject the illicit drugs.”It's as simple as tha...

Thanks to everyone...

Who has emailed to enquire about my posts not hitting the Blogging Tories aggregator these last few days. I have contacted Stephen Taylor and he got back to me this morning.Apparently there is a glitch somewhere in the BT wiring... and Stephen is working to sort it out. You can still link to me directly here... or subscribe to the feed by clicking on the square orange button in the sidebar.UPDATE:...

A Public Service message...

For any Vancouverite... who isn't too busy spikin' a little smack... to speak up for free speech...The Covenant Zone bloggers will be demonstrating in support of Mark Steyn and Maclean's magazine, and against the ludicrous operation of "human rights" law in this country, when Mark's hearing in front of the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal kicks off, next Monday, June 2.Nice to know there's a...

"Mixed Review", huh?

So... what sort of grade would you get... if you didn't immolate your neighbours in broad daylight?But, let's not use 'harsh words' to criticise those 'developing nations'... we wouldn't want to hurt anybody's feelings..."And, once again the 2007 human rights report card for the continent is disappointing."Yeah... "disappointing"... that's the word I was looking for.Of course, Amnesty has no qualms...

From the H.o.M. mailbag...

Got an email from reader Rich this morning... regarding the disingenuous yappy lapdog tactics of the ever-loony leftosphere..."MP wants Mulroney back before ethics committee".Well, much like all the Bernier argle-bargle... no real surprise there. It was the next paragraph that really put things in perspective.I ran across a site run by a guy called Big City Lib....part way down the first page next...

Well, Mr. Mayor...

That gun ban sleight-of-hand isn't working out quite like you planned... you ready to trot out Plan B?An east-end school has been put into lockdown after an apparent shooting in front of the building.A man, who appears to be in his 20s, was found suffering from several gunshot wounds near Blessed Mother...

I can see your confusion...

But no... it's not Steffi and Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition... this time..."Parliament will not allow that such deceptions are made," Mr Larijani said. "If they continue along this path, the new parliament will intervene in the case and set a new line for co-operation with the IAEA."The comments drew chants of "God is great" and "Death to America" from the audience of MPs.You think these guys are...

A couple thousand G-strings...

Show up on my doorstop, I know I'd be impressed...Canadian women are being asked to send their panties to the Burmese Embassy in Ottawa to protest the actions of the country's military regime.The call for the underwear is part of the Panties for Peace! campaign, launched by rights activists in Montreal.Hey... it makes at least as much sense as the rest of that crazy leftbot shi...

27 May 2008

Tonight's CTV Spy-thriller Moment

Just watched leftwing propagandist Bob Fife outdo himself speculating on whether Maxime Bernier... "SHARED ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS"... with ex-girlfriend Couillard.Yeah, Bob... that's obviously what Bernier was interested in... her geo-political acumen.Good grief.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:Until I hear...

Insite now a "health-care" service

So, apparently... being a junkie... is now protected under Saint Pierre's sacred "Charter of Rights." -- VANCOUVER -- The B.C. Supreme Court says it would be unconstitutional for the federal government to shut down Vancouver's controversial safe-injection site.Now that there's a precedent... I can't wait for designated "free-fire" zones for gun-totin' gangbangers.Fortunately, not everybody's comin'...

So, you know how the CBC...

Is always screaming about those secretive, controlling Conservatives... turns out they're not so forthcoming themselves...The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. is behind an unprecedented flood of complaints to Canada's information watchdog. The latest annual report from Information Commissioner Robert Marleau says his office received 536 complaints about the public broadcaster in 2007-2008, more than any...

Paging David Miller

Looks like farmers, deer hunters and target shooters... are off the hook, yet again...Raids carried out across York Region and Toronto this morning are connected to a shooting in East Gwillimbury last month, police have confirmed. Chanh Duc (Hector) Ho, 21, of Toronto is charged with kidnapping, attempted murder while using a firearm, three counts of possession of an unregistered restricted firearm,...

Trust me... I'm from the government

I'm here to save you... and I won't raise your taxes either. -- TORONTO -- A drunk driver who killed four people and was banned from driving for life managed to get his licence back in an apparent bureaucratic foul-up, the Ontario government said Tuesday.He had been given a seven-year sentence and a lifetime driving ban in 1999 after pleading guilty to causing a crash while driving drunk in a...

From the folks who brought you...

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion... In 2003, northern Nigeria stopped immunizing its children against polio. Hard-line Nigerian clerics called for the boycott. They accused Western countries, led by the United States, of contaminating the polio vaccine to render Muslims infertile or infect them with the AIDS virus.As a consequence, the polio virus spread from Nigeria and reinfected 23 polio-free...

Everybody stand back... I'm goin' in

Well, once again... it's "home repair day" here at the Halls.Our current bathroom taps... which would not have looked out of place in the home of my distant childhood... will be replaced with a Star-Trekkish Delta faucet from the clearance table mountain at Home Depot.The shutoffs to the sink appear...

"I'm from Warner Brothers..."

"I'm here to save you."A TOP-SECRET DEAL being ironed out by G8 nations will give the Music and film industry a state-paid force of copyright cops with the same powers of customs officials.When you arrive in the country the copyright police would be given the job of checking laptops, Ipods, phones and other personal devices for content that 'infringes' copyright laws.And it doesn't stop there."It...

Hey, Joe... where are you?

"My real problem with Stephen Harper is I don't know where he really is... and that troubles me."**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"Joe has spent his entire political career defining who he WASN'T: first, he wasn't PET. Then he wasn't Brian Mulroney. Finally, he wasn't Stockwell Day....""This is pathetic...

Technical difficulties

Sorry, folks... for anybody who comes here via Blogging Tories... it appears as though my posts haven't made it to the BT aggregator since Sunday morning. I've just emailed Stephen Taylor.I'm still crankin' 'em out... feel free to bookmark or link here directly.Or just click on the orange button in the sidebar... to subscribe to the fee...

Everybody wants...

To save the whales... but nobody wants to help mom with the dishes.That can't be right... Steffi tells us Canadians are willing to pay extra to save the planet.Let's check again this morning.**********UPDATE: Maybe we tattoo a scarlet "C"...On the foreheads of people who use too much energy...Every...

26 May 2008

The fairy-tale world of David Miller

"And nobody can deny that that hobby directly results in people being shot and killed on the streets of our city. Those are the facts." "And they're provable again and again and again."Well actually, your blondeness... they're not.Of Canada's two million licensed gun owners, 111, or 0.00555%, used their firearm to murder someone.On the other hand, in 2005, 64% of accused murderers had a prior criminal...

I guess the first couple hundred...

...are deductible, huh Georgie?Health Minister George Smitherman says there is no need for an independent investigation into the deaths of hundreds of patients in Ontario hospitals from C. difficile bacteria.The Progressive Conservatives and New Democrats insist a provincewide inquiry is needed into the deaths of 260 patients from C. difficile at seven Ontario hospitals."You've gotta have priorities!!!"......

"A pitcher of warm spit"

"An Obama-Hillary ticket would be everybody's worst nightmare, beginning with the ritual photograph of the running mates and their spouses on stage on the final night at the national convention, where Jimmy Carter chased a reluctant and bemused Teddy Kennedy around the podium, begging like a puppy for his hand." "The spectacle of Barack, Michelle, Hillary and Bill standing with arms upraised would...

Wake up & smell the species

The fiberals just don't seem to understand... crime is all about, "pay me now, or pay me later."One reason for the surge in violence is that Mr. Calderón and his public security minister, Genaro García Luna, have upset longstanding arrangements between the police and drug traffickers at every level of government, several experts on crime in Mexico said.Think it couldn't happen her...

Yeah... life is so unfair, huh?

Michele Mandel wants to applaud his "courage and altruism"... I just wanna make sure he doesn't live in my neighbourhood. -- "The stigma around mental illness is huge in itself. The stigma around killing your own child is amazing." -- You know, David... I'm not so sure that publicly celebrating your "victimhood"... is a very reassuring... or appropriate... sentiment either.**********RELATED: ...

25 May 2008

See, the part I don't understand...

Is how getting involved, or even sympathising with the Big Circle Boys can be perceived as the classier move...The frustration on Toronto police Insp. Peter Yuen's face was unmistakable as he addressed the Chinese community two weeks after a hard-working father of two was killed by a stray bullet in east Chinatown.Two weeks had gone by and police had not received a single tip, he told reporters at...

Fly me to the moon

-- MONTREAL -- The new CBC/Radio-Canada president has asked the federal government to give the public broadcaster a $215-million boost and commit to a seven-year funding plan.In his first public speech since being appointed CBC president in January, Hubert Lacroix asked the government to fork over $40 more per Canadian in annual funding -- the broadcaster currently receives $33 per Canadian.Lacroix...

24 May 2008

By the zero hour...

Fournier will already have been breathing pure oxygen for two hours to help his body adapt. The balloon will then rise, taking more than two hours to reach its apex before he steps out to pierce the sky in temperatures plunging to minus 65 C and in pressures that, without a special suit, would quickly bring his blood to a boil.He'll be tracked with global positioning trackers, radar, a helicopter...

Now you see it...

Now you don't... -- VANCOUVER -- Sweeping changes to Canada's home on the World Wide Web will put the country on the vanguard of Internet privacy.It's long been standard for website registrars to publicly provide detailed contact information for individuals who own domain names under dot-ca and dot-com through an easy Internet search called a Whois (pronounced who-is).But all that's about to change.The...

Matthew's gonna go with...

The Johnny Maudlin defense..."They claim I was too stoned to remember," Matthew said, adding his school is taking a "holier-than-thou" attitude.So was he?"I was, but they don't have it on camera so they can't prove it," he said.Now, I was actually gonna make a crack about how proud his parents must...

Answering that age-old question...

How close to brain dead can you be... and still manage to live and breathe? -- BERLIN, Germany (AP) -- Police in southern Germany say they have removed a seven-month-old boy from his parents after they tried to sell him for one euro (US$1.57) over eBay.Krumbach police spokesman Peter Hieber said baby Merlin has been put in care of youth services in the southwestern Allgaeu region and was doing...

If you're good with gay marriage...

How can you possibly criticise polygamy? -- TORONTO -- It was easy. He simply found an imam willing to break a Canadian law, in exchange for upholding an Islamic one."Polygamy is happening in Toronto; it's not common, but it's happening," said Hindy, imam at Salahuddin Islamic Centre.Hindy, hardly a stranger to controversy, is well known for his friendship with the family of Omar Khadr, the young...

No word yet...

On how many axes he bought this time. -- MONTREAL -- A man who escaped from a mental hospital where he was confined after killing his daughter with an axe was arrested Friday as he shopped for camping supplies.A Quebec Superior Court judge found him not criminally responsible for killing his nine-year-old daughter in 2001 during her first unsupervised visit with him. Mr. Masiak had recently separated...

23 May 2008

Clinton confirms speculation...

She would drown her own grandmother to get the Democratic nomination..."I ain't quitting while there's still plenty of time for someone to pop a cap in this guy's ass."Well, alright... I'm paraphrasing.In an interview with the editorial board of the Argus-Leader, Clinton stated..."My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June,...

"Turn this crazy bird around"

"Should not have got on this flight tonight..."The city of Brantford is asking that the Canadian Forces be put on notice in case of a potential riot by aboriginal protesters. That request is in a court document that goes before the Superior Court today asking for an injunction. The injunction seeks to prevent aboriginal defendants from protesting at development sites around the city. The motion being...