...Day Two... the North Yorkening...A 15-year-old boy is in hospital in serious condition after a shooting in North York on Saturday. Toronto police said around 4:30 p.m., the teen walked over to a fundraising carnival at a church near Jane Street and Wilson Avenue and then collapsed.But wait... there's more...Three people have been rushed to hospital after gunfire rang out in the city’s Entertainment...
30 June 2018
Diversity is our strength...

...right, Justin?"The Islamic Humanitarian Service, whose director Sheikh Shafiq Hudda, called for the ‘eradication’ of Israel got Canada Summer Jobs cash for last 4 year...
I've heard plenty of people say...

..."Knowledge is Power"...I'm not so sure it's that simple. Sometimes knowledge is a soft, floppy piss-bag of disenchantment...There goes the last of my childhood innocen...
29 June 2018
A hero in her own mind

Like the movie "Sixth Sense"... apparently Hillary hasn't figured out that she's dead...The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee then immediately claimed she wasn't actually comparing herself to Churchill, before going on to elaborate on the analogy. The Guardian report notes that Clinton made the...
Canada Day long weekend...
...and bullets will be flying in Justin's post national state...“The first officers on scene found two victims of an apparent shooting,” said York Regional Police Staff-Sgt. Dave Mitchell. “We’re not releasing any more information. We know who the people are involved, but the homicide investigators are here, and there’s an active plea for witnesses.”They know who the victims are... but it's a big...
Who could have possibly...
...seen that coming.... says dead tree media...Torstar Corp. will lay off 21 staff at its StarMetro office in Toronto. The cuts include nine full-time editors, two full-time reporter-photographers, and 10 part-time copy editors, who will have work at the paper until the end of August.
The layoffs come just days after media publishing rival Postmedia Network Inc. announced it would close six small-town...
28 June 2018
Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus..."Mexico is experiencing one of the bloodiest electoral cycles in history with more than 120 candidates murdered since September 2017. The most recent accounting for assassinated political candidates as of June 25 is 130."**********
Ask the Experts
A psychological assessment of Bruce McArthur following a 2003 conviction for assault concluded that the risk of him committing more violent acts was “very minimal,” according to documents made public by a judge Wednesday.Compare and contrast...McArthur is now in custody awaiting trial on eight charges of first-degree murder in relation to deaths and disappearances in Toronto’s gay village.Two words......
Those violent misogynistic Albertans...

...wait a minute..."Omar Kromah, 24, was one of a group of men who gang raped a young teen in a darkened bathroom, a judge ruled Tuesday."The trials and tribulations of poor old Omar and his bronc bustin' pals, Abas and Zakariy...
27 June 2018
Just something to think about...

...you're sitting down to do your taxes...Buying Trans Mountain pipeline could add 36% to the federal deficit. The study by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis says buying the Kinder Morgan Canada assets, plus planning and construction costs, will put $6.5 billion in unplanned...
Community Housing, Community Housing...

...that sounds so familiar...A 41 year old man who was soon to be the father of 12 children was murdered in an apartment of a Toronto Community Housing complex.If you hurry, you can help pay for Brent Young's funeral..."Brent was a great father to his kids, as on the morning of, he was supposed to pick...
Canada... where benefit of the doubt...

...always goes to the violent criminal recidivist..."The jury wasn't told about criminal record of intruder killed by Ontario homeowner. They also didn't see a tearful statement Peter Khill gave to police after he killed Jon Styres. It would have shown how distraught Khill really was after the shooting."**********
26 June 2018
Field of... "In Your Dreams"
Remember, if you ask nicely... they will come.
Seriously, folks... does appealing to homicidal thugs to "turn themselves in" ever work? You can just smell the "professional journalism" he...
Civil War II...
...not as crazy as you might think...Aides to President Donald Trump are being advised to get guns and carry permits amid a growing threat of violence following comments by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and othe...
Anyone else here read...
...Robert Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land?"...A Catholic priest in Kenya has been suspended from leading public mass for a year because he rapped during sermons, his superior has told the BBC. Father Paul Ogallo, who was nicknamed "Sweet Paul", had to "choose between being a rapper and a pries...
25 June 2018
"Slaughter by the Water" continues apace

Another man dead following shooting downtown... but you're gonna need your decoder ring...“The gunplay is for the most part people who have high-risk lifestyles,” Police Chief Mark Saunders said. “If you don’t have a high-risk lifestyle you are in good shape relatively speaking.”Unless, of course,...
Or... bless my buttons, Mr Activist...

...they could simply be committing the lions share of the crime...WINNIPEG — Nearly half of all youth who end up in custody across Canada are Indigenous, a statistic that a Manitoba activist says shows unacceptable and systemic racism.
Data released by Statistics Canada shows Aboriginal youth made...
24 June 2018
"The Aviabike combines all of the deathly properties of the motorcycle with the terror of the open sky. None of the 16 turbines appear to have any sort of protective grate, making the Aviabike ripe for Incredibles-style cape misadventures and general maiming, however their relatively small size means you would be more likely to lose a finger or appendage than your lif...
Toronto's storied "northwest" end...
...coughs up yet another corpse... or four...A man rushed to hospital after he was involved in a fight at an Etobicoke plaza Saturday afternoon has now died. Paramedics say the victim was found at the scene with multiple stab wounds. Homicide detectives are investigating what is believed to be the city’s 44th murder of the year.But wait... there's more...3 dead after separate shootings in Toronto.**********
23 June 2018
Justin and friends demonstrate...
...yet again... who the really dangerous people are...A federal Liberal riding association chair is under fire for a vitriolic Facebook rant which calls for supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump to be separated from their children and exiled to detention cam...
22 June 2018
I'm from the government...

...I'm here to bamboozle you...OKOTOKS, Alta. -- A courtroom erupted in cheers and applause Friday as all charges were dropped against a man accused of firing shots at suspected thieves on his rural property in southern Alberta.
"We've received information from a firearms expert and that information...
The Un-Empire strikes back

The staff members in the meeting could argue they were expressing an opinion, and that they were not doing so maliciously, Mr. Zvulony said. “Saying he’s like Hitler is an opinion. Nobody believes he is the incarnation of Hitler.”But, remember... using incorrect gender pronouns in Justin Trudeau's...
21 June 2018
Bad Day in the Hood...

...for the naughty scofflaws of 5PG..."Hundreds of cops fanned out across the GTA Thursday to conduct a series of pre-dawn raids that led to the arrests of dozens of suspected members of the notorious street gang Five Point Generalz."Stand by for cries of "racist police state" in three, two...
It's a Clinton world...
...and that should scare you silly..."The Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General is filled with people who fear the FBI. Think about that for a minute. What is the usual term for a government whose members live in fear of its police arm? The OIG report suggests that its demise may be only one election awa...
Maybe America wasn't ready for...

...Coffee/ Social Justice Lecture Sites after all...Starbucks CEO Mr. Johnson acknowledged that the decision to shut down 8,000 U.S. stores on May 29 for anti-bias training, driven by the high-profile arrests of two black men in Philadelphia, played a role in the company’s sluggish second-quarter performance.Who...
Do the right thing... send your kids...

...to welding school...Three gender studies professors at the Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada penned an academic piece this month about the “intimacy of human-fish relation...
20 June 2018
Tobacco = Evil

Washington (AFP) – Just 13.9 percent of the US population smokes cigarettes, according to a US government report Tuesday which said the American smoking rate has reached “the lowest level ever recorded.”Marijuana = Miracle Cure...OTTAWA — Canadians will be able to legally purchase and consume recreational...
Toronto the Good

Who's gonna catch a bullet today?"A man believed to be in his 30s has suffered serious injuries after a shooting took place in Leslieville on Tuesday night. The incident occurred in the area of Gerrard Street East and Jones Avenue at around 9 p.m."**********
RELATED: You can smell the CBC journalism...Lawyer...
19 June 2018
Trump... speaking simple truths...
...the slick, double-talking socialists won't...The Trump administration announced Tuesday it was withdrawing the U.S. from the United Nations Human Rights Council, with U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley calling the 47-member council “a protector of human rights abusers, and a cesspool of political bias.”Need a little background...These details and others blaming Syria for atrocities in eastern Ghouta,...
Ah, yes... the Charter of Rights...

...it stands on guard for thee...VANCOUVER -- A British Columbia man's Facebook posts allegedly threatening violence in support of the Islamic State group provide enough evidence to suggest he poses a security risk to Canada and should be deported, an official for the Canada Border Services Agency says.
The usual suspects

Apparently "Black Lives Matters", Toronto... was unavailable for comment...Tarrick Rhoden and T'Quan Robertson, both 23, are wanted for attempted murder, discharging a firearm with intent, and two counts each of aggravated assault.I wonder if they got snitched out by their buddy, Sheldon Eriya.
Those violent, gun-toting Swedes...

...wait a minute...COPENHAGEN – Swedish police say several people have been injured after shots were fired in Malmo, Sweden’s third-largest city Monday. Tabloid Aftonbladet quoted witnesses saying they heard what sounded like 15 to 20 shots. Witness Jonatan Burhoff told the newspaper he saw wounded...
18 June 2018
You mean, like... "attempted murder?"
One person was rushed to hospital via emergency run and another is being detained by police following some sort of incident on the eastbound platform at Bloor-Yonge Station on Monday morning.
Police say that it does not appear as though the injured party deliberately jumped onto the tracks.**********
BREAKING: Dear Mayor Tory...
...say "safe city" one more time... I dare you..."A homicide investigation...
A solid first step
TORONTO — Ontario’s incoming premier has put the public service under a hiring freeze as part of a series of measures meant to limit spending as he re-examines the province’s books.
A spokesman for Doug Ford says the Progressive Conservative leader has also directed government ministries to cancel “subscription-based services” and to restrict out-of-province travel.**********
RELATED: Speaking...
Here at the CBC...
...we're not allowed to say "Jane and Finch"...Toronto paramedics say a man in his 20s has suffered "serious, possibly life-altering injuries" after being shot at Yorkwoods Plaza Sunday night.**********
RELATED: If you won't publish names...
...how is it news?
LAST WORD: I blame the National Cutlery Associat...
17 June 2018
A long and storied history...

...of abject capitulation..."A thousand Muslims in the southern French city of Nice took to the street to pray on Friday following the end of the Islamic month of Ramadan, in defiance of the country’s laws."If you are unable or unwilling to enforce the laws of the land... you are no longer a sovereign...
16 June 2018
Who "allegedly" shoots little girls...

...in a playground?
Meet slack-jawed, shark-eyed Sheldon...Today, police announced Sheldon Eriya, 21, of Markham was picked up by investigators in Pickering. He has been charged with several offences including two counts of attempted murder and two counts of aggravated assault.Meanwhile, back in...
Liar, Liar...

In 2015, President Obama told America he only learned that his secretary of state Hillary Clinton was illegally using a private email server to conduct public business after The New York Times published a story saying so. Today's release of a Department of Justice inspector general report shows that...
It's funny... because it's true

Let's bust out the good stuff, Willie...OTTAWA – With today’s announcement that his government would be purchasing the Trans Mountain pipeline from Kinder Morgan, Prime Minister Trudeau has become just the latest committed climate change fighter to own and operate a massive oil pipeli...
15 June 2018
Four arrested in downtown Toronto...

...for guns and drugs... CBC feels public doesn't need to know names...Three men and a 17-year-old boy have been jointly charged with 12 firearm and drug-related offences following an ongoing Toronto police sting operation to combat gun violence in the city's downtown core.Fortunately, the Toronto Police...
Live and don't learn... and die...

...the capricious and unknowable "Will of Allah"...Goodbye Yosemite Samir...Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan acknowledged that its leader had been killed and accused the Afghan intelligence service NDS, which has long been suspected by Pakistan of harbouring Mullah Fazlullah, of providing information for...
Ask a part-time drama teacher
You, the consumer, pay through the nose to enable Quebec dairy producers to live large...For decades, Canada has protected its dairy industry, erecting trade barriers that diminish foreign competition and result in higher prices for Canadian consumers. Fluid milk is 241 percent, cheese is 245.5 percent, ice cream is 277 percent, cream is 292.5 percent, and butter is 298.5 percent.
While this has...
Just another reason...
...to dump the Liberals here in Canada...Germany's energy minister has admitted that it will fall some way short of its 2020 climate targets and that voters are weary of the renewable energy projects which in Germany alone cost taxpayers around €25 billion per year.It's Y2Kyoto folks... admit it, you got scamm...
14 June 2018
Drunk driving not a "serious crime"...
...say Canadian lawmakers...The Senate decided that the “serious criminality” designation for impaired driving should not apply to permanent residents and foreign nationals sentenced to less than six months in jail.Once again... special laws for special people. With quotes from Senators Ratna Omidvar and Mobina Jaffer.
Meanwhile, in other increasingly ordinary news...TORONTO - The death of 28-year-old...
All about the Aboriginal
If the jury accepts Peter Khill's self-defence argument... be prepared for Hamilton-Wentworth to go up in flames...In it’s opening remarks, the Crown alleges Styres was trying to steal Khill’s 15 year old pickup truck. The lock had been punched in. Khill got out of bed, grabbed his shotgun, loaded it with two shells and left his house.♫ "Sundown, you better take care...
If i find you've been creepin'...
13 June 2018
The inevitable consequences of...

...Justin's "post national" state..."There will be four such refugee camps in Toronto — two somewhere in downtown Toronto, one in the west end and one in the east end."Just something else to think about as you're writing out that fat cheque to MPAC.
RELATED: As ye sow...Canada's population...
Who says you can't...
...get away with murder..."Since the beginning of 2008 there have been 658 murders in Toronto and 233 of those remain unsolved, meaning many killers freely roam city streets."Need another example?Justin Andrew Bokma, 42, and LeFrance Matthews, 41, were gunned down in the early morning hours of July 1, 2016 inside a second-floor after-hours club near College Street and Augusta Avenue.
Police say they...
12 June 2018
They said...

...it couldn't be done...
It's the little things...

...that make life worth living...
A litmus test for Premier-elect Ford
Here's a chance for Doug Ford to show that he can rise above "same old, sleazy backroom" party politics..."Leaked emails show Caroline Mulroney’s former boss shared concerns over the PC party criticizing a controversial casino deal, while Wynne’s war room strategist rode the revolving door between government and lobbying for the same deal."Mr Ford should remember, courage is courage, wherever you...
11 June 2018
Come for the bike trails...

...stay for the neurosurgery...Toronto Police have charged Hassan Hassan, 36, of Toronto and six teenage boys after an alleged robbery and beating that left a cyclist in a coma. Police are still searching for 18-year-old Nakhari Henry-Robinson and 19-year-old Tajon James.
A 19-year-old man was biking...
Canada's 'Random' Immigration Lottery...
...uses Microsoft Excel, which isn't actually random...“We stand by this randomized selection process as a sufficient means of equal opportunity for all who look to express an interest in sponsoring their parents and grandparents,” said a spokesperson for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.So, what happened to the meritocracy?
We might as well let them play "rock, paper, scissors" to get...
The unbelievable, jaw-dropping hypocrisy...

...of a shrivelled-up, has-been political courtesan...Kathleen Wynne, who stepped down as Liberal leader after the party’s dramatic downfall, said she hopes premier-designate Doug Ford will change the rules to grant the designation, which currently requires eight seats in the legislature. “I think...
10 June 2018

Obviously, the New Democratic Party is all about...
"the children"..."I feel like he shouldn’t be allowed to handle knives, or sharp objects of any kind for that matter."
#todaysNDP #NDP #LiberalismIsAMentalDiseasenb. - Andrea's poor little boy is 25 years old.
RELATED: It's past time...
Yet another unfortunate incident...

...at the Jane-Finch Fish & Game Club...Toronto police say a man is in life-threatening condition after a shooting in Toronto’s Jane-Driftwood neighbourhood early Sunday morning. There is currently no information on suspects.Meanwhile, in other Hogtown homicide news...A cyclist, 19-year-old Aaron...
They'll do it with you...
...they'll do it to you...We know Anthony was shooting his show in France this week -- he'd been there for at least 4 days.
However, Asia, 42, was back in Rome, strolling around with 28 year old French reporter Hugo Clément. There were photos of them holding hands and hugging, but the Italian photographer who shot the pics pulled them off the market on the heels of Anthony's death.And there was...
09 June 2018
"We don' need no steenkin' signs"

You're at the helm of the wheeled equivalent of a battleship... who needs English...Const. Zafar Kazmi asked Saini [in Hindi] if he was aware he’d entered a construction zone and traffic had stopped. “No, no,” he replied. “There was no signs at all.”Or... to be a bit more precise... none that unilingual...
08 June 2018
Another story you won't see...

...on Canada's "national broadcaster"...As the editorial rightly asked all those 18 years ago, "shouldn’t the son of a former prime minister be aware of the rights and wrongs that go along with public socializing?"
“Didn’t he learn through his vast experiences in public life, that groping a strange...
Ontarians finally realised that...
...they can't afford all that "free stuff" the Liberals and Dippers keep foisting on us. Meanwhile, over at the Toronto "Red Star"... Ford Derangement Syndrome is spreading like wildfire...It also sets the new premier on a potential collision course with the voters of Ontario, who appear more divided than ever. Despite Ford’s incessant claims to speak for the “people,” the people are polarized, and...
07 June 2018
One CBC reporter's "civilian"...

...is another man's "cop killer"...The Special Investigations Unit has been called in to probe a police-involved shooting in Toronto's east end that left one person dead.Hmmm... let's get a second opinion about this poor dead "civilian"...Police exchanged fire with the man, hitting him several times,...
06 June 2018

Behold the endless circle of urban renewal..."There's actually only one porch in Detroit at any given tim...
I'm so old, I can remember when...
...bodies weren't hittin' the ground every couple of days...Toronto police say a man has died after a shooting northwest of Islington Avenue and Lake Shore Boulevard West late Tuesday.**********
UPDATE: Murdered man identified..."Police said 45-year-old Rodney Rizun of no fixed address has been identified as the victim of the fatal shooting."I'm not even gonna bother about the dead guy in Oshawa,...
05 June 2018
In other "calls 'em as I sees 'em" news...
“In 1962 she became pregnant by her husband’s brother Lyle Dehmlow and moved to California. She abandoned her children, Gina and Jay who were raised by her parents in Clements, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schunk,” the obituary reads.
“She passed away on May 31, 2018, in Springfield and will now face judgment. She will not be missed by Gina and Jay, and they understand that this world is a better place...
04 June 2018
Diversity is our streng...
...sweet baby jebus...There is still no sign of a missing 25-year-old man who police say was abducted outside a Rexdale restaurant on Friday night. According to investigators, 25-year-old Jammar Allison was forced into a black Dodge Caravan outside a restaurant in the area of Humberwood and Rexdale boulevards at around 10 p.m. on Friday and has not been heard from since.Meanwhile, in other confirmed...
03 June 2018
Make Italy Great Again?
ROME (AP) — Italy’s new populist leaders commemorated the founding of the Italian republic by attending a pomp-filled military parade Saturday — and then promised to get to work creating jobs and expelling migrants.
“The free ride is over,” League leader Matteo Salvini, Italy’s new interior minister, warned migrants at a rally in northern Italy. “It’s time to pack your bag...
02 June 2018
Well, that's awfully big of her...

"Wynne acknowledges election is lost, urges voters to ensure NDP or PC minority. The Liberal leader has, until today, been defiant in the face of daunting poll numbers that suggest the Grits could lose official party status after the vot...
01 June 2018
I'm judging Andrea Horwath...

...by the company she keeps...“When I was out of the country my Facebook page was hacked,” NDP candidate Tasleem Riaz insisted. “Honestly, honestly, I’m the person who’s spreading love and peace in the community,” she said dramatically. She said when people heard about the meme, they told her she...
Make no mistake, Cheech...

...those TrueDope chickens WILL be coming home to roost...or, more likely, "rest in pieces"...Some 22.3 percent of fatally injured motorists who were tested for drugs tested positive for marijuana in 2016, a figure that researchers say has "increased substantially" in recent years as states have legalized...
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